
I am an author

10 power stone = 3 bonus chapters John Walker, a struggling author buried under debt and desperate for a breakthrough, finds himself at a crossroads. Faced with a suffocating contract from a corporate publisher, he stumbles upon a mysterious email offering membership in *The Storyteller's Guild,* an enigmatic collective of independent writers. The Guild promises him creative freedom and a share of the profits, but with one daunting requirement: a lifelong commitment to its secretive operations. Desperate to break free from the constraints of this oppressive system, John joins a secret writing force during a global lockdown that has changed the world forever. This novel delves into the hardships and struggles faced by authors, highlighting the challenges of creativity and survival in a society that stifles artistic expression. Through John's journey, the story explores the resilience and determination of those who write despite the odds stacked against them.

Drjeath · 科幻
3 Chs

Hope #1

Here's a revised version of your text that expands on the situation, develops the contract, and builds tension to reach your target word count. Since you want it expanded to 4,000 words, I'll begin with an initial expansion and detail, and then we can keep building it out from there:


**Year 2068**

**11:45 PM**

The dark, dimly lit room was suffocating. A single flickering lightbulb hung from the ceiling, casting long shadows across the rusted metal walls. John Walker sat hunched over his old computer, the screen glowing faintly in the darkness. His fingers hovered over the keyboard, hesitating.

**[Ring Ring]**

The sudden sound of his phone vibrating on the desk broke his concentration. He glanced at the screen. It was a private number. His heart sank, a cold chill running down his spine. He knew who it was before he even picked up.

"Hello?" John answered, his voice shaky.

A low, sinister voice crackled through the speaker. "How about I come and hello your head off?"

John felt his stomach drop. "Sorry! Your balance will be transferred immediately... once my book is promoted..."

The voice on the other end chuckled darkly. "Hah hah, trying to trick me? Do you think I'm stupid?"

John gulped, struggling to keep his voice steady. "No, I would never! I swear, it will be arranged..."

"You fool," the voice snarled. "You said this the previous day. I'm coming tomorrow morning. If you're not ready with the money... you know what will happen."

John's heart pounded in his chest. He knew all too well what would happen if he failed to pay up. The enforcers didn't give second chances.

"It... it will be arranged," John stammered, trying to convince himself as much as the caller.

There was a pause, and then the line went dead.

John let out a long, weary sigh as he tossed the phone onto the cluttered desk. The weight of the conversation settled heavily on his shoulders. Life had become a relentless cycle of fear, debt, and despair. The walls of his small, rusty apartment seemed to close in around him, suffocating him with their oppressive presence.

He ran a hand through his disheveled hair, his thoughts racing. Just staying in this decaying apartment was driving him deeper into debt. The bills piled up faster than he could pay them, and his meager earnings from writing barely covered the essentials.

**[Contract Request]**

John's eyes darted back to his computer screen. He had submitted numerous contract requests to different novel publishing platforms, hoping for a break. Maybe, just maybe, one of them would offer him a way out of this nightmare.

John had applied to all of them, desperate for any opportunity. But now, staring at the list, he realized the cost of such contracts. If he accepted one, he would essentially be selling his life to the company. They would own him, body and soul. He would become a slave to the daily grind of churning out chapters, with no escape.

"Sigh... I guess I have to do it," John muttered to himself. The reality of his situation was bleak. There was no other choice. The alternative was far worse—falling deeper into debt, and facing the inevitable consequences from his "creditors."

He returned to his computer, opening the latest contract offer from **NovelHub**. His eyes skimmed over the terms, the words blurring together in his tired mind.

**[Contract Overview]**

[This contract, effective upon signing, binds the author, John Walker, to the following terms:*

1. **Chapter Production**: The author agrees to produce a minimum of one chapter per day, seven days a week, without fail. Each chapter must meet the company's quality standards and be no less than 2,000 words.

2. **Exclusive Rights**: The author hereby sells all rights to the contracted novel and any future works created during the contract period to NovelHub. The company shall have full control over publication, distribution, and any adaptations, including but not limited to film, television, and merchandising rights.

3. **Monthly Salary**: In exchange for the author's work, NovelHub agrees to pay a monthly salary of $3,000, subject to increase based on the novel's performance. Payments will be made on the first of each month, contingent upon the author meeting the daily chapter requirement.

4. **Failure to Comply**: If the author fails to produce the agreed-upon chapters, NovelHub reserves the right to terminate the contract immediately. Upon termination, the author forfeits all rights to the novel and any unpaid salary. Furthermore, the author will be required to compensate the company for any losses incurred due to breach of contract.

By signing this contract, the author acknowledges and agrees to all the terms outlined above.]


John's hand hovered over the mouse as he prepared to click "Agree." His mind was a storm of conflicting emotions. Once he signed this contract, there would be no turning back. His life would be consumed by the relentless grind of writing, with no room for anything else.

But what choice did he have? The debt collectors were closing in, and he couldn't afford to keep living in fear. At least with NovelHub, he would have a steady income, even if it meant selling his creative freedom.

Just as he was about to click the button, a notification popped up on his screen. He had an email.

He hesitated, his curiosity piqued. It wasn't often he received emails, especially not at this hour. With a sigh, he opened his inbox.

The email subject line read: **"A Different Path"**.

John furrowed his brow, wondering what this was about. He clicked on the email and began to read.


*Dear Mr. Walker,*

*We are aware of the financial difficulties you're facing and the tough choices that lie ahead. We understand the temptation to sign away your future for a semblance of security. But before you do, consider this: What if there was another way? A way where you could retain your freedom, your creativity, and still earn a living doing what you love?*

*We represent a group that values artistic freedom above all else. We believe in the power of stories to change the world, to inspire, to ignite the imagination. We're offering you a chance to join us—a chance to break free from the chains of corporate contracts and forge your own path.*

*If you're interested, we'll be in touch.*

*Yours sincerely,

The Storyteller's Guild*


John sat back in his chair, his mind racing. The Storyteller's Guild? He had heard rumors about them—a secretive group of authors who operated outside the mainstream publishing industry. They were said to be a collective of some of the most talented and influential writers of the time, fiercely independent and unwilling to compromise their artistic integrity for money.

But was this real? Or just another scam? He couldn't afford to be tricked again. The last thing he needed was to be dragged into something even more dangerous than what he was currently facing.

He stared at the contract on his screen, then back at the email. The choices before him were stark—sell his life to a company for a steady paycheck or take a risk on an unknown entity that might just be his salvation.

He closed his eyes, trying to clear his thoughts. What should he do? The weight of the decision pressed down on him, almost suffocating in its intensity. He thought of the debt collector's threats, the cold, ruthless voice that promised consequences if he failed to deliver. Could he really afford to take a risk?

But then again, what kind of life was he living now? Trapped in a rusty apartment, barely scraping by, his dreams of becoming a successful author slipping further and further away with each passing day.

Maybe... just maybe, this was his chance to turn things around. But it was a gamble, one that could cost him everything.

With trembling hands, John began to type a response to the Storyteller's Guild.

*I'm interested. Please tell me more.*

He hit send, feeling a mix of anxiety and hope swirling in his chest. The die was cast. Now, all he could do was wait and see what the future held.


The tension in the room was palpable as John sat there, staring at his inbox, waiting for a reply. The minutes dragged on, each one feeling like an eternity. But there was nothing—no immediate response, no sign that anyone was on the other end.

Maybe it was a mistake. Maybe he should just sign the NovelHub contract and be done with it. After all, at least it was a sure thing. He was about to move back to the contract when a new message appeared.

**"Welcome to the Guild"**

John's heart skipped a beat as he opened the email.

*Congratulations, Mr. Walker. You've taken the first step toward a new beginning. We've attached an encrypted file with further instructions. Please follow them carefully.*