
I Am The Peak

In a normal world of mortals, Saber was a special existence but, this all changed when he was sent into different worlds, meeting different things, and being revealed to cultivation... Well, at least this was what he expected but, it never changed. He was still special in the end, not that he complained. The endless world of cultivation is filled with ruthlessness and scheming. But, not everything is as it seems. This isn't the story of Saber, but of a being who should have transcended everything... This is his second chance at it...

Slewpy · 奇幻
308 Chs

Exit Solar System Origin, New Solar System

(A Few Days Later)

In the dregs of outer space, somewhere in a new solar system, one can see the figure of Saber who remained unmoving and afloat as he gazed at the cracks in space which were in the location he just came from.

It was many cracks in space that represented him breaking out of the barrier of earth's solar system.

"Hmm, this is the place where I started my journey in hopes of freedom. The name Earth's solar system doesn't do it justice." The second strongest Saber in existence muttered. His aura was calm and restrained, unlike what was present when he had just entered the High Level, Level 1 Immortal realm.

"This is where everything would be originated from. The original Solar System which I was created from. It is my origin...

Solar System Origin...!"

Saber muttered in the trenches of space as he then refocused his attention on the most important revelation after entering this new solar system. His eyes shot toward the floating planetary body closest to him, the location of what his original self identified as Level 2 Immortals.

With such thoughts in mind, Saber wasn't surprised if there was even a Level 3 Immortal present on that planet, and he wasn't ever going to test his luck and see if that was the case.

What interested him though, was the planets beyond this planetary body filled with demonic goblins. The fact that these demons didn't conquer this whole planet also shocked Saber, and he wanted to find out the mysteries and the reason why they had yet to do such a thing.

But, his confusion would be answered soon since before Saber could even react, next to him, a dark flash of light spread throughout his surroundings as multiple figures seemingly appeared out of the void!

The tens of figures were each adorned with golden armor with a symbol of a pair of dark purple blades crossed on their chest. The eyes of these humanoid figures were cold and it mattered not if they were male or female, they all radiated thick killing intent.

Yet, this killing intent quickly disappeared as they all bowed toward Saber. This caused even Saber to raise his eyebrows in confusion, but that lasted momentarily since a smile then formed on his face as he asked.

"Hmm, I thought I said to go to different planets throughout this solar system. How come each of you is present in the same place. And from your appearances, it seems that you being together isn't a new thing...?"

Saber's voice echoed through the void of space as he beckoned for an answer. At the same time, the features of the figures present all morphed as they took on the form of Saber himself...!

"Ahh, Second, it seems there has been a misunderstanding. We haven't disobeyed your order, since we did enter multiple different planets throughout this solar system."

One of the Sabers who had previously morphed from a female to Saber floated to the front as he said with the usual dull-like eyes of the one and only Saber. When seeing Second's confusion, it then followed up.

"But, there has been a rather serious and unexpected problem. It was and still is a problem that has placed our plan to conquer this solar system, and then this galaxy, and then this whole universe, on hold...!"


The words of this Saber caused Second to feel a great sense of anger that came from his very origin. Even if he was trying to go against his very origin and become an independent lifeform, the goal of said origin was still, after all, his one true goal.

With the words of the Saber in front of him, Second's aura exploded as his High-Level, Level 1 Immortal realm aura, along with the aura boost that came from his left eye transformation caused the surroundings to begin caving in on themselves.

"What do you mean by placing aside our goal. Our one goal that our whole existence thirsts after...!!?"

Saber's dark voice, and his eyes that released an immense amount of killing intent that caused the dark void of space to darken even more made it painfully obvious to all present that he was currently angry to an unsafe degree.


"It is just as I stated. But, I know for a fact that I would also feel the same anger you are feeling, so I think it's best I show you..." The Saber who previously explained to Second then followed up as he snapped his fingers, causing Second's expression to freeze...


Right after, a flash of dark light washed over the bodies of each Saber present, including Second. If one was present, he'll realize that every figure which was previously floating in space, was now nowhere to be seen.




"W-What is this place...No, what did you do to get us to this place...!?"

Second's voice echoed in the surroundings that had somehow morphed from the void of outer space to that of the trees of a forest. In Second's surroundings was the group of Sabers who were present in outer space, and also the Saber who was the one tasked with explaining all of the events to Second.

"Firstly, I had the privilege of devouring a human with the element of Space. He could teleport to any place he had already been to. With his ability, and his memories I was able to gain an in-depth understanding of the workings of this Solar System."

He said while gesturing for Second to follow him. Along with all other Saber, Second, aka the only Saber with the Black Ring, or Ring Saber for short, also followed. His expression changed many times as the troublesome situation they now faced, was explained to him.

"Secondly, this place is simply a random forest on the weakest planet of this solar system. It is also the place which we use as our base.

And, before you ask why we haven't even taken over the weakest planet of this solar system, it's because this planet, along with all other planets of this solar system is under the rule of a certain figure who is many, many times stronger than even our original!!..."



The expression of Saber was that of absolute shock as the idea of someone being stronger than his original self was something he hadn't thought of..., especially from a random neighboring Solar System...!

"B-But, this isn't a reason to gather every Saber throughout this solar system. Surely, you could have slowly taken over every planet with simply one of you guys."

When hearing the words of the once female Saber, Second couldn't help but ask the reason why they were gathered together and not trying to build an army of worlds to fight against this one figure...

"Haha, maybe if it wasn't for the situation throughout the galaxy, then maybe, the lifeform ruling this Solar System, might be lax enough to allow for all of the worlds to suddenly find new rulers..."

This Saber stated as the group appeared in front of a massive cave mouth that probably spanned tens to hundreds of meters. Saber then continued.

"But, with the current situation of the galaxy, the ruler of this Solar System, along with the rulers of all other Solar Systems in this galaxy, have all changed their lax manner.

After all, right now, throughout the galaxy, there is only Chaos...!"

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