Ideas, theories and other thoughts that come to mind If you find something useful, go ahead and use it, just tell me the novel name if you’re gonna make one
This is just a theory. Whether it is true or not does not matter. What matters is that using this theory in a Avatar fanfic will allow the MC to use more than one element, however the method to close and open the "chakra points" is reliant on the author of said fanfic (can be through a system, a high ranked or strong spirit with control over an element, or whatever).
I believe that anyone can use more than one element but the body won't be able to handle the energy clash between two elements let alone four; In the case of the avatar, Raava stabilizes the elements and keeps them from clashing. But it was said in the series that Raava keeps the elements stable until the avatar masters the four elements, which probably means that once the avatar masters the elements they can stabilize it on their own and they won't need Raava to help them unless they want to enter the avatar state which depends entirely on Raava (Raava can do more than that but I'm not gonna list everything). So theoretically having something to stabilize the elements will allow people to use more than one elements. Another method is mastering one element then closing the chakra point and opening another element chakra point, once the person masters all elements using this method they can open all chakra points to use the elements simultaneously.