
I Stream DC on Marvel

My name is Allen Walker. I lived a quiet and uneventful life until I got into trouble with the school's ultimate bully, Flash Thomson. It was worth it because I was able to protect my friend Gwen and help out a poor guy named Peter Parker. That's right... my life was turned upside down with my school problems. I somehow ended up tangled with bullies like Flash and his rich friend Harry Osborn, and the three beauties of the school, Gwen Stacy, Felicia Hardy, and Mary Jane. I understood why Gwen was there, as she's my friend, but I couldn't understand why the other two girls were interested in me. My destiny should have been getting beaten up by the school bullies, but luckily, I received unexpected help from a miraculous entity called the "The Absolute Content Creator System". This system mainly operates based on viewers and the popularity I gain by providing great content in my world. But somehow, I'm now live-streaming in the middle of the Superman vs. Doomsday fight... yes, it sounds very dangerous and stupid. No one told me I'd be going to the DC world to livestream?! Darkseid is going to kill me!! My aunt Natasha would scream at me for the stupidity I was committing, and she would be right, I mean, I'm streaming it to my world! But I have to be here, even if it's stupid and dangerous. The reason? I have a huge debt of one million dollars because I accidentally ordered a hundred fantasy waifu sex dolls... which have come to life for some reason. Yeah, things are getting complicated!! It sounds insane, but it's real. The first doll was Wednesday Addams, who tried to stab me, and the second was 2B from Nier: Automata, who treated me like her master... I won't complain about that. A bit confusing? Let's recap: - I live in a world that the system calls Marvel... I'm not sure if I should be worried. - I was a normal teenager making YouTube videos and streams, not very popular... – I got involved with the school beauties and that earned me the hatred of the bullies... ¿why? - I was chosen by a system related to content creation. - During a stream, my chat played a prank on me, and I ended up accidentally ordering a hundred very expensive sex dolls that left me in a one-million-dollar debt. - These dolls are coming to life for some reason. - To pay off that debt, I have to use the system that sends me to DC and broadcast craziness like Batman being captured by the Joker or some villain fighting the Justice League. It's not all bad. With a system like in the manga, I become stronger the more popular I get. I gain powers that only appear in comics and anime, and many other things. But, as I said, my world is not normal, and I'll end up getting involved in dangerous things. I knew that when a one-eyed man appeared at my door and said, "Do you know about the Avengers Initiative?"... I think I should definitely be worried about that. While things are bad with all that, my chat is full of trolls and assholes. To make matters worse, my congenital bad luck leads me into stupid and dangerous situations all the time. For example: entering Harley Quinn's room and having relations with her while the Joker is nearby or kicking Darkseid in the balls... Maybe I'll get killed soon, but if not, I'll continue live-streaming the best content on social media... I just hope the system doesn't stream to strange places. If you want to read chapters in advance, be able to see the images that webnovel does not want and support me here I leave you my patreon. Patreon.com/_Aizen A/N: Hello, I hope you like this story and support it. English is not my native language, so I hope you don't mind the grammatical errors.

Mr_Aizen · 漫画同人
334 Chs

201 Marvel Zombies Final: New World

*Allen's POV*

Today, I showed a very pathetic side of myself. Let's set aside Hank Pym's death, that's a fact, and nothing in the world will change it. It's just that I began to lose myself.

If I had continued that way, I would have become a different Allen. I accept the changes, killing Galactus and Sentry won't keep me up at night. As Makima said, they were openly threats.

But in the end, I was just a normal guy until all this started. In fact, compared to me, Rebecca, who despite seeming immature, has lived in a shitty city where people die every day, this makes her better than me at dealing with this whole situation, even Wednesday, being so exposed to the abnormality of her family makes her more prepared to see a world like this.

"Hahaha, so you'll let me live?" laughed Hank, with a look that expressed he had already planned something. Perhaps he believed that sooner or later he would escape and make everyone pay.

I raised my eyebrows and gave him a reality shock. "No, someone else will," I turned around and called my reliable "Rebecca."

"Hell Yeah! I wanted to do this!"

Hank heard a gun reloading beside him, and before he could react, Rebecca shot him, splattering his head everywhere.


Urahara – Oya~ I don't know how to react to this. I thought everything ended too nicely, and Allen-kun would lock him up...

Nikky – Well, in the end, the guy admitted that even if he returned to normal, he would still eat people, there's no other way ^⁠_⁠^

PersyJ – Still, Allen said he wouldn't follow that ruthless path, but if he ordered Rebecca to do it, isn't it the same?!

Rick – *Burp* technically, he only said Rebecca, and didn't do anything else.

Ruby – With that logic, even Hitler would be innocent -_-


Letting him go? Unfortunately, I'm not that naive. Regardless of my mixed feelings about all this, that zombie had to die. I don't know why, but my instincts made me feel a lot of danger from him despite not being a very powerful zombie.

After that, my first thought was to go find Artoria and help her, but Esdeath said the fight was over.

"Your King... is strong..." were the words Esdeath sent, containing a sigh of disbelief.

I won't lie, I was also surprised by Artoria's victory, even with how strong she was, her opponent was a monster.


I approached Galactus's body. The system says I can use it to create fragments of destiny since he's a cosmic entity composed of energy.

I thought the fragments would form from events, people, places, and important objects in history, but with the latest evolution, the system became more flexible in creating fragments.

Looking at Galactus, I don't know what to say about it. From what I understand, this guy was very powerful to the point of being daunting, but his end would be to be eaten by zombies, so I couldn't see him as a very powerful variant anymore.

Of course, I'm just speculating, given that this universe is a loop, I can assume that sooner or later the zombies from this universe would go to Sentry's world, so any god or cosmic entity like Galactus would meet their end being a zombie food.


I was talking to my Chat for a while until several helicopters approached.

Someone familiar got out of them; from the eye patch and trench coat, I assumed he was this world's Nick Fury, helped by Shield agents. I have to say, this Fury has more presence than the Fury of my world, and it has nothing to do with his face being Will Smith's.


– Sh*t, it's Will Smith!

– Look, in this world, he decided not to hit comedians and hit criminals hahaha

Gwen – Don't forget that a tragedy happened in this world, have a little consideration or I'll send you on permanent vacation.


Fury expressed his gratitude sincerely. "I can't express my gratitude enough."

Although the end of the world was inevitable given how things unfolded, Fury managed to withstand the first wave. Allen wouldn't be surprised if Fury managed to create resistance against these monsters, but ultimately, with cosmic-powered entities and his worst fears coming true, the cosmic zombie Avengers would have eaten Galactus, and from there, the world and eventually the universe would have ended.

"It's not necessary, I came by accident and just did what I would like someone to do for my world in case something similar happened."

Fury fell silent as he looked at me, acting as the super spy he is. I'm not going to conquer your world.

"Thank you... if there's anything you need, I'll gladly give it to you."

"It's not necessary, but Fury, can you handle the rest?"

I asked this question because the hunger virus still exists in normal people.

The virus seems to choose whom to infect, apparently, with no more supercarriers, it had no choice but to use normal people, and the world right now is like a Resident Evil movie.

Nick shook his head, "Compared to facing a sweep with superheroes, this is a piece of cake."

Fury didn't ask for help, I don't think he needs it, seeing the armament of the Shield agents in this world. What awaits this world is a mystery.

There are no right answers; I left Fury access to my stream, so if there's ever a super zombie he can't handle, he can call me.


After that, Fury talked with Iron Man while Thor and Hulk rested, the regeneration of a god and Hulk is fast, so they were already better in no time.

Artoria returned to my side, and she seemed fine.

"Are you okay?" she asked as she approached until our faces were inches apart.

She examined me carefully from head to toe, then let out a sigh of relief and buried me in her chest, unfortunately, the armor prevented any pleasant feelings.

"I'm sorry..." she apologized, but from my point of view, it was very amusing.

"Don't worry, and what's with all this love out of nowhere?"

"..." she didn't respond, just looked at me without expression.

Damn, my joke didn't work.


Thor, Tony, Hulk, and I went to lunch in Japan, one of the few places that were saved from the apocalypse except for Tokyo.

Then it was time for them to return to our world; the system made sure no viruses or infiltrators remained.

"Thor, are you sure about this?" I asked.

Before leaving, Thor left Mjolnir in an easily visible location.

Thor sighed and looked at the hammer. "This world Is defenseless... perhaps someone worthy will find the hammer with luck."

Tony, on the other hand, gave Fury all the information he could gather from Stark Industries, as support so they could develop technology to protect themselves in case a cosmic entity decides to pay a visit unexpectedly.


As for me, I went to the moon and discovered that there were many Inhumans alive.

Perhaps the world wouldn't lose all its protectors, but Allen knows this will bring problems. People with superpowers can end the world, regardless of blaming it all on an external factor. Governments and people wouldn't trust heroes so easily again.

[Host managed to obtain one hundred and fifty fragments of Galactus]

Seems like our cosmic friend was much more powerful than it seemed. Well, at the moment I attacked him with both the power of white and destruction, not to mention that Galactus was taken by surprise and didn't defend himself.

As for the girls, Rebecca managed to obtain technology from Reed Richards, which left me speechless. Devices to swap bodies, portals capable of crossing the universe, and a machine to inhibit mutant powers, among many other things. Rebecca admitted that even with the blueprints and information, recreating this technology would be challenging.

On the other hand, I had to comfort and pamper Rebecca for a while to show her that I wasn't upset with her actions. I know that both Wednesday's position of supporting me in any situation and Rebecca's attempt to stop me are correct actions. Both express differently their way of caring for me.

Artoria said she suffered some injuries, but by absorbing vitality from my body, she healed. I don't know how to feel when I'm treated like an all-you-can-eat buffet. In response, she smiled and kissed me on the forehead; sometimes, she acts very... maternal. Okay, I won't dwell on that.

Esdeath surprised me by giving me an amulet that the system identified as the Eye of Agamotto and something called the Time Stone. The Eye was a powerful magical artifact, however, the system said to convert the gem into fragments or leave it in this world as it didn't work outside its own universe.

"What a decoration..."

Wednesday didn't suffer in this conflict; all the time, she acted as my bodyguard in case I lost against Sentry, she would take care of getting me out of there. It was a discreet and inglorious job, but she said she was happy that my life was in her hands. It would have touched me if she hadn't said it in such a creepy tone. In the end, I hugged her.

Makima... who would have thought that it was Makima all this time, the next doll? Yeah, I could indeed open the boxes and see the new girls, but at that moment, I decided it would be a surprise.

Makima, won't reveal her thoughts and goals. She may be against me, want to manipulate me, or, on the contrary, accept the status quo for now.

If she follows the previous narrative, she should arrive soon after dying. Her death was disturbing, I guess it's a fitting end for a villain of her caliber.

Makima is no joke, she tries to end everything that stands in her way for her obsession with Pochita.

In that sense, I can be at ease, like with Esdeath, since someone else already occupies her thoughts, she won't pay much attention to me.


I felt chills, is someone watching me? Sure, the Chat was watching me, but it felt like that intense gaze you get from girls who hold you in high esteem...

That gaze, it wasn't MJ who looked at me like that for the first time when I was little, I felt that gaze sometimes, though mostly from mature women and older girls.

With MJ and the ghost girl, I mean Rogue, and now again... I guess I should get used to it already. I don't want to know who the owner is...


MJ – It seems Allen has a secret admirer.

Felicia – How do you know?

MJ – No! Well, it's nothing!

Gwen – she says from experience, that's the face Allen makes when someone looks at him and makes him uncomfortable.

MJ – Hey!


Time's up; it's time to go. This world leaves me with a little concern; it would be a bad joke if I left it and there was another apocalypse.

Sure, there's a zombie apocalypse, but with the technology in this world, it's not a problem as long as there are no super zombies.

Tony, Thor, and Hulk returned to our world; I took the girls and headed to another portal. In this world, I didn't think about the fragments because of the situation, but that's my goal.

I looked at this place one last time before entering the space-time storm.


As usual, the system will use fragments to prevent the storm from affecting me. Of course, using abilities is out of the question for now, as Limitless, Cursed Reliquary, and the Core of Destruction are on cooldown.

Hmm, maybe I should rotate abilities, though that depends on the world; if not necessary, I'll just stick with the current ones.

I hope the next world will be peaceful...


A/N: It's time... could it be Harry Potter? ;3

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