19 year old college student, Riley Delton, somewhat ridiculously meets her end when she slips on a banana peel. She thought that that was the end for her, but immediately afterwards she wakes up in some strange forest in the middle of nowhere. It seems that 'The Gods that be' have decided to reincarnate her into a world filled with magic and kingdoms and handsome princes, so that with her knowledge of modern life and society she will be able to speed up this worlds slow development. Of course they won't send her in defenseless; they decide to give her many magical gifts and powers so that she will be able to live happily in this world and hopefully make her way up he ranks and influence it in a good direction. Good luck Riley. ~~~~~ Follow Riley as she becomes rooted in the kingdom of Girannon, reborn as a powerful Mage. PASSAGE FROM BOOK~~ "Suddenly I froze. Why on earth was I in the middle of some Forest? I should be in a hospital or at least still lying on the pavement where I slipped on that banana peel. Why was I here? Where was here?"
Suddenly air filled my lungs again. Cool, fresh air just flooded in and woke up my body. That first brisk intake was painful and yet so relieving. And that's when I realized that I wasn't dead...?
I was alive.
A second ago, it had felt like my head had hit the sidewalk with a disturbing crack. I was sure that had been the end, that I had died at the young age of 19 and had such an uneventful life. But I guessed I had survived. I somehow managed to cling onto life. As a resolution for surviving my head being smashed against the concrete pavement, I promised myself and the universe that I would be less clumsily. I would become a graceful lady, who walks carefully, so I don't end up slipping on a banana peel on the sidewalk and falling very stupidly to my death!
Ever again...
Well it actually doesn't count as death because I am so obviously alive!
I smiled as I looked up and saw leaves and trees rustle in the wind. I breathed in deeply and enjoyed the sensation of fresh air, something you didn't quite come by often in New York. I could even hear the sound of the water of a stream trickling nearby.
I froze. This wasn't where I had fallen on the sidewalk, this wasn't even remotely like New York City. Right now I was surrounded by trees and nature as far as the eyes could see. Why on earth was I in the middle of some forest? I should be in a hospital or at least still lying on the New York pavement, where I slipped on that banana peel. Why was I here? Where was here? Frantically I stood up and looked down at myself. I was still wearing my black trousers and favorite 'Friends' t-shirt and my Adidas sneakers.
Instinctively I reached for my phone in my back pocket and was elated when I felt the outline of the iPhone in my pants. I took it out and turned it on, thankful that I had charged it and that it was still had 80% of my battery life going for me.
I quickly dialed my Mom's number and as soon as I hit the call icon, my phone reported back to me that the number did not exist. I frowned and recalled. Again the phone screen lit up with the 'user not found' message.
What the hell was going on...
I know my mom's number off by heart, and she hadn't changed her phone number since I was born. I knew that phone number better than I knew any combination of numbers, better than I new my ID or social security or credit card numbers, and I also knew that she always answers when I call. Always. Therefore something wasn't right.
I opened the contacts app to see if I could call her from there, I was about to search her name when I saw an unfamiliar name at the very top of my contact list. It's said 'God's Office'. I stared blankly for a few moments at the the contact. I know that I had never entered such a contact into my address book. However seeing that I couldn't get a hold of my mom, I was in some strange forest I had never been to, and I had died on a sidewalk a few moments ago, I threw caution to the wind and decided to give God's Office a call.
A person picked up immediately.
"Hello Riley this is God's Office, how may we help you?" An overly polite female voice answered from the other side of the phone.
How did she know my name?
"Um... I'm sorry, how do you know my name?" I whispered back at her, feeling very freaked out.
"It is the duty of all angels in God's Office to know the details of those who have been reincarnated. Riley how may we help you?" She answered back primly. It was as if she wasn't quite grasping the weirdness of this situation.
"Wait what? Reincarnated? Angels? What the hell is going on!" I shouted back into the phone.
"Ms Riley please refrain from swearing in an Angel's presence." She sounded surprisingly cold as she replied, enough to snap the panic right out of me and even make me want to apologize to the supposed angel.
"Um... Sorry about that. I didn't mean to offend you." I apologized meekly, hoping that she wouldn't hang up, since she was literally my only hope of finding my way out of this place.
"I forgive you." She said sounding satisfied.
"Riley all the necessary information for your reincarnation has been sent to you via text message, please read the message carefully. Just incase you come up with any extra questions, I will stay online with you until you have read it."
"Okay. Thanks..." This was probably the weirdest conversation I had ever had. Truly strange. I suddenly wondered if I actually was at the hospital and if this was a drug induced dream. That seemed like a plausible explanation, but I knew that this place was far too real to be a dream. The fresh air, the sounds of trees and birds, it wasn't something my mind would be capable of dreaming up. I cringed at the thought of this being reality. But I knew I had already come to accept that it was.
I opened up my messages and found one unread message form the contact 'God's Office'. I read it out loud.
"Dear Miss Riley
We are very sad to inform you that you died on earth by slipping on a banana peel, which caused you to crack open your head against the sidewalk. You died instantly and felt no pain. The God's were very troubled by this because your soul is a very precious soul and the gods had planned for you to have a very bright future as a philanthropist on Earth. However due to your untimely death, revisions have been made to the plan. You have been reincarnated into another world in order for you to use your skills and talents to propel this world further into enlightenment. Earth is not in need of enlightenment but this new planet truly is.
This new world is very different from earth, this world is governed by the laws of magic and not by the laws of science. This world is filled with magical creatures and phenomena you hear about in legends and myths on earth. The gods have bestowed you with some gifts in order to help you rise up in the social ranks of this society so that you may have greater influence. Please use your new found powers for the good of the people of this new world and not for evil.
Miss Riley you should know that your parents have been taken care of on earth and that although they are grieving for your death, you can rest easily knowing that they have the gods protection, and if you do well in the tasks that the gods have given you in this world, only happiness will come to them."
I sucked in a breath realizing that my parents knew that I was dead, that everybody knew that I was dead. Even I had to accept the fact that I had died... and had then been reincarnated. I brushed those thoughts aside and carried on reading.
"Please note that all the gifts bestowed to you by the gods are now your own, it is your responsibility to train and hone your skills so that they may help you. In the list below please find your different attributes and the power level of each attribute.
The list of your skills/gifts:
~magical attributes~
Healing magic Lv 70
Fire magic Lv 45
Water magic Lv 10
Wind magic L40
Earth magic Lv 35
Lightning Lv 20
Dark Magic Lv 60
- Spacial Magic Lv 20
- Algorithmic Magicl Lv 20
Animal charmer
Language master
As thanks for accepting this quest, the gods have granted you one wish of your choosing in order to help you in this world. Please inform the angel on call at Gods office of your wish.
Good luck on your journey
Sincerely the almighty"
I blinked just taking it all in. This was all so crazy, but I would be lying if I said I was unhappy with the whole situation. As of right now I literally could start a new life for myself in some awesome magic-filled land. Yes, it sucked that I died without being able to say goodbye to my parents, but now that I knew that they were being taken care of, I felt much better. I mean I guess I felt a little bit excited to get going on this whole quest thing. I was especially excited to try out my magic but first I wanted to make my wish. I knew exactly what I would wish for.
"Excuse me, Ms Angel. I would like to make my wish." I said firmly into my phone.
"Wonderful Miss Riley. Please state your wish clearly."
"Please grant that I may be able to use my cellphone in this new world," I said purposely trying to make my voice sound clear and concise, and a hint deeper than it really was. If I was able to use my iPhone in this world I could get around a lot easier. I could access google maps, if I ever needed any information I would still have access to the web and be able to search how to do things. youtube videos on how to hunt for food, just a well of survival information that would be very useful.
There were a few moments of silence and I was beginning to worry that my request had been denied. However, the angel's voice chimed in a few seconds later.
"Your wish has been granted. However please note that you will only be able to charge your phone once you have reached level 35 of the lighting attributes as this is when you will have enough control over electricity to charge your phone. We have set the google maps of your phone to this world, so you will be able to search for locations in this world. Also, you will still have access to earth's web with unlimited data so that you may always stay connected.
Also please note that this technology far surpasses the technology of this world, thus in order to keep the balance of this world, no one besides yourself will be able to use the device. unless you willingly give permission for other persons to use it. Lastly, you will not be able to text or message or call any people from earth, you will only be able to call Gods Office in case of extreme emergency. You will be able to access the internet and look at social media but you will not be able to participate. That is all. Good luck on your journey, Miss Riley."
The Angel hung up the call and I put my phone away into my back pocket. I took in another deep breath and closed my eyes. I could do this. All I had to do was use my powers for good and help this society progress and evolve. I would do this.
"Here I go," I said.