
I only want a kiss

"I only want a kiss from you...as long as I got that everything would be okay...as long as you could give me that...everything would be fine. So give me a kiss...young man" "You want a kiss right?" "Huh" "Good luck on getting that then....Young lady" ✩ PROLOGUE ✩ The land has its inhabitants so does the water. And each inhabitants is expected to adapt where it belongs. But what happens when an inhabitant tries to fit in where it doesn't belongs? Rules would probably be broken and sacrifices would have to be made. She's a mermaid but she loves the humans Her home is the water but the land calls her She's a princess but living as an ordinary human is her lifelong dream.And each inhabitants is expected to adapt where it belongs Even if she did...would things end up well for her? Find out in the story KISS ME.

Phoenix_Spirit · 奇幻言情
29 Chs


"Wait a minute!" Margaret shouted leaving the dining. She went towards the door and check the entrance camera on seeing its Jason, she beams and turn off the light before opening the door for him.

Jason entered with anger written all over his face.

"What the hell did you tell gran_"

"Hoo!!" Margaret shot the confiti making him halt in his speech.

"Happy birthday Jason!!" She grins while Jason looks at her.

"Margaret?" He called.

"Come" Margaret took his hand and lead him to the dining where the cake is. She sang the birthday song and asked him to blew off the candles which he did.

She turn on the light and rushed back to him.

"Come on...I made some dishes" She sat him down.

"Um Mag...I'm grateful but...I'm ain't here for this" He said while Mag ignored him serving the dishes.

"I really pit a lot of effort into this so you have to finish it all"

"Margaret" He held her hand.

"Can't we just eat first? It's your birthday after all" She said while he sighs giving in.

"I thought you didn't knew how to cooked?"

"I learnt...just for you. I feel bad you always cooked on your birthday and I don't want us to eat out. So I started taking cooking lessons last week. I'm not perfect but...I can do this much. How's it?"

"Well it's manageable" Jason said eating the lasagna while she chuckles.

"I asked them to teach me how to make lasagna first. Since it's your favorite. I really prepared a lot for today though I'm as busy as f**k I still wanted to do this for you and I'm happy...it's going well as planned"

"You know...you didn't have to do all these"

"Just think of it as my way of...trying to win you back. We should set aside our differences now...this doesn't suit us"

"Margaret...what you told my grandpa..."

"We started shooting...the music video. In a few weeks we'll be done with everything. Remember I once told you...when I'm done with it...then I promise to come to you. Just give me a little more time...everything will go back to its right places"

"I thought we ended things?"

"Oh! I forgot the wine" She claps her hands and rushed to the fridge taking a bottle of wine and two glasses.

"What was your wish?" She asked pouring the wine into the glasses.

"Mag stop".Jason held her hand.

"What you and my grandpa wants...I can't do it" He shakes his head.

"It's impossible"

"Why is it impossible? I'm finally giving you what you always wanted?"

"You think I'll be happy if you do this now?"

"Then what? Honestly you should be leaping up for joy right now not questioning me"

"You...you schemed with grandpa behind me! How dare you try to send me away?"

"I'm only protecting you"

"Protecting me?" He scoffs.

"There's no end to what you can do to satisfy your selfish interest uh?"

"You think I'm doing all these just because of me?"

"Then...is it for me? You know what forget this. I don't wanna go back to the topic. I'm sorry to say but what you and grandpa wants I can't do it. I'm ain't going no where" He said and turns to leave.

Angrily, Mag took the glass of wine smashing it to the floor.

"JUST WHY WON'T YOU!" She walks closer to him.

"What's happening with you Jason? It's me...it's me Margaret...the one you promised to share your future with did you forget?" She asked beating her chest.

"That was in the past"

"Do you...really feel nothing now? That's not true...it can't be right?"

"Margaret listen i_" Margaret kissed him abruptly cutting him short. Jason stood still in shock probably not expecting that. Shortly after, she unlock and look directly at him.

"You really don't feel anything...you have nothing left for me now? Is that really possible Jason?"

"I...refuse to believe that. I know I'm someone...you can't forget easily like that. I know...you still feel something so stop denying it and...just come to me already..." She wrapped her arms around his neck.

"You know I've only got eyes for you..." She mutters leaning closer.

"And I know you do too..." She said and slowly, she reconnects their lips in a slow kiss. Taking her time to savor his taste as if it's their first time.

She kissed him and he kissed her back. Mag made to take it to the other level but before she could Jason slowly pulled her away.

Mag exhales staring at him. Jason held her face and careless it for a while, smiles at her then back off.

"Margaret...we broke up remember?" He said while her face turned sour.

"Don't do this again..." He added and turns leaving.

"Do you love her now!" She gnash while he halted.

"You're gonna ditch me for her! Are you completely smitten by that b*tch now uh!! You're really gonna end everything we've together just because of a fox like her!! Do you realize what you're doing right now Jason? You're making a very big mistake it's better you wake up!! You're taking the wrong step" She said behind him while he slowly looks back.

"Thank you for celebrating my birthday...i didn't expected it but...I'm really grateful"

"Why kiss me back? You should have just pushed me away!"

"I wanted you to at least...satisfy your selfish urge...since it's the last anyway"


"I hope you have a good life Mag...though I'm sure you will...I'm leaving" He said finally going out.

"What a jerk! You're a jerk jason you are!! I'll make you regret this...you'll never be happy with her! You won't!! Jerk..." Mag slump to her knees sobbing.


Penny was already snoozing by the time Jason came back.

Avoiding to wake her up, he sat silently on the edge of the chair watching her sleep peacefully. She seems uncomfortable as she sleeps on the couch so he carried her up to her room. After covering her properly with the duvet, he sat on the bed brushing her hair away from her face. He recalls his moment with Mag earlier and bow his head. He release a heavy sigh.

"Young man..." Penny mutters silently and he looks at her.

"You weren't asleep?"

"I just woke up" She said sitting up.

"Did you just get back?"

"Uh" He rubs his temple.

"Are you unwell young man? You look worried"

"I kissed Margaret earlier today" He says.


"I was at her place actually"

"Oh...I see" She nods.

"So...are you two back together again?" She asked.

"No...i left her"

"Why would you?"

"Grandfather wants us to get married"

"Married? Ohh...you're getting married"

"If he had proposed this marriage just a month ago...I wouldn't have hesitated to accept it...but now that he does...it seems difficult"

"Why is it difficult? Shouldn't you be happy? You love her don't you?"

"It's strange...I feel confused"

"Why are you confused?"

"I feel like something had changed. The thought of marrying her doesn't excite me even though it's been my lifelong wish"

"You've changed then"

"I don't know...I'm just confused...I feel stuck weirdo" He says while penny just stares at him. Slowly, she brought her hand to his face making him look at her also.

"How can I help young man...?" She asks and Jason held her hand on his face feeling the warmth.

"Should I just get married?"

"You should...if that's what you want"

"Will you be okay with it?"

"I...I won't" She replied while Jason scoffs

"Exactly...how can I get married when you certainly won't be okay with it?"

"Do...you have a plan?"


"What is it?"

"Simple...I won't just get married"


"I think...I've got to clear off the confusion I'm facing right now first"

"How?" She asked and he leans closer giving her a short kiss.

"Young man..." She blinks her eyes repeatedly.

"Stay still...weirdo" He whispers before taking her lips fully in now. Penny gasped into the kissed. Her grip on him tightened as Jason held her neck kissing her deeply. Both their eyes tightly shut, she started reciprocating the kiss holding his face also. After about a minute of the deep kiss. They unlock to catch their breaths. Their faces still so close, Penny didn't bother to remove her hands from his face. They both stares at each other like that for a long time...their eyes searching each other's.

Slowly, he brought his finger to her lips tracing it. Her eyelashes battled as he did this. Jason finally left her lips and hold her chin. Like that he lean in for another kiss slowly getting on her this time. Her back slowly hit the bed softly with their lips not separating...they continue kissing slowly, sweetly and steamingly.


Penny stretches widely as the morning sun hit her face. She yawns and sat up the bed smiling to herself. The door opens and Jason came in. Immediately he did she lay down back on the bed covering herself whole with the duvet.

Jason smirks at the doorpost he was standing.

"Isn't it time for you to get up?"

"I'm not awake young man...go and come back after five minutes" She mutters under the duvet.

"Ohh...I see you're not awake...how about I wake you up then uh?" He rolled up his sleves getting on the bed with her.

"Won't you get up?"

Penny only giggles as he tries to get the duvet away from her.

"Leave me alone young man..." She said under it while Jason smirks before going under the duvet with her. She gasped.

"Why are you so surprised? You wouldn't come out...so I'll just come to you" He said tickling her while she laughs uncontrollably.


"I'm not leaving" Jason announced.

"And I'm not getting married either. I've already made things clear with Margaret"

"You shouldn't test my patience grandson" His grandfather gnash.

"It is you who shouldn't play with me grandpa. This is my last warning...don't you dare pull this kind of stunt again...I'm not in the mood to play with you...I might bite you grandpa...don't test me" He warned before storming out of the house.

"Let's see how far you can go...I'll be here waiting" His grandfather seethed.


Penny bounce as she made her way to Aviva's house but suddenly a high schooler double crossed her making her halt.

"Who are you?" She asked the high scholer who smiles at her.

"Congratulations Princess...you eventually did It" The high schooler smiles.

"Water goddess Tiani?" Penny mumbles.


"So...have I finally become a human now?" Penny asked in excitement.

"I believe you're one step to that"

"What do you mean now?"

"You've overcome the most important step princess...I'm proud of you"The high schooler said while she smiles proudly.

"You even went as far as making yourselves one...there's no better news than this. This is going absolutely great"


"We just have to do one last thing now princess...after this then your wish will finally come true. As long as you can do this princess...then you become a human instantly"

"What exactly is it?" Penny asked while the high schooler went through her bag bringing out two drinks in small glasses bottle. One is red while the other is blue.

"What are these?" Penny asked.

"Here...this. You drink it when you are sure you want to become human" she gave her the red drink.

"And this...you take this if you wanna give up being human" She gave her the blue one also.

"Then I don't need this...there'll be one need for me to give up being human" She stretches the blue drink back to her.

"No princess...you have to keep this with you. You have only one week to drink this...think about it thoroughly before drinking any of those"

"What if I don't take any?"

"You'll die. To be exact....you'll turn into the seafoam and disappear forever...if you don't take any before the last remaining two weeks you have left"


"If you take the red drink you become human completely and if you take the blue one...you'll go through an excruciating pain no one would be able to save you from...and then...you'll eventually die" The high schooler said making her shudder.

"I...I don't want to die or disappear"

"Princess...you've got only two weeks left...within this two weeks you have to be extra careful...don't use your power rashly. Right now your power are debilitating...and you shouldn't make use of them...using it excessively will only harm you...remember you're at the core of becoming human. The more you use your power right now the weaker you get and the shorter your time gets also. So you have to avoid using it...at all cost"

"What if...what if someone gets into danger or someone needs by help?"

"Turn a blind eye...you must do as I say princess" she replied while peninah sighs.

"You should probably be by his side at least for today...he's gonna go through hell...since you've become one now"

"What do you mean?"

"See you again when you need me princess...i wish you good luck" The high schooler smiles and leaves. Penny looks at the drinks in her hands.


Jason smiles looking at different glistening jewelry placed on display.

"They're all so beautiful...can I see that?" He pointed to a shinny golden anklet while the attendant showed it to him.

"A unique anklet perfect for an elegant lady" The attendant said while Jason sneered.

"She's no elegant...I'll take this" He said while the attendant smiles.

"How much is it?"

"A hundred dollars"

Just as he was about bringing out his card, be felt a sudden pain in his chest and held it.

"Are you okay customer?" The attendant asked while he nodded. He paid for the anklet which was already packaged for him and went out holding his chest.


"Young man! Young man!! Young_"Penny halt when she open his door to meet him coiled up in his bed.

"Young man!" She shrieked rushing to his side.

"Oh my! Why are you so cold?" She thought feeling his temperature.

"Weirdo....turn off the AC...I'm cold" He mutters his lips shaking as he did.

"Oh no what do I do?"

"I feel so cold...so cold and...it pains...I'm hurting so much" He continues shaking leaving Penny in a dilemma.

She got on the bed and went under the duvet with him hugging him to herself.

"You'll be fine Jason...I promise" she said as she wrap her arms around him.

"It hurts so much...please it hurts..." Tears escaped his eyes as he groan in pain and agony.

This breaks Penny's heart as she started crying also.

She sat up and sat him up also holding his face.

"Jason look at me..."

"Peninah...I'm in pain....im in so much pain"He cries.

"Don't worry...I'm gonna make it stop. I'll do all it takes...to make it stop...believe in me" She lay him down back gently and cleans her tears.

What the water goddess said replayed in her head and she bit her lips.

"Just this once...im only gonna save him this once" She closed her eyes placing her palm on his chest. Her power penetrate through him and he yelled out in pains.

"Hold it in...please...hold it in Jason..." She continue doing this for almost like five minutes before he could calm down. She was already so sweaty and drained out. By the time she finshed she ran out of the room immediately to hers. On getting to her room, she ran to the bathroom straight vomiting the blood she's been holding in.

She slumped to the floor holding her chest as it starts to tightened her.

"A ah...ah...AHHHHHHH!!!" She eventually yelled out in pains.