
I've Got Reincarnated As a Tree With System

I've been dreaming about getting transmigrated to another world in my whole life, so I'd tried many ways to make it come true. And turns out, I was killed because that thing, and really getting transmigrated, so I was happy. But WHAT?! Now I've became a Tree who cannot move or talk or even looking anywhere I want? Why things became like this?! I just want to go back to the way I lived before...

Net_Lova · 奇幻言情
7 Chs

Pg 3. The forest

Pg 3. The Forest

I opened my eyes as the sunlight hit me. I didn't know when I fell asleep, but when I saw the state of the large forest in front of me, I knew I wasn't dreaming. I really transmigrated.

God, Mr. Stalker, I really thank you for helping me achieve my dream! Muach! Thank you very much!

Even if you are so ungrateful for killing someone who was kind to you, you really did me a favor.

Thomp! Thomp! Thomp!

The sound of huge, earth-shattering footsteps began to be heard. Wait a minute, the sound is so big, even the rustling of the leaves from the trees can be heard clearly.

That thing should be as tall as the trees around here.. is it a monster? From the sound of its footsteps, it sounded enormous and terrifying.

This is a fantasy world, so the existence of monsters is normal, especially in the world of magic. Seeing the existence of fairies, I'm sure there will be other races in this world as well.

But, what kind of monsters will I see? What kind of monster has such big steps. Ahh, I want to escape as fast as possible. I don't want to see it. Nor am I curious about that monster.


Oh please go away. Don't come this way.. please...

The footsteps sounded so big and loud, the beat of each step made the ground vibrate and I wasn't sure I could survive if I met that creature.

God, I have to go. But I can't walk yet. I haven't been able to move since yesterday. Good grief...

What should I do if it comes here.

The sound of its big footsteps was getting closer to me, making me scared. If it steps on me, I will die. God, I can't die right now in this forest. I've just been reborn and I'm not yet writing my own stories.

Why did the fairies leave me like this huh.. Don't they know that leaving a baby fairy alone in the middle of the forest is something dangerous? Even if you forced me to survive early on or made me become an independent person, this wouldn't be the way to go! Oh my gosh, living in another world is hard as hell.

But, I can't give up. Yep! I should be able to handle it. Legs, move. Foot!! Come on, I have it right? Of course, I should have. Fairies have legs. They're just like an ordinary human, with legs, hand, and head, the differences is just about the size and the wings.


The footsteps sounded closer and closer. I couldn't move my head and could only look ahead, so I couldn't refuse to take a look.

A large figure came out from behind the thick bushes and trees. Its roared violently, making the air around him feel so heavy and make the wind who blow everything around him.

His gaze fixed on me— or maybe it's just my feeling. I hope so.

Saliva flowed from between his sharp canines, his hair covered his body that looked so hard and big. It's definitely a monster.

Even though I don't know what kind of monster he is, but he's not looks friendly at all. He is so scary.

Oh shit. I guess this is where my life ends.

Goodbye new world. Welcome hereafter.

Maybe in the end, I can only taste this new life for a few hours. I will die. That monster is 2000 times bigger than me. I'm really going to die.

There's no way I could still be alive after meeting that creature.

Ah, so this is it at last...


I closed my eyes as the monster stepped closer to me.

I haven't even had time to flap my wings.

I didn't even get to know my name.

What is my name? Was I born a fairy who could make things or a plant fairy? Animal fairies or nature fairies? Whatever it is, I just want to live.

I don't want to die. I wonder what I can do in this life. Things I couldn't do in my previous life.

Please. I will be nice. I won't be mean. I will not be selfless. I will be naive and pretend that no one will stay away from me. please..

[Ability acquired!]

[Skill : Forgiveness]

[Allows the user to beg forgiveness from non-existent beings]

What sound is that? I suddenly heard a strange voice— which sounded like a talking artificial intelligence machine— which somehow annoyed me to hear it.

What did he say? What kind of skill is that?

Uh, wait a minute.

Skills..? Could it be that sound, is the sound of the system..?



I have my first ability. What was the ability for? I don't remember. I don't know, whatever that ability is, what is clear is that I have my own system.

System voice, from now on I will name you Systema. Be a good boy and give me useful skills huh..Ehehhe.


I opened my eyes when I heard the sound of footsteps getting away from me. I couldn't look back, but I couldn't see the monster in front of me anymore. So, am I free from that monster? He didn't notice my existence?

Huh.. Thank goodness.

I can live quietly now. He probably wouldn't be able to see an object as small as me.

For the size of a baby fairy, I'm probably much smaller than a flower bud. Aaaha, what the heck am I worried about? I really don't understand why people are so scared of something that probably won't happen to them [*Shameless].

After the creature left, I endured the thirst and shortness that reappeared. I'm thirsty. Fairy sisters, come here. I need you guys.

Please heal me. Hu Hu..

I don't like this tight feeling.

[Skills improved. The ability to whine is acquired]

Oh my gosh! The system sound is really annoying. Can't humans whine? I'm a baby! It doesn't matter if you have to whine? It's just a normal things that baby do.

After all, I can't do anything. All I could do was sit still in this place without being able to move or turn my head. What else could I have done since earlier if not talk to myself and whine to people who weren't here?

Why are you so annoying, Systema.. wait a minute. It sounded like the brand name of a product that existed in my old world—though I couldn't remember what it was.

Will I be charged a copyright fee or something like that will make me pay royalties for using the name they use?

Ah no. What am I talking about? Such a thing couldn't exist in this world. Ah, I might be slowly going crazy from talking to myself too much.

It's really sad.

"Baby~, we're back~!!"

Hearing that voice, I was sparkling. The voices of girls buzzed with the twinkling sound of fairy dust falling from their wings. Ahh, they're finally back.

I've been waiting for you since earlier.

"See? I told you it's Gold Mangrove." said one of the fairies to his friend.

I heard it yesterday. So, is Gold Mangrove my name? Not bad either..

"What kind is she?" asked one of the fairies confused.


Oh, so fairies are differentiated by type again huh? That sounds pretty complicated... Are divided by our clan's name?

"You are stupid, aren't you? There are no Mangrove trees like this." said one of the female fairies, with blonde hair, tan skin and eyes as blue as the reflection of the moonlight. "She's not Gold Mangrove."

I blinked my eyes confused. Hmm? What did she say? A Tree..? So they're talking about the tree? Huft, I think they are talking about me.

Oh! I know, she meant the tree beside me right? Ahaha, my gosh. You just make me worry. So there's a tree beside me—because I can't turn right and left I can't see it—so that's what they've been talking about since yesterday.

The fairy then approached me, and seemed to pat my head gently. "This kid is a Platinum tree."

"Is that a type of tree? Isn't that a type of mineral?" asked those who seemed to be arguing with each other.

Somehow, I feel like they talk about me. That's a lie right?

[That's right. You are a tree.]

An answer I didn't need from Systema. Even though I still wanted to deny it even though I had understood it from the start.

That's true too. If I were a fairy, they wouldn't leave a fairy baby alone in the middle of the forest.

I can't move because I'm buried in the ground. I can't look around because I'm a tree. I'm just a tree.

I remember in the school drama I was in, I became a tree. Ah, that really sucks. I didn't get a any dialogue, just stood in the middle of the stage maintaining the same pose and doing nothing.

This time too, I could not speak. Can only stay in place without being able to do anything. Why does my life have to be like this?

Why do I have to transmigrate into a tree? Why does my life have to be this unlucky? Was I that bad when I was alive? Was my selfless act really in vain? Is it a waste because I did it out of self-interest?

Damn it.

"She is a very rare type of tree that grows once every 10 thousand years." explained the elf. "I've heard it from my grandfather, they only grow when there is very little Mana on earth and they will spread Mana all over the world."

"Uwah, isn't she great?" they asked enthusiastically.

"But this is bad. If anyone knows about this baby.." continued the fairy who was near me. She sat down beside me and crossed her legs. "She will be an easy prey."

"Why?" asked the other fairies who were confused.

Yes! Why? Does that mean my life is in danger? But I can't move! How can I escape from that danger? Arghgg!! Why does my life have to be this sad!!!

[Level up! The whining ability has increased!]

SHUT UP SYSTEM!! You are not allowed to talking right now!

"Because the Mana in the branches and twigs really is that much, people who know about Platinum will immediately hunt it down to keep it for themselves." said the fairy.

"What? That's awful."

"That's right. Are there really people that bad exist in this world?"

"She's right. How could there be such a bad person in this world, right?"

Stupid little naive fairies. You have no idea how cruel and horrible this world is.

If you live with humans, you will know how ugly and rotten living things can be when faced with power and wealth.

"Don't be naive. There are plenty of people like that in this world. Her Majesty the Queen protected us from being exposed to that kind of trait, but it's instinct for living beings to be greedy. They want everything to make themselves superior to others." explained this fairy.

She is quite intelligent and clever. She's great.

"So what should we do?" asked the other fairies who looked so worried to see me.

"We have to look after her. I will report to Her Majesty." said this fairy. "Don't tell the other creatures out there. They will go crazy when they hear about the Platinum bud. Although, they can't do anything yet."

"So what should we do?" asked another fairy.

"They have to wait for this tree to be at least 120 years old before it can be harvested." replied the fairy.

That's a long time! I thought I would die soon, but apparently not. They can't kill me until I'm 120.

But, do I have to live that long..? Wouldn't that time, feel so long if I just spent it sitting here without being able to do anything?

That's what I thought at the time, that without realizing it, 120 years had passed in the blink of an eye.

*To be Continued*