
I Can Create Perfect Accidents.

John, who had been framed and wrongly imprisoned, was finally released. His five-year jail time had fostered his hatred toward the son of the Waters Conglomerate, Niel. However, John, who had no connections, could not do anything about it. When he had almost lost all hope while accompanying his girlfriend who was in a vegetative state thanks to Niel, he suddenly realized that there was a search bar right before his eyes! This search bar was just like the search bar in Google Chrome! After a long silence, John tried to type a line into the search bar. "How to accomplish a perfect crime without leaving any mishaps that will cause the death of Neil Waters?" Immediately after that, a line of words appeared on the search bar: "On March 19, 2021, at 3:29:19 PM, on the trash can at the intersection of Louis Street, place a Lincoln brand pencil that is 3.5 cm in length, with a 1 cm³ base area, and weighs 2.8 g. There will be a series of accidents that will result in Neil's death in a car accident!"

Comfortably Trippy · 都市
131 Chs

Ensuring Safety

編輯: Atlas Studios

He hung up the call again.

John collected himself.

He had made the last call.

It was to call the police headquarters in Owain City.

In front of John, in Foresee.

"I'm fine, Granny. You have to be careful of those bad people.

"I'll protect you next. Little John has already grown up!"

John couldn't hold back his tears anymore.

Step by step.

It was like a code in a computer program.

Strictly fulfilling its duty.

Cold and precise.

"November 27, 5.19 PM and 30 seconds.

"After you learned that your family and friends were threatened with death,

you trembled in anger, wanting to roar and break free from the shackles.

"But you feel deeply powerless.

"Same afternoon, 5.43 PM and 24 seconds.

"You make the decision.

"You called the Owain City Police Headquarters.

"You made a deal with them.

"You went to the police headquarters alone.