
I am the richest Man on Earth

It all started with a good investment. the next day, when Earth joined the Greater world, Tagani found that he was the richest man on Earth. with Wealth come to power and with more power, there are more responsive. how will Tagani use his wealth while navigating through all the envy that it will attract?

Dorlin_Ewane · 武侠
1 Chs

1-star Coin

Douala city was known as the city of Eternal warm. be it summer, autumn, winters, or whatever, Douala was always Hot.

it is for this reason that most people will walk outside under the cruel Sun as least as possible.

a highly sought-climatized bus was moving along the road. inside, many people were enjoying the refreshing currents. some of them were talking while others could not help but feel drowsy.

there was a young man, in particular, fitted somewhere in the middle of the bus, speaking with his head resting on the glasses windows.

he had a peaceful expression as if he enjoying a beautiful dream. there was already some saliva flowing out of his snoring mouth.

but as he was sleeping, the screen of his phone that he was holding tightly in his hands was being lit up.

without him knowing, he was browsing the market of cryptocurrency.

as if his palm, had a mind of her own, every subtle move was producing a mind effect.

without anyone noticing, numbers with a lot of Zero were flashing on the screen of the phone.

After some time, was finally awakened by a nudge on his shoulder.

he opened his eyes with some reluctance and looked behind him. there, two beautiful girls were sitting, even the clothes that they were wearing belonged to a popular brand and were quite fashionable.

" Stephan, I think that we are about to reach your stop," One of the girls said.

Stephen recognized the girl, they were attending school in the same college and their logging was also positioned the same way with hers being further long the distance. earlier, Stephan had politely asked her to help him wake up at his stop if he were to fall asleep.

Stephan looked outside. indeed, they were almost there.

" Thank you! you saved me" Stephan said sincerely.

" you are exaggerating!" the girl did not know but her smile was one of the most beautiful that he had ever seen. he almost staggered back on his sit in his daze.

The bus had stopped. Stephan quickly looked at the phone in his hands.

' it is still there ' he sighed in relief.

stealing was pretty common there. everyone could rob you at the most little opportunity. Stephan himself had already lost his phones twice, in his backpack while walking or in his pocket while he was in a car. and he was not even an exception.

Stephen had just exited the bus. it has already started to move away. it was at that very moment, that he discovered that the screen of his phone was lit.

' I hope that I did not call someone by mistake'

the next moment, Stephen found himself so shocked by what he saw next. a staggering string of numbers.

' How it is possible ' Stephen started to panic. he was staring in doubt at his phone screen. but the more he stared, the uglier his expression went.

" What the..." Stephen polite as he was swallowed his words.

" what is Galaxy Coin? another shitcoin?"

indeed, by a joke of fate, while he was sleeping, he had unknown sold all his other cryptocurrencies. he had even exchanged all the money in his bank account, all of this to buy 5 billion Galaxy Coins.

it sounded like much, but in fact, it was almost nothing. according to history, the Galaxy coin had only appeared a week ago and everything about this money sounded fake to the point that it was not even worthy to be named a shitcoin.

" I must calm down. I can still salvage the situation" Stephen took a deep breath and sat on a bench.

there were no shadowy places, so he was right under the evil sun, sweating hard. he remained like this, with his eyes fixed on his screen, they were already moist.

the passerby looked at the man that sat under the sun wondering If he was an idiot.

" It is impossible?"

Stephan finally sighed reluctantly, feeling sad, and indignant. he had tried to sell his starting, but no one wanted them. he was left with 5 billion and no one wanted anything to do with that, even if he gifted them.

the night was already falling and under the shade of the setting sun, his back seemed rather lonely.

at that moment, Stephen felt that he was the luckiest man in the world.

" taking the bus was a mistake" Stephen mentally swore that he will not take the bus ever again.

what Stephen did not know, was that at that same moment, the heart of many people was in turmoil. they were the most powerful people on Earth.

in an elegant-looking hall, worthy of a palace a man with white hair and an exceptionally well-trimmed bear was looking at two of his subordinate while holding a screen tablet in his hands.

" well done. I have 7 or 0 million Galaxy coins now and I sold all my fortune to have this amount. soon this money will make me the richest man in the world. hahaha," the man laughed heartily.

he only stopped when he saw the look that his subordinates gave me.

" you are holding some information from me? speak quickly, or my sharks will enjoy human meat today" the man said disapprovingly.

as soon as he talked, some figures started to appear from the corners of the room. they were all menacing-looking men and every one of them had a firearm.

" you will talk now?" the man asked casually.

the two subordinates looked at each other before one of them decided to talk.

" it is just that... we encountered some problems, we did not know at what exact timing the coins will be released for us to buy. and neither did we know what amount they will release for us to buy..." the man was interrupted by a man that caught him as soon as the white-haired man waved his hand.

" boring..." the man said.

" cut all his arms and legs and feed them to the shark, clean afterward" the white-haired man ordered without batting an eye.

" I hate it when people make me lose my time, you can continue"

the cries of the man that was getting dragged away could still be heard.

the subordinate gulped.

" someone was faster than we and he brought 5 billion Galactic coins. the person seems to be a professional with beforehand information, even the people from the various country could not compete with him, and we only fought for the less than 1 billion that he left behind" the man was breathing hard when he finished saying that.

" trow him to the shark" the white-haired man turned around while ordering.

" I said what you wanted Mr. Els, you can not kill me..." the man was interrupted by a powerful punch from Els' bodyguard that bloodied his mouth and send dozen of his teeth flying.

" I never said that I will spare you" these were Els' last words toward the man that he already considered a dead person.

" find me that person" Els ordered while looking to the side, looking at a woman who seemed to fade out of presence.

As Els proceeded to walk up the magahoni stairs, he saw a beautiful woman that was looking at him from the balcony of the next floor. she seemed to be in her twenties, Thirties who know. she was wearing a beautiful white robe that was rather tight showcasing her figure, but the most striking thing about her was her white hair just like Els.

" Elsy, you are so angered at being the second richest man on Earth, that you are now taking your anger on your subordinate?" the woman asked while laughing.

" who said that I was only the second man on Earth," Els said while snickering, not minding the way that the woman was talking to him.

" what are you trying to say?" the woman asked curiously.

" Stop playing dumb Carmen. no individual can compete with me when it comes to resources and money. only large organizations and countries can do that. in order to monopolize most of the Galaxy points on Earth's market, this organization must be quite powerful. but it will also attract too much attention. it is then that things will get more interesting" the man seemed convinced, as the more he talked the more haughty he got.

" in this case why are looking for them?" Carmen asked, this time clearly confused.

" I am just looking for new partners. they are certainly going to need some services in the future"

" just so that you can stab them on their backs at the most critical moment" Carmen snickered.

the two people started to laugh friendly while saying vicious things.

but they were not an exception. things like that were happening pretty much all over the world.