
Idle Money System

A young man named Alexander Ashbourne is looking for a job to support his studies. He applies to work as a waiter at a restaurant. The next day on his 18th birthday, a system appears that generates money simply by idling. This system also allows him to trade with beings from other worlds or even visit their realms. Watch as Alexander rises to fame across all the realms. [DeathlessOne: I just spotted this mortal, 'AlexanderTheGrate,' trying to trade his drink called Mountain Dew. I'm thinking of offering my Flame Sword for it.] [ShadowEternal: Wait, what’s a Mountain Dew?] [TimelessWanderer: Are you seriously considering trading your Emperor-grade sword for a mere drink?] [DeathlessOne: It’s not just any drink. The taste is out of this world, It's even better than the heavenly wine.] [ShadowEternal: {...}] [TimelessWanderer: {...}] [Everyone in the chat: {...}] [RichNigga: You know what, I’m in. I’ll trade my Gold Deluxe Armor just to see if this Mountain Dew is worth all the hype.] Updates will be 5 chapters per week.

24 Chs

Chapter 16 Unique Skill

The next day, Alexander woke up early and decided to go for a jog. He felt like his body was changing, turning him into a different person.

He had never been the type who enjoyed training or exercising, but now, he felt an intense urge to do it.

Wearing only moisture-wicking shorts, running shoes, and a black sweatshirt, he stepped outside. The sun hadn't risen yet, but its soft glow gently lit up the surroundings.

As he was jogging his mind kept wondering about last night, and the memory deep inside his heart flash back again.

Remembering his crying and pleading to not thrown him out, but still he was tossed aside like a stranger.

He gritted his teeth, his eyes tinged with a hint of red as he recalled the pathetic moments of begging and pleading with them. He couldn't help but think about how weak and fragile he had been. But this time, no matter the cost, he vowed never to go back.

"Since you've thrown me out this time, I will never return. I've survived for 12 years with those difficult time without their help. With the help of my system, I'll make sure to become a Man that is greater than myself years ago" Alexander said with a determined face.

[The Host has experienced an intense emotional breakthrough, solidifying a new resolve. In recognition of this transformation, the unique skill "Heart of Stone" has been granted.]

The system voice sounded on his ear, "Heart of stone? what is that and it's a unique skill" Alexander though with his brows narrowed.

[Heart of Stone {First Tier}]:

System: Due to the Host's anger and sorrow caused by his childhood memories, and with his new resolve and goal, the unique skill "Heart of Stone" has been granted to accompany you on this journey.

Description: The Host's ability to feel emotions will be significantly reduced, allowing for clear, rational thinking in any situation. While this grants unmatched mental fortitude, it also makes forming deep emotional connections more difficult.]

 Reading the description, he stopped in his tracks and was shocked, but his expression showed a serious one different from his emotion.

He really felt that his anger towards his family seemed to become a normal one for him.

"Am I really going to become a Machine with this Unique skill? But It's still useful with this even if they are in front of me, I will never feel a thing." He said as he continued to jog.

He exercised for a while until he arrived at a park. Since it was only 5:00 in the morning, there were just a few people around, clearly all of them were there to exercise. He then stopped at an empty patch of grass.

He started stretching, even doing a split, feeling the stretch in his waist as he reached for his toes."

Just across him an old man in white hair, was standing and looking at the two figures. There was a woman with a brown hair, with a good body figure which is also pretty.

She had those big peaks, tall bridge nose and sharp eyes, her hair reached over waist but sadly it was tied into a ponytail. She throws her fist in the air creating whistling sound, while changing it into a palm strike. Her move is fluid and precise the old man seeing this could not help but smile.

Besides her is a man the same aged as the girl he had brown hair the same as him, with a tall figure and an aura of a refined soldier. 

He also practiced some kind of technique where sometimes he throws some kicks, which felt like it can cut through rocks and steel. With the power every time he sweeps.

The old man seeing this could not help but touched his beard in satisfaction.

"Lexera, Jeff, that's enough for today. I can't help but feel proud of both of you," the old man said, his voice full of praise, but looking at his grandson made him even more prouder.

"You, my granddaughter, in about 5 to 8 years, will finally master our family's secret technique. Your older brother, on the other hand, mastered it in just a year, maybe even less. Both of you have incredible talent."

Hearing this, the two smiled happily at their grandfather's words, feeling proud and encouraged by their abilities.

"We are not letting you down grandfather" The two spoked in unison.

The old man nodded with a small smiled and looked at his grandson Jeff, "Jeff are you sure you're going to attend college? It's not like in the battlefield where you can do whatever you want" The old man said.

Hearin this Jeff replied, "Yes grandpa, I really want to experience the life of just a normal person. I've been on the battlefield for 5 years now, and now I'm 19 taking a break for 1 or 2 years is good I supposed." he said with longing to experience a normal life.

The old man looking at his face that really wants to experience other than fighting and killing was feeling bad, it was his decision, or you can say, primarily it was his grandson choice.

He still remembered when his grandson was a child, always obsessed with fighting. Sending him to the battlefield only made him happier. But now that his grandson had outgrown that thrill and understood how dull it could be, the old man could finally relax, knowing he was far from danger.

"That's good. No matter what choice you make, I support you," the old man said, turning his gaze toward the woman as he continued.

"What about you Lexera? Do you still want to become a soldier? I think being a businesswoman suits you, it's so dangerous out there" he said with a serious expression.

Lexera hearing this could not help but roll her eyelids, "Grandpa I want to become a soldier like you, the same as father and brother. You can't change my mind anymore grandpa this is what I really want." She said expressing her outmost dream.

"Aiya, alright then if that's what you want" The old man sigh thinking that his cute granddaughter would be sent into the battlefield beheading people.

Or on the other hand maybe she will be the one to be beheaded making him worried.

Seeing his worried expression Jeff on the side smile, knowing that his grandpa really doted in his little sister, "Grandpa don't worry as long as I'm alive, I will never let Lexera travel alone." he said reassuringly.

Hearing this, her expression narrowed she rebutted in anger, "Are you saying that I'm not strong enough and will just become a chopping board during battles? I'm not a little kid anymore" she said as she throws some measly punches towards Jeff.

Jeff blocked with his palm smiling wryly, the old man hearing this could not help but feel his worry lessened a bit.

"Since you've said that I'm relieved for some reason" The old man said with a laugh.

Hearing his grandpa's laugher the girl who's hitting Jeff looked at his grandpa like a spoiled girl, "Grandpa!" she cried out with a pitiful expression.

Jeff and the old man just laugh from her expression, the old man then noticed a figured on his side.

It was a young man, the old man gazed, and he can see something special from this young man in front of him.

Even though he was just doing some stretching, he felt that the young man in front of him is special.

Filled with curiosity the old man left the two who was still quarrelling and went across towards Alexander.

They were not really far apart so he arrived quicker than expected, Alexander seeing the arrival of an old man stopped what he was doing and looked at him.

He can see that the old man is trying to investigate him, with its perceptive eyes.

"Excuse me for the intrusion young man, are you a Martial Artist by any chance?" The old man asked.

Hearing the abrupt question Alexander furrowed his brows, "Martial Artist?", he was filled with question not knowing what the old man is referring to.

"No, I'm not old man" Alexander replied, devoid of any expression.

The old man seeing his expression without any changed or shift of emotion put him on a stalemate, he couldn't just force the young man to show his true self.

But his intuition was never wrong, so when he was about to leave suddenly his grandson came to him.

Alexander seeing the arrival of another 2 people was still at the ground in a stretching position.

When his gazed came to the young man besides the old man, his expression showed a slight smile.

The old man noticed the way Alexander was looking at his grandson's handsome face and glanced back at Alexander's smiling expression.

With a puzzled look, he muttered, "Am I wrong, or is this kid actually gay?"

Alexander then stood up, turned to the young man, and spoke, "Excuse me, friend, would you like to have a battle?"

Hearing this the old man and the two were stunned from the sudden challenge, Jeff hearing this challenged frowned.

He was an elite soldier, and for an ordinary person to challenge him, without understanding the vast difference in their skills, was someone clearly seeking their own demise.