
I only want a kiss

"I only want a kiss from you...as long as I got that everything would be okay...as long as you could give me that...everything would be fine. So give me a kiss...young man" "You want a kiss right?" "Huh" "Good luck on getting that then....Young lady" ✩ PROLOGUE ✩ The land has its inhabitants so does the water. And each inhabitants is expected to adapt where it belongs. But what happens when an inhabitant tries to fit in where it doesn't belongs? Rules would probably be broken and sacrifices would have to be made. She's a mermaid but she loves the humans Her home is the water but the land calls her She's a princess but living as an ordinary human is her lifelong dream.And each inhabitants is expected to adapt where it belongs Even if she did...would things end up well for her? Find out in the story KISS ME.

Phoenix_Spirit · 奇幻言情
29 Chs


A ball of tear rolled down Peninah's face as she stares at the two drinks in her hand.

"So...this is how it ends" She mutters slowly uncapping the blue one.

Releasing one last heavy breath, she brought the drink to her mouth and pour it down her throat.

Mag got home fanning herself.

She went to the fridge and took a bottle of water gurgling it down.

She exhales deeply but then heard some groaning.

Curious, she dropped the bottle and went to where it was coming from.

Surreptitiously, she opens the door and took a peek in but gasp at the sight she saw.

Penny clung unto her chest tightly as rush of pain overwhelm her. It feels like her whole body is on fire especially her heart. Her veins bulge out and her eyes grew bigger in their sockets.

"AHHH!!!" She keeps on rolling on the floor while Mag just watch in astonishment.

She was actually scared at that moment.

She would have ran to her at least to help her but..

"What if she eats me up?" Was the thought that hindered her from doing that.

After minutes of the tortured pain, she finally passed out right there on the floor.

Mag covers her mouth with her palm when part of her hair turns white magically.

She turns back and rushed to her room.

"I'm surrounded by monsters" She slumped on her bed.


Jason was on his laptop when he heard the door opening.

"Weirdo?" He mutters springing up. He rushed to the door but was disappointed to meet someone else. Someone he wasn't expecting and never expected.

"What are you doing here Mag?" He asked blankly going back to sit.

"What's that look? Am i unwelcomed here?"

"We have nothing to do with each other"

"You seems to be expecting someone else...perhaps your new girlfriend?"

"I'm not in the mood to quarrel with you...say whatever you come here for or just leave. Though I'll prefer the latter"

"What if I say I've got something...to make you realize who you really need right now in your life is me?"

"What the hell are you rambling on?" He frowns while she took out her phone did something and gave it to him also taking a sit beside him on the couch.

Jason watch the video she played for him calmly and Mag wouldn't stop smiling as he watch it.

When he was done watching, he sighs then give her back her phone.

"Jason...I know you must be shocked right now and probably find all these confusing but this is the truth. She isn't who you think she is...she has deceived you Jason" Mag said while Jason said nothing.

"It's a good thing I found out quickly. Who knew what she would have done if I haven't? I swear I'm ain't gonna let her get away with this. After my upcoming concert I'm gonna let her know the gravity of what she has done. Don't worry Jason...I'll take care of her myself " she placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Who would have thought...behind that pretty face of hers could be something so hideous. To think you liked a monster like her..." She sighs while Jason turns to her with bloodshot eyes.

"Ah!" Mag wince when he suddenly got hold of her wrist.

"Don't you...don't you ever...call her a monster."


"The real monster here...is you" He glowers pulling her up from the couch.

"You're hurting me Jason! What the hell are you doing!"

"Get out of my house...and never come back!" He pushed her out making her fall in the process.

"Jason! How could you do this to me? Are you really charmed by her or something? She isn't human! Why can't you see that! Why are you supporting her? Have you always known what she is?!" She yelled but Jason only slammed the door on her face.


Getting home, Mag threw her purse somewhere and March off to Penny's room yanking her hair hard immediately she got to her.

"Ah!" Penny groan in pain

"B**tch!" Mag spat giving her a hot slap.

"Ah!" She fell to the floor while Mag got a handful of her hair raising her up with it.

On getting up, she gave her another resonating slap and she fell again. Mag squatted before her and started gifting her right cheek with slaps.

"Stop...please stop..." The weak Penny pleaded while Mag stop grabbing her hair.

"How dare you fifthly animal...listen I don't know what you did to Jason but I promise you...I'm gonna be the end of you"

"Just let me go please...I beg you Margaret" Penny said with a cracked voice.

"Let you go? Not until I'm done with you. You said you only have a few days left right? If you don't wanna spend it in a hellish way I'd advise you to just live like you're dead. You...you do whatever I say from now on GOT IT!!" She howled while Penny nodded repeatedly.

Mag releases her and hissed marching off to her room.

Penny whimper on the floor she is.


The fact that Jason now knows Penny is with Mag made him feel relive at least he knows her whereabouts. But then thinking of what Mag may have done to her worries him a lot.

About her being a mermaid...he had found that out after she left. The same nightmare he had everyday finally became clear and not only that, he could remember he had once caught her. Truly, he was devastated and angry at first but his anger subsided as time goes by. He made his findings about mermaids and had learnt a lot about them including the power they posses so he assumes she erases his memory since it's part of what they can do.

That's why she's had always been strange.

That's why she was clueless about everything.

And maybe that's why...she had always wanted a kiss from him.

She had always wanted to become human.

His head hurts as he tries to get his head around everything he just found out.

Why him? He thought.

Why him of all guys out there? He keeps thinking.

And why does he have to love her so much like this? He wondered.

But why has she suddenly left? Things was going well between them? There must be more...he's still unaware of.

What could it be?


Penny linger behind Mag carrying her bag.

Mag sashayed through the lounge.

She actually has an Interview on her upcoming concert.

"Margaret you're here" Elle said as she entered her waiting room.

"Oh...it's you" Elle grins at the wan looking Penny who only gave her a small smile in return.

"Wow...what stylist made this? It's so beautiful and unique" Elle complimented Penny's hair which seems to annoy Mag.

"Will you become her manager then?" Mag snapped.

"Oh sorry...let me get you groomed up. The interviewers are on their way already" Elle shuffled to Margaret.

"Remain standing" Mag said to Penny who was about sitting.

"Yes Margaret" Penny replied.

"Don't call my name... I feel creeped out and it makes me hate it"

"Yes" Penny keep her head low while Mag rested her neck on the chair as Elle, who gave them strange stares doll her up.


"You...don't think of running away. The moment you do...I'll release your video and I will also hunt you down got it?" Mag warned while she nodded.

"Stay here...and don't sit!" She gave her a look before leaving.

"See you later beauty" Elle waves at Penny before following Mag.

Penny sighs and massage her laps which was aching badly.

"I...I've got to go. I've to see the river goddess" She mutters sneaking out of the waiting room.

Not to be caught, she decided not to take the elevator and take the stairs instead.

Jason ran to the waiting room but just as he was about entering, he saw a glimpse of her running away.

"Penny?" He mutters.

He had actually gone to Mag's house but she wasn't at home so he presumed she'll be there. Though he still couldn't accept what's happening he felt he still needed to hear some explanations from her.

They have many things to clear off.

"PENNY!!" He yelled running after her. Penny opens the stairs room's door and went in slamming the door shut holding onto the door knob.


"Jason?" She mutters slowly removing her hand from the door knob.

Jason opens the door and rushed in, immediately he did, Penny's arms slid around his waist.

"Young man..." She started sobbing loudly while Jason just stood stagnant breathing heavily.

Slowly, he pulled her off and wipe off her tears.

"Are you okay?" He asked and she shakes her head with tears filled eyes. Jason pulled her into his arms again. She rested her head on his chest sniffing.

"What's with your hair, did Margaret did this?" He asked after some moments and she slowly pulled away.

"It's nothing...don't mind it"

"Let's go" He held her hand but she wouldn't budge when he tries to leave. Jason looks back at her in question.

"I...can't go with you Jason"



"Listen...I don't care what you really are what I want right now is for you...to just go back with me"

"What I really am? Young man did you...?"

"Um...I know about it. About the secret you have been hiding from me"

"Margaret..." She bit her lips.

"Cause I remembered...I remembered everything...that night"

"What? No...you shouldn't...how is that possible? You shouldn't know about that Young man"

"Why? Why can't I know about it? Why? Just what are you so scared of!"



"You Jason...I'm scared of you. You called me a monster...do you know how shattered I felt...when I heard that from you? That's why you shouldn't remember it...cause in your eyes...I'll always be a monster as long as you know"

"Penny listen that was...that was then. Now what you really are doesn't matters to me...what matters is you...being by my side"

"But it does to me...I want to stay by your side as a human Jason...not as some kind of monster"

"I don't see you as a monster! Don't you really get it? I...I've come to love you so much...I do"He said while she shakes her head.

"It doesn't matter now...it's too late anyway. I can't be by your side anymore now Jason. We can't be together"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm leaving...and you won't see me again. I've decided to let go now...I don't want you getting hurt."


"I'm sorry Jason...but I've got to do this" She steps closer while he stepped back.

"Do what? Why? are you could erase my memories again?"

"Young man..."

"Am I wrong? That's what you're probably thinking about now"

"I have to"

"I won't let you! Don't forget the memories isn't only yours...mine...they are mine also!" He said beating his chest.

"I won't let you tamper with it again...don't even think about it" He said while she sighs.

"Nevertheless...I'm not going back to you"

"Are you really gonna be like this?"

"I'm sorry Young man...but I can't. No matter what you say. I stand on my word"

"You seriously! Alright! Do as you deemed fit!"

He turns away angrily to leave but had to stop when he heard a sudden loud thud.

Looking back slowly, he shrieked when he saw her passed out on the floor.

"PENINAH!!!" He ran to her holding her in his arms.

"Penny...wake up! Open your eyes...Penny please..." He began to shake her but had to stop when something strange started happening.

Her hair started turning white on the spot and he couldn't help gasping.


"Thank you" Jason said as he collected the nylon containing drugs he bought from the pharmacist.

He went out and head towards his car. He was about opening it when someone suddenly hit him from behind.

"Ow!" He wince looking back only to see a dirty looking old woman. She is probably a begger.

"And why would you do that?!" His eyebrows knitted.

"Danger is looming...the future is blank" The begger said.


"Her time is gradually stopping...she's dying quietly and her body is slowly giving up"

"What are you saying? Who are you?"

"She has made her decision...to die so you could live. She must probably be in an immense pain right now"

"Excuse me..."

"Young man listen...she no many days left. But if you wanna save her...there's still a chance for that" The begger said while his hold on the nylon he was holding tightens.

The begger waited for his reply but he just stood there in silence.

"I guess...you have your choice after all" The begger shakes her head and started leaving.

"How...how can I save her? What can I do...you said there's a way...what must I do...to ease...no...to stop her pain...completely?" His voice came stopping the begger who turns back to him.



"Just like she has made the sacrifice to save you...you'll have to do the same for her"


"Here" She brought out something wrapped in a clothing and extend it to him.

"What's this?" He asked collecting it.

"Stab her with that" The begger said while Jason snap his head to her after unwrapping the clothing which turns out to be covering a dagger.


"And she dies ending her agony and pains..." The begger completed.

"I can't do that!" Jason frowns.

"Or...make her stab you with that...and she lives"


"It's either of the two...that's the only way...to end all these"

"You're saying one of us must die?"

"For the other to live. You don't have much time either...I'm sure you must have been seeing the signs"

"No...no f**king way" Jason shakes his head dropping the dagger which went crashing to the floor.

"It's your call to make. Think well...and decide" The begger said and turns leaving.

Jason's eyes stayed glued to the dagger on the floor.

"There must be another way...there must..." He raised his head up and couldn't find the begger anymore.

"Where is she? Excuse me! Old woman! Old woman!!" He started searching around but all was pointless as he couldn't get a glance of her anywhere.

Panting loudly, he held his head.

"No...I can't believe her. No..." He rushed back to his car leaving the dagger on the floor. Igniting the engine, he drove off in full speed.


Jason got home and went straight to the room where Penny was.

He crouch beside the bed brushing her hair away from her face.

Sweats had covered her face and she looks pale. Her lips chapped and her breathing was slow also.

He made to clean off the sweats but then his eyes darted to her hair which half of it is now White.

"She's dying quietly...and her body is slowly giving up" The begger's word replayed in his mind. He shook it off and decides to give her the drugs he got. But on looking at the desk where he had placed the nylon his eyes widened in shock when he saw the same dagger he had dropped earlier on the desk.

"That...I'm certain I left it earlier" He mutters unbelievably.

"No...no..." He shook his head as the words of the begger keep ringing in his head.

"I'm sure you must have been seeing the signs"

"You don't have much time either"

"Make her stab you with that...and she lives"

"She has no many days left"

"One must die...for the other to live"

"No...no..." He releases shaky breaths slowly picking up the dagger.

"Just like she has made the sacrifice to save you...you'll have to do the same for her"

He looks at the dagger in his hands then take his gaze to the unconscious Penny on the bed.

"I...I don't wanna die" He mutters staring at her.

"I'm sorry..." He raised up the dagger and...

Do you think he will stab her


Phoenix_Spiritcreators' thoughts