
I will recarnirated as his bride

Experience love beyond boundaries

Ash_78678790 · 竞技
43 Chs

She is popular among others

IN University - Afternoon

Ash, Kali, and Zack enter Ash's Cafe, filled with warm lights and decorations that reflect her vibrant personality.Everyone was talking about photos share in group Ash and Ali and Ryan And Ash.

Kali: (playfully) Ash, you better be ready for some teasing tonight.

Zack: (smirking) Yeah, we can't let you off the hook that easily.

Ash: (rolling her eyes) Oh, come on, guys. Can we just drop it already?

Kali: (teasing) Rosie's comment about you being a two-timer has everyone talking.

Zack: (teasing) Yeah, you've got the entire group chat buzzing.

Ash: (defensively) Rosie just loves to stir up drama. It's nothing, really.

Kali: (playfully) Oh, Ash, are you getting jealous?

Ash: (laughing) Me? Jealous? Not at all.

Ryan, who had been waiting in the living room, joins the conversation.

Ryan: (smiling) Ready to take a break from all the chatter, Ash?

Ash: (relieved) Yes, please. I need a moment away from all this drama.

Ryan: (understanding) I get it. Let's head outside for some fresh air.

They step out into the stadium area, which is now bustling with fans and excitement.

Ash: (enthusiastically) Let's have a one-on-one match, Ryan. It'll be a great way to blow off some steam.

Ryan: (agreeing) Sure, that sounds fun.

As they start playing, the adrenaline kicks in, and they both give their best on the field.

Ryan: Do you know Ali.

Ash: So His name is Ali.i meet him once but he is weird he even performing ritual praying.

Ryan: He is Muslim and actually he is very good guy. He pray five daily.

Ash: Interesting

(between breaths)

Ryan, do you like me?

Ryan: (smiling) Of course I do, Ash.

Ash: (playful) Then let's have dinner at your place. I'm curious to see what you can cook.

Ryan: (amused) You got it. Tomorrow it is.

The match continues, and as the stadium gets crowded, Ash and Ryan decide to take a break.

Harry, a fellow student and fan, approaches them.

Harry: (impressed) You've played incredibly well, Ash! Drinks are on me to celebrate your victory.

Ash: (grateful) Thanks, Harry. That's really kind of you.

Harry: (enthusiastic) How about having breakfast together tomorrow? My treat!

Ash: (considering) I'll see if I'm free. I might take you up on that offer.

Harry: (excited) Great! Just text me when you're ready.

Tom interrupts the conversation, offering movie tickets for the night.

Tom: (friendly) Ash, you should come with me tonight. I've got two tickets.

Ash: (apologetic) I'm sorry, Tom. I've already made plans for tonight. How about tomorrow?

Tom: (agreeing) Okay, but no excuses tomorrow, deal?

Ash: (smiling) Deal.

Back at Ash's apartment, Kali and Zack discuss their thoughts.

Kali: (teasing) Ash, we were planning to come with you to Ryan's place.

Ash: (smirking) Oh, really? I thought you'd want to snoop around.

Kali: (playful) We just want to make sure he's good enough for you.

Ash: (rolling her eyes) Guys, give him a chance. He's really sweet.

Zack: (supportive) We just want what's best for you, Ash.

Ash: (grateful) I know, and I appreciate it. Let's just have a fun night together.

Kali and Zack join Ash to get ready for her dinner date with Ryan, helping her pick out a nice outfit and reminding her to bring a small gift for his parents.

Ash: (nervous) Do you think it's okay to go to his place?

Kali: (assuring) He's a nice guy, Ash. Just relax and enjoy the evening.

Zack: (encouraging) And remember, you and Ali would look good together too.

Ash: (blushing) Let's just focus on tonight. I want to see how it goes with Ryan.

Kali: (teasing) Oh, the first kiss is coming up. Exciting!

Ash: (playful) You guys are too much. But you know what? I can't wait to see where this goes.

Ash stands in front of the mirror, dressed in a black gown,red heels. She adds a touch of confidence to her look with a denim jacket.

Zack: (admiring) Gorgeous, Ash.

Kali: (nodding) You're looking great. But a dark lipstick would really enhance your look.

Kali: (laughing) The first kiss is always an unforgettable experience.

Ash: (teasing) Well, tonight I don't have to come home, Kali. I'm not sure about that.

Zack: (playfully) We'll make sure to give you some space, Ash.

Ash: (smiling) Alright, I'm heading out now. See you guys.

She grabs a cake and hails a taxi.


Ash dials Ryan's number and informs him that she's on her way to his place.


Ryan opens the door for Ash, who enters with a warm smile.

Ash: (blushing) Hi, Ryan. You're looking handsome.

Ryan: (charmed) Ash you are looking absolutely gorgeous.

Ash greets Ryan's parents, Miss Kate and William.

Miss Kate: (smiling) Ash, you're such a beauty. Why haven't we had dinner together before?Ryan always talk about you.

Ash: (grateful) Thank you, Aunt. Your cooking is amazing.

Miss Kate: (pleased) It's wonderful to hear that. You're welcome anytime.

They all sit down for dinner, sharing stories and laughter.

William: (friendly) Ash, I hope you'll consider Ryan as a close friend. He could use some academic assistance.

Ash: (agreeing) Of course, sir. I'd be happy to help.

Kyle, Ryan's younger sister, joins the conversation.

Kyle: (playfully) Ash, Ryan always praises you. He says you're awesome.

Ash: (smiling) Well, I'm flattered, kyle. It's nice to know.

As dinner concludes, kyle suggests a game of truth and dare.

Kyle: (excited) Let's play, guys! Ash, truth or dare?

Ash: (amused) Alright, I'll go with truth.

Kyle: (teasing) Do you have a crush on anyone? Or if not, which guy would you want to date?

Ash: (thoughtful) Well, I don't have a crush right now, but I do admire qualities like a guy who's fit, has a great smile, cares for me, and is there when I need him.

Kyle: (mischievous) Sounds a lot like my brother. What do you think about him?

Ash: (smiling) Your brother is a nice guy. And yes, I guess he fits those qualities but i never saw him in this way.

Kyle: (playful) Brother, it's your turn. Dare or dare?

Ryan: (laughing) Alright, I'll go with dare.

Kyle: (grinning) Kiss the girl you like the most!

Ash: (surprised) Wait, what?

Kyle: (teasing) Come on, be a sport!

Ryan: (blushing) Well, that's... a bit complicated right now.

Kyle: (playful) I knew it!

Ash: (grinning) I don't think this is a right time.

Kyle: (laughing) i will give you guys some space.

Kyle leaves, and Ash and Ryan find themselves alone.

Ryan: (whispering) Ash, I'd like to talk about something.

Ash: (curious) What is it, Ryan?

Ryan: (nervous) Do you want to know about the girl I like?

Ash: (uncertain) I'm not sure if...

Ryan: (interrupting, earnest) I want you to know, Ash.

Ash: (confused) Ryan, I think I should go home now.

Ryan: (determined) Not yet.

He gets closer to Ash, making her heart race.

Ryan: (gentle) Ash, I know this might be sudden, but...

Ash: (flustered) Ryan, I...

Ryan: (close) I'm in love with you.

Before Ryan can respond, Ash resist him. Ash doesn't say a word. She simply looks at Ryan and leaves his place.


Ryan watches Ash leave, a mixture of uncertainty and hope in his eyes.

Ryan: (whispering) Thanks for tonight, Ash. I hope you understood.

He closes the door, feeling a swirl of emotions.

Taxi - NIGHT

Ash sits in taxi, her mind and heart racing.

Flash back:

Ryan: (whispering) Will you consider it ?

Ash: I better not to say something right now it will hurt you.