
I AM The G⏱d!

Yin Shen’s name is God. He never thought that one day he would really become a god.

yoursissu · 武侠
1 Chs

Observers Wandering Bey♾nd Tim⏱

In the afternoon Yin Shen made an appointment with a friend and had tea in a refreshment restaurant.

Yin Shen stretched out his hand from the second floor: "Here!"

A man in the lobby saw him immediately and walked up with a smile.

Cuntou Man is an internet writer and a college classmate of Yin Shen. This kind of person knows a little bit about everything, but they are not so in-depth. As an object of small talk, it is really appropriate.

Yin Shen likes to chat with him. He likes to talk about science and science fiction, mythology and history, astronomy and geography, military and civil news, etc.

It's not very strict, it's pure nonsense, but it makes people feel very relaxed.

This time, the two talked about mythology from history, and from mythology to strange and strange novels, which were also mixed with Western rumors.

Yin Shen suddenly said, "Recently, when I fall asleep in the middle of the night, I always feel that another self suddenly rises from my body."

"Then all night, I watched myself until I woke up."

"It's like..."

"Western soul projection, as well as the yin god in your novels."

"You said, what's the situation?"

The Cinchou man did not laugh. Yin Shen's words were full of absurdity. Instead, he thought about it for a while and organized the language.

"The first thing to understand is that if a person really has a soul, what is the composition of a person's soul?"

"Is it matter or energy?"

Yin Shen thought for a moment, and said uncertainly.

"It doesn't seem to be."

The Cuntou man then asked, "So what about memory and consciousness? Is it in the soul or still in the brain."

Yin Shen confirmed again: "It's in the soul."

"I feel my body is like an anchor point, anchoring my soul to this point."

"I obviously can get out as long as I struggle, but I feel that when I get out, something terrible will happen."

"This feeling made me feel inexplicably panic, and then I didn't dare to go down there anymore."

Yin Shen suddenly laughed: "Do you think I want to awaken some superpowers, or start to cultivate immortals?"

The inch-headed man shook his head, "For the time being, it doesn't matter if what you are saying is true or not, if a person really has a soul, and it is not a matter and energy, even memory and consciousness can be stored in it, then it's not a superpower or something. Xiuxian can compare it."

"What soul projection, what Yin God travels, is just an existence imagined by the ancients. Compared with it, it is like the difference between heaven and earth."

"Even the gods in historical mythology and the immortals in Taoist legends can't match this kind of existence."

"Even Pangu, the creator God, Brahma, Kaos, and Asathos, who pioneered the world, have nothing to do with you."

Yin Shen was stupefied on the spot when he heard these words. He was still talking about human souls just now. Why did he get involved with these creators and the supreme gods among the myths?

"You can't say this anymore, is there such a powerful one?"

"According to what you said, if a person has a soul, he can be directly invincible."

The inch-to-head man said seriously: "I didn't talk nonsense, but had solid evidence."

"Because the universe is composed of matter, and time is the manifestation of the movement, the continuity of change, and the sequence of matter."

"If your soul does not belong to matter and energy, consciousness is not based on the brain but the soul."

"What does this mean?"

"Your soul and this universe are like two non-overlapping planes. You can detach from this universe, even without being constrained by time."

"Think about it, isn't it like this?"

Yin Shen continued: "Doesn't that mean that once the soul is free from the bondage of the body, it will immediately leave the universe?"

"Even the soul can directly transcend the long river of time, travel through space and years, and become an existence floating above the time line?"

"I can even travel to any era, even tampering with history?"

But the inch-to-head man said his own idea: "This is not necessarily."

Yin Shen asked: "Why?"

Inch man: "I just said that the soul and the universe you are talking about are like two non-overlapping planes. Two non-overlapping planes have no cross-linking points at all."

"You are not related to the Universe, so from what angle do you perceive the existence of the Universe?"

"You can't even perceive the Universe, so how can you perceive time, and how can you travel further on the timeline?"

In Yin Shen's mind, there was a sudden answer to the source of that fear.

"That said, once the soul leaves the body, it is like a ship that has lost its coordinates and direction. It is very likely that it will leave this Universe and never find its direction back?"

The inching man nodded: "One possibility is that you still have a connection with the real universe, and there is an anchor here."

"If you have different anchor points in different time periods, you may even become the same as you said, becoming a shuttle in the timeline."

At this point, the words of the Cinchou man became gloomy.

"But there is another possibility."

"The moment you leave the anchor point of your body, you are thrown into an unknowable place outside the universe."

"There may be another universe, it may be the source of time, or it may be another dimension or unknown that humans cannot imagine."

"There may be nothing there, just like a prison, but where your soul will be trapped, ten million years, 100 million years."



The scene fell silent for a moment, and no one spoke for a long while.

"In this way, you can observe the Universe through this anchor point, and as I said before, become an observer outside of the universe and time."

At this time, the inch-headed man suddenly laughed, and he picked up the teapot and filled it with Yin Shen.

"You have a good idea, quite innovative."

"My next new book wants to use your setting, maybe it will be popular?"

The Cuntou man didn't take what Yin Shen said seriously, he thought it was just the same as usual, and he had another Heavenly Horse imagination and unrestrained empty talk.

However, Yin Shen's mind was complicated, and he stood up and prepared to leave.

"I'm leaving now!"

"If you write it out, or if you have any new ideas or ideas, remember to tell me and we will discuss them together."

However, the inch-headed man stopped him and took out something from his backpack.

"Yin Shen, don't leave yet."

"With your settings, I will give you a good thing."

Yin Shen took the box given to him by the Cuntou man and opened it to see that there was an irregular stone with an exquisite insect pattern on it.

"What is this? Fossil?"

Inch-headed man: "Ledniche, a kind of trilobite."

"Although this fossil is not worth a lot of money, but when I think about seeing creatures from hundreds of millions of years ago appearing vividly in front of me, I feel that I can't buy such a shock for a lot of money."

"Take it back and put it at home, imagine and feel the vicissitudes of the Primordial Earth and these ancient creatures hundreds of millions of years ago!"

Yin Shen thanked the Xie Cuntou man, walked and looked at the present while holding the gift.

However, just walking to the lobby, an out-of-control car suddenly crashed into the glass door of the lobby at a speed of more than 100 yards from the street outside, and rolled onto Yin Shen with layers of glass shards.

Yin Shen took the fossil in his hand and was knocked out like a rag.

In the pool of blood, Yin Shen's eyes gradually blurred.

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