
I only want a kiss

"I only want a kiss from you...as long as I got that everything would be okay...as long as you could give me that...everything would be fine. So give me a kiss...young man" "You want a kiss right?" "Huh" "Good luck on getting that then....Young lady" ✩ PROLOGUE ✩ The land has its inhabitants so does the water. And each inhabitants is expected to adapt where it belongs. But what happens when an inhabitant tries to fit in where it doesn't belongs? Rules would probably be broken and sacrifices would have to be made. She's a mermaid but she loves the humans Her home is the water but the land calls her She's a princess but living as an ordinary human is her lifelong dream.And each inhabitants is expected to adapt where it belongs Even if she did...would things end up well for her? Find out in the story KISS ME.

Phoenix_Spirit · 奇幻言情
29 Chs


"Young man.."Penny called shocked with hurt visible in her voice.

"Oh, my God...tell me what I'm seeing right now isn't true..." He said pointing to her while penny slowly got out of the pool. Immediately she stepped on the ground her tail transform into legs. Jason gasped more. Now she stood in front of him naked. She walked closer to him while he moves back until he trip over himself and fell on his butt.

"Don't...don't come closer..." He tries moving back on the floor while penny drop to a squat in front of him.

"Are you scared of me young man?" She asked slowly.

He only gulped saying nothing.

"You're indeed scared..." She mutters sadly.

"You think I'm gonna hurt you?" She added. Jason couldn't reply but just watch her rather nervously.

Penny leans closer to him gazing right into his eyes.

"I'm sorry young man...but you saw nothing tonight" She said while he creased his brow. Before he knew it, she leans closer placing her lips on his. His eyes widened but within some seconds he closed it. Every memories from five minutes ago started disappearing in his mind. She unlock and look at him who seems to be in a daze. Slowly, she stood up and took her clothes which was on the floor putting it on. She took one last cursory glance at Jason before leaving. Moments later Jason snapped out of it. He looks around and knits his brows.

"What the heck! What am I doing here? Why am I on the floor?"He asked himself.

"Oh, f**k me! Did I sleepwalk? Seriously Jason?? What a moron you are" He chided himself standing up.

"I can't believe this seriously"He grits as he went back inside.

On descending the stairs, he accidentally stepped on something which poked his foot.

He looks down at it picking the tiny shinny thing up.

"Isn't this pearl? What is it doing here?" He thought shrugging it up before finally going to his room.


Penny walked aimlessly on the street. One could tell easily from her expression that she's crestfallen.

She keep stomping her leg on the ground as she walks to nowhere in particular.

"Peninah? Pen is that you?" She heard a familiar voice and look up just to see Aviva few metres away from her.

She looks at her for a while before bursting out.

"Aviiiii!" She ran to her throwing her arms around her. Aviva held her. Before Aviva could say jerk. Penny burst out sobbing.

"Hey...what happened? "Aviva quizzed while she only cries more.


"So, you two kissed?" Aviva asked while Penny nods.

"Then you should be happy not the other way round" She said while Penny shakes her head.

"He...he called me a monster" She said wistfully.

"What? Hey wait...does he..."

"He found out about me...last night"

"What? How could you let him? What are you gonna do now? Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

"He didn't...I erased his memory" She replied sadly while Aviva sighs in relief.

"Are you okay?"

"He said I'm a monster...I'm a monster to young man Avi..." She pouted sadly.

"Hey...I bet he was just shocked. He didn't mean that."

Penny sighs.

"What do I do now?"

"Don't let him find out...at least till you become human. You've got to be extra careful. Right you said he kissed you right?"

"Uh. We did"

"Then that solves it...you're gonna get your wish granted" Aviva smiles holding her hands while she just shakes her head.

"I can't...at least for now"

"What do you mean?"

"Because he doesn't love me yet"

"Love you?"

"The river goddess said...for me to completely become a human...I've to get a true kiss from him. Tell me Avi how do I get a true kiss from someone who only sees me as a monster?" She asked on the verge of tears

"Penny..." Aviva pulled her in her arms.

"It's okay...we just have to get him love you. And also...he doesn't remember right? He only said that because he was shocked...I'm sure he doesn't mean it. Don't read too much meaning into it" She pats her back before pulling away slowly. She wiped off her tears.

"Instead of whimpering, you should be looking for ways to make him love you"

"How can I make someone who loves someone else love me? He has someone he loves Aviva"

"We can always make him forget her and see you instead"


"I'm not very much experienced but...the little I know...we can still make use of that." Aviva said while Penny nodded slowly.

"First, you have to change towards him"


"Give him some space...don't act clingy...let's make him miss you"

"Will that work?"

"If it doesn't then...we can make use of the L and C card"

"L and C card? What's that?"

"Loving and caring. You'll have to act loving and caring...most guys fall for that. You know the most loving and caring woman in their lives is their mother. So they tend to fall for a lady like that easily also"

"And if it doesn't work also?"

"Play the fool for love card"


"You'll have to be a fool to gain his love. Don't worry I'm gonna give you an inkling on everything you need to know" Aviva said while Penny sighs.

"And if everything doesn't work...we'll have no choice but to seduce him" Aviva said noticing her worries.


"You're pretty Penny...no guy in his right mind wouldn't trip for your sexy side. You just need to be educated on that aspect a little"

"It seems hard to make someone loves you"

"Nothing is easy in this life. Nothing is ever easy"

"And one more thing Pen"


"You shouldn't go around crying like that. You see this?" She showed her her pearl.

"My tears?"

"It could endanger you...whenever you wanna cry make sure no one is there and always...keep this. Don't just leave it around okay?" Aviva advised while Penny nodded.

"Thank you Aviva" She hugs her.

"I knew I'd surely feel better once I talked to you" Penny mutters on her shoulder.

"By the way..." She pulled out.

"Where have you been? I came to find you but that mean looking guy said he hasn't seen you"

"Oh...I had to go somewhere"

"Where? You didn't even told me you were leaving...I was sad"

"Don't worry...we gonna go there together sometime soon"

"Where exactly is it?"

"You'll know soon...when it is time" Aviva smiles at her.



"You can wait here...he'll be here soon" A guy nicely dressed in suit said to peninah while she nodded.

"Coffee?" He asked and she scrunched her nose.

"Oh...I understand...take a seat he'll be with you soon" The guy smile before going out. Penny sighs looking around the office.

"What a nice place..." She smiles going around.

"Oh! It's the goddess" She exclaimed seeing a large portrait of Margaret attached to the wall.

She sighs looking at it.

"How pretty..." She took her eyes back down and it landed on the large table. She traces it with her fingers till her eyes caught a shinny thing on the table. She picked up the shinny necklace looking at it. Just then the door opened and Rowan stepped in.

"I think I've seen this be_"

"What are you doing?!" She heard a coarse voice and on raising her head up Rowan March forward to her in a swift snatching the necklace from her.

"You shouldn't go around taking what's not yours" He said unfriendly.

"Oh, sorry I was just..." She looked down her fingers.

Rowan insert the necklace in his pocket and clears his throat.

"I'm sorry I was being sensitive...so what brings you here? I was surprised to got your call. Are you finally accepting my proposal?"

"Actually I'm not here for you handsome man...I want to see the goddess" She pointed to the large portrait of Margaret.

"Margaret?" Rowan said.


Penny step into the studio to see some men sitting there. Margaret was also in the recording room singing.

🎶"I love youuu...I miss youuuu...those words I want to say to you...those words that makes my heart beat....I love you I miss you hooo...even if you're somewhere else...I'll only look at you.....forever..." 🎶

"Okay...that was good Margaret" One of the men said to her while she smiles taking off the headphone over her ears.

Her eyes locked with that of Penny's and she frowns.


🎶 I love you...I miss you hooo...even if you're somewhere else...🎶 Penny stood in front of the mirror singing. She had actually been told to wait for Margaret so while waiting...she started singing the song she heard her sang earlier.

Margaret paused at the door on hearing Penny sings. She was actually about going in when she heard a voice singing.

She creased her brows when she saw it was Penny. Her voice was so melodious and enchanting. It captivated her where she stood that no doubt...she felt envious and infuriated instantly.

"How did you know about that song? We haven't even released it" Margaret said going to her that's when Pennny noticed her presence.

"You were singing it earlier"She replied simply.

"You know that song and get the tunes just by listening to it once?" Mag raised a questioning look.

"I think so...it wouldn't stop ringing in my ears..so I sang"

Margaret scoffs.

"Are you kidding me right now? You sang it so well..you...you know this is plagiarism right? If president heard of this you'll be sued"

"Sued? What's that?"

"That simply means you'll get locked up" Margaret folded her arms.

"What?" Penny's eyes widened.

"I...I.can't...be locked up" She put her arms around her immediately. Her eyeballs dilating in fear. If there's one thing she's scared of...the that's being locked up. She's done with that life.

It's her utmost fear and weakness.

Margaret looks at her suspiciously.

"Are you okay?"

"I..." She held her hand.

"I don't want to get locked up" She looks at Margaret with pleading eyes.

"Then forget about what you heard and don't ever sing it again" She pushes her away.

"Rowan wouldn't hesitate to do so if he knows" She added.

"Handsome...handsome man wouldn't do that to me"

"Why? You think you know him?"

"He's a good person" Penny said while Margaret Snickers.

"Hey...don't trust his smile...he can be really scary sometimes" Margaret nudge her going to take a seat.

"By the way...why do you wanna see me. You should be ashamed of showing up in front of me after what you did" She said sitting crossed legged.

"The kiss...I initiated it" Penny said walking closer. Mag scoffs.

"You're really brazen...can't even hide the fact that you're a whore?" She sneered.

"I'm not sorry for what I did"

"Of course you won't"

"You dumped him first"


"Didn't you?"

"Don't talk...you know nothing about us"

"I may not but at least I do know...you chose your career over him. You pushed him away while I just did nothing but picked him up. I'm going to take him in"

"What rubbish are you rambling?"

"The guy you abandoned...I'll embrace him and welcome him into my arms."

"You...must be delusional. Jason doesn't_"

"I love young man" She interrupted him.

"And I'm gonna make him love me back. I came here to tell you that" She declared and turns leaving. Mag couldn't help scoffing.

"Well then good luck..." She stood and moves closer to Penny.

"Good luck on getting him to love you...you know I know Jason better...and I've spend longer time with him. Your young man...I've seen him through his worst and better days girls like you don't surprises me anymore...this is not the first time...you really think he's gonna get swayed by your tactics? Well...maybe for a short while...but you know...in the end he's still coming back to me. Why? Because I'm the one...he truly loves. That fact can never changed darling" Mag smirked poking her chest.

"No you're wrong" Penny removed Mag's finger which was on her chest away.

"It can...and it will. Because I'll make it change." She leans closer and whisper to her ear.

"You just stay here and watch...how I make it change..." Penny smirks before leaving the room. Mag fumes and clenched her fists where she stood.

"You think I'll let you" She barged outside the room following her. Penny just descended the stairs.

"I won't let you!" Mag grits and made to charged towards her. But unfortunately she missed her steps.

"HAAA!!" She shouted making Penny looks back. Mag was about rolling down the stairs but quickly Penny stretches her hand forward to her sending a force to make her feet stand firm on the floor.

Mag got hold of the railing breathing heavily. She looks forward and saw Penny bringing her hand down. Penny gave her a flat look before leaving.

"Oh, f**k that was close" Mag held her chest.

She remembers how Penny stretches her hand forward to her and suddenly something held her feet firm on the floor.

"What the heck was that? That b*tch...she just stood there and couldn't even help...I'll get you I promise" She seethed.


Jason was about going out when Peninah stepped into the house. Jason froze on seeing her. Somehow everything felt awkward to him.

"Oh, hey" he said awkwardly.

"Are you going out?" Peninah asked.

"Oh...seems like that" He chuckles nervously itching his hair.


"Oh you can't go with me...I have to go alone this time" He interrupted while she nods.

"Then...see you later" He walks away from her.

"Young man" She called and he looks back to her.

"Don't worry I won_" His statement was cut short when she suddenly wrapped her arms around his neck. His hands instinctively went up to her back also.


A tear voluntarily escaped from her eyes and it turns to pearl falling straight into the pocket of his jacket. He pulled her away gently and looks straight into her eyes holding her face.

"Is everything alright?" He asked his eyes searching hers while she nods and gave him a small smile.

"You just look so dashing that I wanna have you for myself alone" She said while he releases a chuckle.

"You're getting naughty" He tweaked her nose.

"You should go"

"Um...see you later" He smiles waving before leaving the house. Penny sighs and sat on the sofa.


"I get it that this is your meeting place but...you guys shouldn't come often...you'll be suspected" Rolex said dropping glasses of beer in front of them.

"Don't worry Rolex...this may be the last " Margaret replied.

"Is something wrong with you two...you're behaving odd"

"We'll be okay..."Jason smiles while Rolex excuses them.

"Let me ask this first...did you tell My grandfather about Peninah?"

"Yeah I did" she replied rather freely.

"I'm sure I don't need to tell you why...since you know youself" She added.

"About the kiss..."

"You don't need to explain. We broke up remember? No you ended it first. When I at least expected. Now I think I got why? My career wasn't the problem...you were the one changing without me knowing"

"Margaret...believe it or not it isn't because of her"

"Exactly I won't. I won't believe you Jason until you give me a tangible reason if not...make me believe you"

"Peninah...is not like that to me"

"And you think you're not just like that to her either?"

"You're overreacting"

"You brought a girl home to stay with you suddenly not letting me know, broke up with me out of the blue...and I caught you cheating. Tell me...are these not enough reasons to overreact?"

"You think everything happening is my fault?"

"Then who?"

"You neglected me first! For your dream! you left me!"

"Then you should have waited! Till I was ready...to come back. Isn't that what you're good at?"


"If you can't help me with my career then at least...do this. Prove your love"

"By waiting when I know you'll eventually ditched me? By just being a fool you come back to whenever you need to whenever you want?"

"You've been that fool for three years now and there had been no problems at all"

Jason scoffs.

"You're really mean"

"Send her away...and we'll be fine once again. I'll forgive you and take you back" She said while Jason couldn't help but scoffs.

"Do I look like I'm here for you damn forgiveness?"


"You know what f**k it!" He stood up.

"Let's not see each other again now. We're really done...for real this time" He declares. Mag stood up also taking her glass of beer she emptied it on his face.

"You'll regret this" She fumes before marching out of the bar.


Peninah was already dozing when her phone started ringing bringing her back to reality. She picked up the phone to see it's Aviva calling.

"Why is she calling so late?" She thought picking the call.


"Come outside" Aviva's voice cut her off from the other end.

"O...okay" She ends the call and went towards the door.

"Young man!" She shrieked on seeing the drunk Jason whom Aviva was holding.

"What happened Avi?"

"Don't know...just wanna make sure he arrived safely"

"Thank you Aviva" Penny tool the drunk Jason from Avi.

"See you later" Aviva smiles at her as she closes the door.

"What happened to you Jason?" Penny asked worried.

"Oh! Weirdo...you called me by my name...that's a first" He grins.

"It's feels weird...and new...I think I must have grown to you calling me young man...Jason sounds...strange to me now"

"Did you met up with her? Is that why you're sad?"

"Do I look sad? I'm not...I'm only hurt...a little"

"Can you stop hurting now? I don't like to see you hurt"

"Young man" She held his face making him look at her.

"Can't you love me instead?"

"Love me...Jason" She said slowly while Jason steps closer to her trapping her against the door. Their faces super close that she could feel his breaths. Her hands has now come down to his shoulders.

"It certainly won't be easy but...I want to give it a try...Peninah" He replies slowly staring back at her. They maintained eye contact for a while before he finally started leaning more close. Closing the little gap that's keeping them apart.

Both their eyes went shut instantly. He brought his hand to her face as he connects their lips. Slowly, he kisses her deeply.