
I'm Too good to be blessed by Paragon of Murder

For the past few years since he graduated and received the INSA Young Scientist Award, Dax Grayson has lived an isolated life with only his nursery and research. Growing up with his grandparents in the countryside, he was introduced to farming and gardening at an early age. Ever since then, he has only grown closer to florals. They are like family to him, and in turn, he feels their affection. People around him let him be, as he never intrudes or disrupts them while going on with his eccentricities. One day, during a regular hike, he comes across a peculiar red flower that he has never seen before. Upon closer study, the flower seems to radiate a golden hue across the petals. All of a sudden, the hue flashes, and in that instant, Dax feels his internals churning and loses consciousness. Upon regaining himself, he finds that he is in a strange place surrounded by chaos. Unable to contemplate his current predicament, he falls victim to his anxiety and fear. The life he led until now cannot be said to be harsh or dangerous, but a sudden incomprehensible chain of events puts him in turmoil. As he tackles his fear and tries to get a grip on himself, he realizes something. Everyone around him seems to be more cautious and afraid of him than he is. Finally, he understands that he was a vessel blessed by an entity on the level of demi-godhood called Paragon of Murder.

Laddu_Ji · 奇幻
7 Chs

\Chapter 7\

Looking at the grandiose of the architecture marvel in front of me, it felt like it was made by some mythical existence. There is something about it that I can't comprehend it was no way built by humans, it does not have to do with how big and complex the structure is.

It's the details and artistic parts which are so bizarre even Lovecraft won't be able to think of, it's majorly made up of a dark red material. The base material wasn't any rocks or solid structure instead it was a semi solid. For some reason I could sense excitement in myself as it was a reflex of this body.

The contradiction didn't end there it was drowning my fears and arousing my whole body, it was a weird feeling that I don't even understand so I just stopped thinking about it and looked to my side to find the maid.

But what I found in turn was a road which stretched for miles 'Whaaat! I only walked a few hundred meters from the palace to reach here but now it's stretching far into the horizon.'


It was a cry filled with confusion, now that maid was not by his side he let go of the wariness and didn't hide his emotions.

'calm down, the answer is already pretty obvious, but first what is happening to me. I'm getting riled up so easily unlike me. There is nothing wrong with this body but weird emotions are rising inside me.'

Instead of walking towards the arena he walked to the end of the pavement and lost in gazing at the marvellous structure in front of him. With no guides or scary undead around he finally found a moment of peace and began to analyse the first thing that came to his head, on how he came this far along with only a few steps.

'My mind is not playing any tricks I'm sure of it, and thinking back on the gruesome incident on how that zombie warrior turned into dust it's most likely that there are supernatural powers in here just like in the comics. If one thing is for sure its that nothing is normal in here'

Looking behind and finding bright land which is lit by golden grass and pitch dark sky which looks like a manifestation of void itself, a strange sense of awe dawned his mind. But disturbing that moment of relief a jolt of rush flowed through his nerves. There has been a weird sense of emotions that are rushing in him from the moment he stood in front of the arena. He could clearly sense foreign emotions invading his by the just looking at the walls of arena. Not knowing what might happen if he delays too much waiting outside, taking a deep breath he finally goes near the entrance.

'Just as I thought its this strange structure that's making me feel strange, I can't exactly say what it is but it's making my blood rush. Why does everything has to be so weird here, how are the plants in my nursery going to survive if I'm really not in a dream.'

Taking step into the entrance he could vividly realise the impact of arena on his mind. He can't help but walk inside nonetheless, the corridors stretched far deeper and with his tiny steps echoing though out the corridor he slowly moves inside. 

 With each step echoing in his ears and the unending corridor in front of him Dax moved forward with increasing anxiety of what he might confront in front of him. One thing he understood is that whoever it is that might confront him they are sure be some kind of undead and head butler is the lord that they all fear. Even though his body is doing fine his mind was tired from all the trauma that he encountered, with nothing but anxious thoughts blurring his mind he stopped thinking altogether and walked mechanically further in. 

 With each step taken another fell automatically, he lost track of how long he has been walking and sweating from each pore of body Dax kept walking and walking. No matter how long he walked he never felt tired instead the adrenaline is pumping his veins stronger and stronger. As he walked deeper and deeper the invasion of foreign emotions grew stronger and stronger. And all of a sudden pushed the ground at once and rocketed forward. He ran with all his might ahead with all adrenaline gushing Dax felt as if he was flying. The air hitting face grew with his increasing speed, a sense of freedom and relief soothed his anxious and wary mind. 

'Is this what flying feels like? woah, no matter how hard I long keep running I do not get tired. This really feels awesome, do I also have any super powers like all those zombies? I really think its this arena. It is somehow influencing my mind and body. Whatever I never felt this free after finding myself here.'

With a brazing wind throwing back his hair he ran into the unending corridor with all his might, he ran, ran and ran for almost an hour never gasping for breath or getting tired. After running for almost an hour he finally saw the end to the corridor, from outside point of view the arena was not this large. And recalling back to how short their walk to arena with the maid was Dax finally guessed the supernatural phenomenon. This place has disoriented space or the undead he encountered can manipulate the space. 

Just thinking about it gave him a headache and a sense of amazement at the same time, it really felt like he came into a comic book world filled with supernatural phenomenons. 

Seeing the end of the hallway he increased his speed further with the built up momentum and rushed forward. The end was brightly lit reflecting on the dark red walls.

'finally! there is an end it almost felt like I was never going to reach it, why the hell do they have to make such a long corridors. The run was actually therapeutic, it feels like all the weight on my shoulders is lifted and my body still feels a lot lighter.'

With increased light at the end of the dimly lit hallways, his vision went blank adjusting to the light, he darted into the middle of the arena. And finally stopping drenched in sweat he stood there for a while and waited for his vision to adapt, but before that could happen he heard a hoarse voice 

"you really lost all your memories just as lord said, if not you wouldn't have left you dagger. It is strange indeed no one has invaded realm of dead for centuries."

Tilting his head to the source of the voice he saw a black full body armour with gold decorations. The face is not visible at all but that stood to the left took a step forward and spoke again.

"You, what happened ?did you truly lost all memories?" 

Not knowing what to say Dax just nodded his head to the question.