
I Don't Wanna Be a Hero

The eyes are our primary source of information for everything. There are so many things that I haven't been able to accomplish. I wondered to myself... if my eyes were just like the others' eyes, would I be able to see? But neither did they see...

RubyKing · 奇幻
4 Chs

End World and the Brave How Survived

The world was in shambles, reduced to rubble and ash. The once bustling cities were now silent, the laughter and joy of the people silenced forever.

The sky was dark with smoke, and the ground was littered with the corpses of the fallen. The great kingdoms that had once stood tall and proud were now but memories; their proud banners were torn, and their stone walls crumbled.

The people of the world had been decimated, their spirits broken, and their bodies consumed by war and destruction.

In the midst of all this, Ledo stood, his "sight" piercing through the darkness, seeing the devastation that surrounded him. The weight of the world was heavy on his shoulders as he gazed upon the destruction, his heart filled with sadness and regret.

He had lived through the worst, watching as the invading races swept the world, claiming it for their own. They were relentless, their power and cunning unmatched, and the people of the world were powerless to stop them.

But Ledo was different. He was special. And yet, despite his unique abilities and unwavering will, he had failed.

He had watched as the world crumbled around him, unable to do anything but stand by and bear witness to the destruction. And now, as he stood amidst the ruins of a once great world, he was filled with impotence, knowing that Ledo had not been able to save the people he loved.

Ledo stood among the rubble of what once was a thriving world. The sky was dark and filled with smoke, and the air was heavy and oppressive.

He saw the destruction of cities and the loss of life, all caused by the invading races who sought to conquer and claim the world as their own.

Tears filled his eyes as he was filled with sadness, regret, and impotence. He had seen the world's end, a desolate sight.

Ledo appeared to be the last survivor of humanity, but he was not an incredibly brave warrior because of that.

He only made it this far thanks to his unique skill, and luck was the most significant factor of all.

Despite having come this far, there was nothing he could do. He was already ready to accept his fate and, like everyone else, fall into the arms of mother earth.

Right at that moment, his most desperate moment, he felt a presence.

A warm, ethereal presence enveloped him at that moment, like a mother's embrace. He heard a voice, wise and deep, yet tired and lethargic.

It was the voice of the world's will, and it spoke to him.

"Ledo, my child. I have chosen you for an important task."

Ledo was filled with doubts and fears.

It wasn't the first time he spoke to the world; after all, he had learned to deal with his ability. However, it was never so clear, but that didn't surprise him so much.

The truth is... He felt unworthy and unable to fulfill whatever task the world had given him.

He refused the proposal, his voice shaking.

"I cannot do. No matter what you want, I am not strong enough. I am not worthy."

But the wise world would not be deterred so easily.

"You are capable, Ledo! You have a heart full of love and a strong will. You have a unique eye that will guide you in your journey. I believe in you."

Ledo struggled with his thoughts, his mind a mess of conflicting emotions.

How could he accept a task from the world when he had failed to protect everything? He thinks himself unworthy and decides to refuse the proposal.

"I'm Sorry!" said Ledo in a whisper voice.

The world's will was sympathetic to the brave survivor.

Despite his friendliness, he didn't have much time left, so he ignored the young survivor's wishes and acted just as he had planned.

At that very moment, the world was under attack from several invading existences, and he had little strength to do anything about it. The only thing he could do at that moment was to use his little power and pin his hopes on the young man of singular ability who had survived.

"I'm sorry, child, but you are our only hope, but that won't be all bad for you! Live again, save us all." the voice said, fading away into the distance.

Ledo's consciousness was ripped from his physical body as the fabric of time and space twisted and contorted around him.

The sensation was indescribable, it was as if his very soul was being torn apart, but at the same time, he felt a sense of profound oneness with the universe.

The colors were brighter, the sounds were more evident, and the smells were more potent. Everything was heightened; everything was magnified.

Ledo was met with sights beyond his wildest imagination as he journeyed through the ethereal plane.

He saw the birth of stars, the death of galaxies, and the dance of celestial bodies. He felt the essence of time and space, the raw power of creation and destruction.

He was awestruck by the sheer scale and beauty of it all.

But despite all the wonders that surrounded him, Ledo was scared.

With the few words that were said to him at the end and feeling everything that was happening around him, he knew what was happening

He was sent back to change the course of history, to stop the end of the world.

Ledo felt a rush of fear and insecurity. The journey was unlike anything he had ever experienced before. He couldn't shake the feeling of inadequacy, his previous failure haunting him.

The weight of the world's expectations was heavy on his shoulders, and he couldn't help but wonder if he could fulfill such an impossible task.

He felt small and insignificant, his mind overwhelmed by the vastness of the journey ahead. But, despite his fears and insecurities, he clung to a glimmer of hope and longing.

I hope everyone enjoys the journey, I've had the story in my head for years, and I'm constantly experiencing it when I go to sleep.

It's my private world, but I decided to share it with everyone.

RubyKingcreators' thoughts