
I Reincarnate on Tuesdays

Edina, a thirteen-year-old girl living in the Blazing Dawn Sect, is tormented by her Aunt Li Mei after the tragic death of her parents. Her life takes an unexpected turn when she begins receiving messages from her future self, Senior Edina, who has mysteriously reincarnated back to her past self's body every Tuesday. Senior Edina uses her knowledge and experiences to guide Junior Edina in reclaiming her life and breaking free from Aunt Li Mei’s control.

Kn1is7otaku · 奇幻言情
22 Chs

20.Scrambling for Money

Right After the Banquet, Blazing Sun Mansion, Blazing Dawn SectLiang Feng walked into his office with authority. As he reached his table, he called out to a servant, "Chen!"Taking out some books from a drawer in his table, he looked up as Chen appeared. Chen, a diligent young man with short, neatly combed hair, was dressed in the simple yet elegant uniform of the Blazing Sun Mansion. "Did you call for me, Sect Leader?" he asked as soon as he entered.Liang Feng said, "I want a list of all the low-wage workers loyal to the Blazing Sun Mansion immediately."Chen looked troubled by this request, knowing he would have to sort through all the employee records and their income margins, a task that would take considerable time. However, it was clear that the Sect Leader wanted it done within just a few hours. "I will then assign them to jobs with higher pay. Now, get to work!" Liang Feng commanded.Liang Feng knew that Li Mei must be scrambling right now to forge account books and gather enough money to hand over by tomorrow morning. She wouldn't have much time to think about other matters. He believed Edina would halt the payments to all the staff under Li Mei working in Jinwei Mansion, arguing that their pay was too expensive and replacing them would be best for the financial situation of the mansion.Li Mei would certainly rebuke this by questioning where they would find cheaper labor so quickly. That's when Liang Feng planned to step in and have his loyal workers instated in Jinwei Mansion. This would not only care for Edina but also free her from the torment of Li Mei's staff.Satisfied with his plan, Liang Feng continued preparing the necessary documents, confident that his intervention would help Edina manage her new responsibilities and keep Li Mei's influence at bay. At the Same Time, Downtown Ganso City, Capital of Gunghua Province Han Cha Mu rushed through the streets of downtown Ganso City on horseback, heading towards the entertainment district in search of loan sharks who could lend him money. He had already secured loans from some official lenders in the uptown business district, amounting to 4 gold teals. Knowing that the underground and shady businesses in the downtown entertainment district could potentially lend him up to 10 gold teals, he made his way there despite the late hour. As expected, the district was crowded, even past midnight. The lively atmosphere made it difficult to navigate through the throngs of people. Street vendors hawked their goods, musicians played energetic tunes, and revelers filled the taverns and inns, laughing and drinking. The air was thick with the scent of street food and the sound of merriment. After a struggle, Han Cha Mu managed to push his way into a dimly lit tavern, where he hoped to find the loan sharks he sought. Inside, the atmosphere was rowdy and raucous. The tavern was filled with rough-looking men, some with scars and tattoos, drinking heavily and surrounded by scantily clad women dancing to the music. The smell of cheap alcohol and sweat permeated the air. Han Cha Mu straightened his martial arts hanfu, trying to maintain a semblance of dignity amidst the chaos. He scanned the room until his eyes landed on a group of bandit-like men, their table overflowing with empty mugs and bottles. One of them, a burly man with a thick beard and a scar across his cheek, noticed Han Cha Mu approaching. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, it's the upright Monkey. What are you doing in this shithole, Master Han?" the man said sarcastically, his voice dripping with mockery. Han Cha Mu suppressed his irritation and replied, "I need to speak with you. It's urgent."The bearded man raised an eyebrow and leaned back in his chair, looking Han Cha Mu up and down. "Urgent, huh? Well, take a seat and let's hear what you have to say," he said, gesturing to an empty chair at their table.Han Cha Mu sat down, trying to ignore the leers and chuckles from the other men at the table. He took a deep breath and began to explain how he needed money, knowing that this was his only chance to secure the funds he needed. At the Same Time, the Shining Blade Sect, Governing Sect of Shenzhou ProvinceIn a dimly lit, opulent room, a woman in her thirties reclined on a plush velvet chaise longue, wearing an elegant nightgown of silk and lace. The room exuded luxury, with intricately carved mahogany furniture, rich tapestries adorning the walls, and a chandelier casting a warm, golden glow over the space. The scent of jasmine incense wafted through the air, adding to the room's serene yet sumptuous ambiance.The woman held a letter that had just been delivered by a pigeon. She broke the seal and read its contents, a smile slowly spreading across her face as she took in the information. The letter read: "It looks like something big is happening in the Blazing Dawn Sect. Han Cha Mu was seen in downtown Ganso, Entertainment District, talking to loan sharks."This was precisely the kind of news she had been hoping for. As the leader of the Shining Blade Sect, she was always on the lookout for any advantage she could gain over their rival, the Blazing Dawn Sect. This bit of information about Han Cha Mu's activities in the seedy underbelly of Ganso City could be just the leverage she needed.The woman's name was Xu Lian, Sect Leader of the Shining Blade Sect. She had always harbored a bitter rivalry with the Blazing Dawn Sect, especially its second generation, including figures like Li Mei, Han Cha Mu, and Lu Mingfe. The animosity between the two sects had a long and storied history, and Xu Lian was determined to seize any opportunity to undermine her rivals.Xu Lian's smile grew wider as she contemplated the implications of the letter. If Han Cha Mu was desperate enough to seek out loan sharks, it meant there was trouble brewing in the Blazing Dawn Sect. Trouble she could exploit. She reached for a silver bell on a side table and rang it, summoning one of her trusted aides.Moments later, a young man dressed in simple yet elegant robes entered the room and bowed deeply. "You called for me, Sect Leader?" he asked respectfully. "Yes," Xu Lian said, her tone decisive. "I want you to gather all the information you can about Han Cha Mu's activities in downtown Ganso. And find out if there's any truth to the rumors of unrest within the Blazing Dawn Sect. This could be the opportunity we've been waiting for."The aide nodded, understanding the gravity of the task. "I will begin immediately, Sect Leader."As the aide left the room, Xu Lian leaned back on her chaise longue, her mind racing with possibilities. If she played her cards right, this piece of information could turn the tide in favor of the Shining Blade Sect, striking a blow to their long-time rivals. The night was just beginning, and Xu Lian was ready to seize any advantage it brought.

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