
I Became A Fake Blind Swordsman In The Academy

Piercing Eyepatch of Wisdom-[Legendary] -Experience gain increased by 500% -Weak spot detection skill level increased by 300% -Critical damage increased by 300% -Doesn't block the wearer's field of view ...In fact, I can see clearly. N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · 奇幻
193 Chs

Chapter 76 - 76. Breaking the Golem

"During this open class... I think the swordsman might come."

[He...? I thought I wouldn't come to a place with a lot of people because it was annoying, but you seem to be sure. ]

"...I guess it just felt that way."

I murmured and listened with my urethra raised.


Then, he let go of the golem's huge fist flying in front of his nose.

Leaping backwards, I distanced myself from him.

I slackened my posture and opened my mouth.

"If the swordsman is coming, it would be better not to reveal the reverse sky during this open class."

[I've already revealed everything, but does it mean much? ]

"...That's like that again. Still, there's no need to attract the attention of the Sword Saint. Master-sama will be uncomfortable, too."

At my answer, Sierra touches her chin with her serious face and sinks in thought.

The reason I said this is because in games, during open classes, if a swordsman shows outstanding performance, he may become 'attention of the swordsman'.

Even so, every time the word swordsman came out, I felt a bit of a bloody energy in her eyes.

Under these circumstances, I didn't want to imagine how Sierra would react if she placed her blade in front of her eyes.

[The original woman should think a little more about Yeokcheon. More than that, this guy seems to be very solid... Do you have any other tricks? ]


The giant golem that was visible from a distance was designed so that a wizard could easily catch it.

It had an absurd amount of physical defense, so it was very 'annoying' to catch him without using magic in the game.

'...Is it impossible to go easily?'

There was no big event before the open class, so I had been visiting the labyrinth for the first time in a while to level up and get some hidden pieces.

As I passed the 12th floor, I got a hidden piece, and now I am on the 22nd floor.

Maybe it's because my level has already risen a lot, so even though I have an 'eyepatch', I haven't risen that much.

Even though I caught a lot of monsters, I only went up about 2 levels.

It was now level 37.

At this point, it was necessary to see that the 'experience penalty' that occurs when there is a large level difference from the monsters in the game is being applied without fail.

It was still not a floor suitable for my level.

I think I have to go down at least to the 30th floor, but from the 20th floor, it took a lot of time because the size of the entire floor suddenly widened.

It was a labyrinth, so not even a day had passed outside.

Anyway... I was able to get the Hidden Peace by defeating that giant golem nestled in this spacious temple hidden on the 22nd floor.

It wasn't a particularly useful item for a prosecutor, but it was a shame to throw it away, so I trusted the 'eye patch' and tried it for fun... As expected, I didn't see any weaknesses in him.

The 'Find Weakness' skill had already reached its maximum level.

Nevertheless, not all enemies showed weaknesses.

'There's no way the maximum level would be this much.'

It would have been nice if it had been written clearly as to what mechanism it worked, but the description of the skill was the same as seen in the game, so it was difficult to find out in detail.

'So is the lich, so is this golem.'

It seems that it is difficult to solve easily when the weakness is not visible.

No, it should be considered an abnormal act to try to cut him with a sword in the first place.

'It might be time to go get a new skill soon.'

As I focused only on the reverse, it seems that my utility ability was lacking.

It was a simple logic that if you had a variety of skills, you could smoothly cope with a variety of situations.

'What skills are there nearby...?'

Skills could not be acquired naturally.

I had to be taught by someone.

Moreover, the current skills were working in a different way from the game, so it was necessary to infer how they would feel before obtaining them.

ㅡKung... Kung Kung... Kung Kung Kung...!!

The golem, which was keeping a distance from me, slowly took one step at a time, then started to run at full speed, and its heavy body rushed at me.

"There's no such thing as wit. I'll go simpler and more ignorant."

The golem was a 'monster' with a certain level of physical strength.

No matter how high the defense was, it wasn't that he couldn't inflict any damage on him.

If this happens, he will have no choice but to use the cumbersome method he used in the game.


The wise man in the deepest part of the labyrinth was looking at a screen with Itea.

On the screen, there was a scene of cadets blindfolded with bandages fighting.

There was no one around him, but he kept muttering to himself.

...To be precise, we were having a conversation.

"Listening to the conversation, it seems that his master, who must be in the urethra, is a person related to the current swordsman."

"Yes, but this generation's sword castle has been maintaining its position for decades, so it seems difficult to infer it accurately."

Itea affirmed the sage's guess.

This generation's Sword Saint, Chris, was one of the strongest Sword Saints that the Sage had watched.

He is strong, but his personality is so unique that it was a problem.

"What is reverse heaven again... Really, the more you know, the more you feel like you're falling into a labyrinth."

The wise man murmured and leaned back in his chair.

Then he turned his head to look at Ithea and opened his mouth again.

"The saintess can't come this time?"

"He said he couldn't attend because he was busy with the recruiting of the Knights. Instead, the vice-captain of the Knights of the Silver Wings will attend."

"It's the vice-captain...It's a pity. I was thinking of having a conversation with the saintess when she visits."

Because Zeto was talking to his sage spirit.

The result of a detailed investigation of the urethra.

Dealing with the urethra didn't seem like a way to talk to the soul inside it.

At least during the sealing process, it was all we could talk about for a while.

'If I had talked to the saintess about this, I could have guessed why he had such abilities...'

Even though she's the head of the academy, she shouldn't waste her saintly time asking a question that's hard to understand.

When she came to her academy, it seemed natural that she would prefer a brief conversation.

The sage said, 'An opportunity will come someday.' I decided to pass.

Thisthea, who was next to him, stared at the screen, then opened her mouth.

"This time, even if you're a Zeto cadet, it's going to be tough."

"Yes, the opponent is not good. In the first place, that golem was created by the wizards to deal with... But you're working in vain. Still, what can you do? It's not like the intention was written."

Jeto had already taken the 'Whistle', an item hidden on the 12th floor.

How briskly he moves around every corner of the floor.

Still, it seemed that he had nothing to take with him as much as this item.

There is nothing good for him to take.

The 'Orb' located at the center of the golem was an item that could be obtained from the golem.

At that time, Jeto, who appeared on the screen, quietly recites a word.

ㅡ "There's no such thing as wit... I'm going to go a little simpler and ignorant."

I don't know what kind of conversation he's having with his master, but it looks like he's decided to change his way of dealing with it.

There was an inexplicable certainty in Jeto's voice as he spoke those words.

"...Hasn't there been a signal that the orb has been taken yet?"

Feeling a little uneasy about Jeto's attitude, the sage asked Itea.

The deepest part of the labyrinth was the only place unaffected by the time magic of the labyrinth.

It was a place where the sage and Itea had to live, so it was only natural.

So the screen I was looking at now was not real-time.

Time passed quickly in the labyrinth, so the results must have already come out.

With Zeto's defeat.

"Shall we pass the time on the screen a bit?"

Sensing the sage's anxiety, Itea asked.

"Will you do that?"

Following the sage's command, Itea manipulated the screen.

I wanted to see what happened after about 30 minutes.

Calculated by the time of the labyrinth, it was about an hour and a half.

The wise man, who immediately checked the situation after 30 minutes, was very embarrassed.

Jeto was still visible on the screen.

And beneath his feet was a tattered golem.

The golem was already unable to get up with his limbs shattered.


Immediately, Zeto slashed the golem's head with the sword he held in reverse.


Ithea, who has been watching this spectacle, covers her mouth with her hand.

This Thea said that she had a perfectly human form, but in the end she was also a golem.

Seeing her golem, like her own, terribly crushed, seemed quite cruel to her.

Although the intermediate process was skipped, I was able to immediately figure out what had happened by watching Jeto's actions.

It wasn't cut down, it was literally broken.

A hard golem made of a special material by a sage with one sword.

Even Yodo (妖刀) didn't seem to hurt me.

"I don't know what it's intended to be used for... But the orb will be his."

The wise man, who was watching Jeto as he calmly destroyed the golem without showing any sign of exhaustion, said.

"Looks like there are a lot of cadets to keep an eye on this freshman year."

Thea, who was in shock, said that while adjusting her expression.

As she said, it wasn't just Jeto that was mysterious.

Itea was talking about Eisel now.

"...Even if it was a mistake."

"Even if it was Master's mistake, the fact that Cadet Eisel went with Master's weapon remains unchanged."

Itea's cold reply followed, and soon the wise man clears his throat.

Eisel Ludwig took his 'spear' that the sage had left in the labyrinth and went away.

Noticing her disappearance belatedly, she only found out after this Thea watched her video all day long.

It was a weapon that the sages used to handle in the distant past.

The performance itself was not worth the name of the wise man, but he liked the spear very much.

"Still, the owner won't have to use the weapon anymore, so you can see it's a good thing."

The sage nodded at Itea's words.

He couldn't even do a light fight after the 'restriction' on the main god, so it didn't matter much.

'Eisel Ludwig.'

The sage had one concern about her.

'Is she really a member of the Ludwig clan?'

The sage knew the Ludwig clan.

The Ludwig clan lived without being revealed to the world because of their 'unique' constitution.

However, they remembered that the entire clan was massacred before the war.

Eisel, by the way, had the surname Ludwig.

Not only is there no way to confirm whether she really belongs to the Lüdwig clan... Ludwigra seems to have passed without any major problems as it has to be considered that there are very few people who know her clan.

The people in the academy would have assumed that there would be such a noble family somewhere on the continent.

The sage carefully guessed.

If Eisel is truly a member of the Ludwig clan, then one day she will bring a big wave.

Itea held out something to the sage.

"It's time to take your medicine."

It was a potion to improve memory that Itea prepared for the wise man recently.

The sage stared at Itea without a word.

This Thea tilts her head to her expressionless face.


Soon he drank the medicine.



I quickly flipped through a page and turned the page, clearing the platinum hair that was hanging over it.

The amount of information in the library inside the academy was vast.

I was sitting in one of the libraries looking for curses.

I thought I would find it soon, but it wasn't easy to find.

'A curse that can be felt near the heart...'

An unknown negative energy felt inside Zeto's heart.

For now, it reminded me of a curse, but it wasn't a light curse given the enormous energy.

I had to find out what the curse was on Zeto.