
I was supposed to be The Gamer but the author forgot it midway.

Death, such an arbitrary concept. What could it be? I wonder? Is it the death of the body or the death of the soul? "Sigh~..., Even after death, I cannot understand it." { Ding! Congratulations! You have been chosen to become a gamer! Do you accept? Y/N } Follow over MC as he becomes the strongest Gamer. --- Disclaimer: I own nothing but the OC characters. +++ This P a t r e o n is only for those who want to help me by donating money. I really appreciate it. p a t r e o n.com / meatball chan

meatball_san · 漫画同人
54 Chs


Masato reappeared at the location where Irisviel and Artoria were, holding Sakura in his hands, who was sleeping while tightly hugging his neck as if it were her lifeline.

"She is?" Irisviel inquired after seeing the sleeping Sakura.

"Her name is Sakura, and she is Tohsaka Tokiomi's second daughter. She will be living with us starting now." Masato responded by rubbing her back gently.

"Wasn't she..." Irisviel was about to say something when she noticed Masato shaking his head.

"Where are we going now?" Artoria inquired, returning to her bodyguard uniform.

Masato smiled at Irisviel and said, "German."


"This is Einzbern Family castle huh…?" Masato said, gazing at the massive snow-covered castle,

Saber and Irisviel stood by his side, staring at the castle. Sakura was still hugging him in his hands. It appears that she will need some time to calm down and relax her guard around others.

She was acting like a kola right now, not wanting to leave Masato even for a second. He didn't mind in the least.

"It is surrounded by a bounded field. Jubstacheit will discover us once we enter it, and he will most likely send Homunculus to capture us. In the worst-case scenario, he may direct them to kill us."

Irisviel said, worriedly, with her hand clasped across her chest. She couldn't stop herself from going in and meeting her daughter. Right now, all she wants is to hug her.

"Hmmm. Anyway, it doesn't really matter." Masato stated that as he began to walk towards the castle, his pupils divided into two. He walked right past the outside barrier and into the castle grounds as if it didn't exist.

He returned his gaze to Irisviel and Artoria, asking, "What are you guys waiting for? An invitation?"

Irisviel blushed before rushing after Masato, completely forgetting that the person in front of her is known as the Death God.

"Do you need my assistance, Masato?" Artoria inquired, returning to her battle garb.

"There is no need. We don't need to waste our time here," Masato said, shaking his head. " Simply go get Illya. As for those who interrupt me?"


He said softly, and fire gathered in front of him, forming the shape of a Phoenix.

"Ah!" Sakura's grip tightened around Masato as she seemed surprised by the sudden appearance of such a large bird.

"Don't worry. She is our companion." Masato said with a smile. He turned to Sokyoku, who was staring at Sakura in Masato's hand with interest, and said, "I'll leave all the pest here in your care, Sokyoku."

Sokyoku lowered her head and looked away from Sakura, as if agreeing with him. She flapped her wings and flew into the sky, circling the Einzbern Castle area.

With her presence, the temperature had clearly dropped to a more tolerable level.

"Let's go," Masato said as he began to walk further inside the Einzbern Castle, seeing her soaring into the sky.

They arrived at the front of the white castle after a short walk. It really blended in with the weather, giving it a one-of-a-kind feel to anyone who sees it.

SFX: Sounds of the door opening

(AN: Congratulations! You've become a father!)

An old man emerged from the castle as the door opened. Many Homunculi poured out from behind him, encircling Masato and everyone.

Jubstacheit looked at Masato before his eyes widened in surprise as he looked at Artoria and Irisviel.

Confused, he inquired, "Is the Holy Grail War still ongoing? Why are you back here, Irisviel?"

"…" The only sound in the area is the wind. Irisviel had no idea how to respond to him.

"No. It is completed." Masato, seeing that she was at a loss for words, responded in her place, "And I won the war."

"Impossible!" Jubstacheit immediately declined. He looked down at Masato and said, "If she's alive, the Holy Grail War was never finished. She is the Lesser Grail; how can the war end unless she dies?"

"Oh, about that... I gave her a new body to live in," Masato smiled. " Her old body, also known as the Lesser Grail, has already served its purpose."

"Stop making fun of me! In the first place, who are you?" yelled Jubstacheit.

"Didn't I never introduce myself? Ahem* Then let me," Masato said, creating suspense with his gaze, "First name Mario, last name Mario; my name is Mario Mario."

"I am the extra Servant summoned in this war, as well as the war's victor."

"Are you still spewing nonsense?" Jubstache It still doesn't seem to believe Masato's ability to recreate a human body and transfer a soul into it. After all, only Third Magic has the ability to work with the soul.

And there was currently no sorcerer of Third Magic.

"Whatever aids you in sleeping, man..." Masato shrugged and looked at him, saying, "Anyway, we're here to take Illyasviel. Could you please give her to us?"

Jubstacheit frowned. He was about to say something when a cheerful voice from behind called out, "Mommy!" Illya bolted from the castle in the direction of Irisviel. But just as she was about to cross Jubstacheit, he grabbed her hand and stopped her.

"Illya!" Irisviel yelled as she saw her daughter.

"I'm not sure what's going on, but unless you bring Grail back, she's not going anywhere," Jubstacheit responded.

"And I thought we could be more civil," Masato said before raising his hand. Before anyone could comprehend what had occurred, Illyasviel appeared in his hands.

Jubstacheit's eyes widened. "Space Magecraft?"

"Mommy!" Illya, who was finally free of Jubstacheit, ran towards Irisviel, who hugged her quickly.

Jubstacheit gave Masato a more serious look this time. You don't come across a magus with space magecraft in the first place.

"Mario Mario..." He considered the name carefully, wondering which family it came from. He's never heard of this name, let alone a magus family with that name.

But for the time being, none of this mattered because...

"Capture them!" Jubstacheit directed the Homunculus to capture them.

When they heard his orders, they all raised their weapons, but a torrent of flames descended from the sky, engulfing Masato and company.

"This!?" Jubstacheit, terrified, turned to face Sokyoku. When he saw a phantasmal beast flying above his mansion, his body trembled with fear. Of course, he didn't realize Sokyoku wasn't a Phantasmal Beast, but he didn't need to.

Nothing remained after the fire that had engulfed Masato and his companions had been extinguished. Masato obviously used <<Space Manipulation>> to teleport everyone outside.

Screech* Sokyoku screeched high in the sky before vanishing as particles, just like the others.

Jubstacheit stood silently in his place, unable to comprehend what had just occurred. He swears he'll find out everything there is to know about Mario Mario, even if it means traveling to the ends of the earth.


On an island somewhere in the world.

Masato, Artoria, Sakura, Irisviel, and Illyasviel emerged from the space as it shifted.

"This location..." Irisviel looked around, holding Illya.

"It's just a random island. I chose it using my <<Clairvoyance>>. Because there are no living humans here, we don't have to worry about anyone disturbing us." Masato elaborated. He crouched down and dropped Sakura on the ground, who was still clutching his pants.

He placed his hand on the ground and etched various ruins on it.

The island was surrounded by a crystal clear barrier.

"We can hide from any form of surveillance with this." Masato explained before muttering <<Construct Creation>>.

Root-like lines covered a large area, approximately 200 square meters. A Japanese-style Castle appeared there a split second later.

Why Japanese-style? He happened to see one on his way to German. He reasoned that he should make one for himself as well.

"We will stay here for the next month."

"Where will we be in a month?" Irisviel inquired, hoping to find out if he had a place for them to stay in the real world.

After all, she can't expect her daughter to live her entire life on an island.

"That's a secret. For now, you can think of it as a summer resort or something," Masato smirked. "After a war, this is a great place to unwind and clear your mind."

"What about our basic needs?" Irisviel inquired.

"Don't be concerned about that either. Just tell me what you need, and I'll make it for you." Masato shook his head. Though he prefers buying things over making them himself because it gives him a sense of being alive, he wasn't going out to buy them every time.

And he was going to conquer the Hollow Dungeon this month. He didn't have time to go shopping anyway.

Irisviel nodded and followed Illya inside the mansion. She needs to spend more time with her to de-stress her stressed mind.


It was the middle of the night, and the sky was ablaze with brilliantly shining stars.

Masato sat in the courtyard, staring up at the sky. He was missing his mother and wished he could return, but his <<Space Manipulation>> was insufficient for him to cross a plane.

If he wanted to travel from one world to another, he needed something more powerful.

After all, if <<Space Manipulation>> was enough for him to jump from one world to another, many people would have been plane travelers by now.

One of the reasons he was burying his longing for his mother was because of this.

'I also miss Medea...I want to meet her too...'

In frustration, he ruffled his hair. He could have asked Alaya to send him to the UBW timeline so he could meet Medea, but he really wanted to start an evolution quest for his skill so he could upgrade his <<Space Manipulation>> to a higher realm.

Another reason he didn't return to Bleachverse was that he was certain he wouldn't be able to upgrade his skill to a much higher realm in a world where space and time were forbidden—in the first place, he can't even go back on his own power.

In fact, the chance of evolving his skill in this world was rather huge than in Bleachverse.

"Is everything all right, Onii-chan?"

Masato smiled before patting Sakura's head, who was sitting on his lap and stargazing. "Yes, it is. Don't worry, I was just lost in thought."

"Um." She nodded and relaxed her body, resting her back on Masato's chest. Soon after, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

'You have won Gachas. Why don't you just roll them?' Restia was the most curious about the system among his sword spirits. She had never seen him play a Gacha before, so she was curious.

'Oh, yeah. It's been a while, and I almost forgot about it.' Masato responded before turning on his system. He possessed six Gacha Tokens. He rolled his first token without much delay.


Rolling Gacha!

[Stat Crystal: Intermediate]

Adds 8 random stat points within your status!


'Oh. It's not bad.'

'Roll again!' Restia seems to be uncharacteristically enthusiastic today—Masato thought before rolling again.



[Lustful Perfume]

Increases the lust of anyone smelling it.


'Uhhh… useless I guess.'


'I know I know, I am rolling.' Masato sighed.


[Heavenly Laptop]

A laptop designed in Heaven. It has everything a person could want in a laptop. It will function anywhere, including space.

[Medical Knowledge: Minor]

A book that has minor knowledge about medic.

[Comfortable Bed]

A bed that is more comfortable than anything in this world.

[A Stick]

What did you expect? A Heavenly Stick that could shatter planes? Go back to the nursery.

AN: All of these rolls are completely random, so if you want to add anything to them, go ahead and comment on them. As long as it is within the mortal bound, it can be anything except something far too OP.

If you want to add some random negative stuff that might affect MC negatively, such as limping dick for five hours, that is also fine. As previously stated, selection would be at random.


"Well…" Masato was baffled by all of this useless stuff. Masato couldn't think of anything else that would be useful besides <<Lustful Perfume>>, <<Heavenly Laptop>>, and <<Comfortable Bed>>.

'This appears to be entertaining! I'd like to try more!'

Masato shrugged as he heard Restia's happy voice, as if she'd discovered a new toy.

'Well, I need to kill to get more Gacha Tokens. So you'll have to wait until I get them to roll them.'

'Um. Then nothing can be done. Go ahead and murder someone!'

Masato broke out in a cold sweat when he heard her voice. She can't possibly be turning into a Gacha addict at this point, can she? Go kill just so she can roll the Gacha?

Masato was certain that if she had the system, she would end up doing a massacre in order to roll more tokens. What a perilous thought.

'I intend to finish the dungeon tomorrow. I'm confident the boss will drop some Gacha Tokens.'

Before looking down at Sakura, Masato explained.

"I guess I'll sleep too. I haven't slept since I arrived in this world."

His <<Gamer Body>> had rendered sleep unnecessary, but he still enjoyed it.

He stood up and was about to leave for his room when his gaze was met by a pair of gleaming green eyes. Masato asked, "You're not asleep yet?" after they had been staring at each other for a while.

"As a spirit, I don't need sleep any longer," Artoria said, shaking her head. " And with your constant supply of Mana, I can stay awake as long as I want."

"That's all right." Masato gave a nod. "I'm going to sleep," he said with a smirk. "Let's go to bed together."

"To-together!?" Her cheeks flushed as she denied, "I can't! I can't show such disrespect to my King as a knight."

"Then I command that you sleep with me. You wouldn't deny me as your King, would you?"

"H-how can you ask such a shameless question?"

"You are the only one who is thinking about pervert things. I was simply suggesting that we sleep. What's so shameless about it?" Masato inquired, causing Artoria's blush to rise.

"Anyway, I just got this really comfortable bed. Let's give it a shot." He appeared in front of her and teleported them into a room.

A bed appeared in the room as Artoria fell on it in her sleeping trousers. Just as she was about to say something to Masato, her body melted under the comfort of the bed.

All of her determination to fight him vanished into thin air, as if it had never existed in the first place.

'I guess it is very comfortable.' Masato said before seeing Saber's expression that she felt like she was in heaven.

His clothes were changed before he sat on the bed with Sakura by his side. He drew Saber closer to him before hugging her and settling into a more comfortable position.

"W-what are you doing?! Stop!" Artoria awoke, wanting to escape his embrace but finding it difficult to do so.

"Slow down. I am not going to eat you or anything," Masato said, looking at her meager struggle, like a girl in a Hentai world. " Why are you behaving as if I'm about to rap you?"

When Masato said that, her blush deepened even more, but her struggle vanished instantly.

Masato hugged her even tighter before saying, "I'm not used to sleeping without being hugged. Since I'm here, you'll be my sleeping pillow for the next month."

She didn't deny it this timebut instead laid silently. Her body was stiff at first, but she soon relaxed as she felt the steady breathing behind her.

Masato appears to have already dozed off.

When she noticed it, she shifted her weight back a little to find a more comfortable position, her back almost merging with Masato's.

She, too, closed her eyes and fell asleep... or so she thought! She couldn't sleep because her mind was racing with ideas.

It appeared that she was in for a long night.


This P a t r e o n is only for those who want to help me by donating money. I really appreciate it.

p a t r e o n.com / meatball chan