
I'm Too good to be blessed by Paragon of Murder

For the past few years since he graduated and received the INSA Young Scientist Award, Dax Grayson has lived an isolated life with only his nursery and research. Growing up with his grandparents in the countryside, he was introduced to farming and gardening at an early age. Ever since then, he has only grown closer to florals. They are like family to him, and in turn, he feels their affection. People around him let him be, as he never intrudes or disrupts them while going on with his eccentricities. One day, during a regular hike, he comes across a peculiar red flower that he has never seen before. Upon closer study, the flower seems to radiate a golden hue across the petals. All of a sudden, the hue flashes, and in that instant, Dax feels his internals churning and loses consciousness. Upon regaining himself, he finds that he is in a strange place surrounded by chaos. Unable to contemplate his current predicament, he falls victim to his anxiety and fear. The life he led until now cannot be said to be harsh or dangerous, but a sudden incomprehensible chain of events puts him in turmoil. As he tackles his fear and tries to get a grip on himself, he realizes something. Everyone around him seems to be more cautious and afraid of him than he is. Finally, he understands that he was a vessel blessed by an entity on the level of demi-godhood called Paragon of Murder.

Laddu_Ji · 奇幻
7 Chs

\Chapter 3\

Seeing the zombie frozen and frightened Dax became more wary of whoever it is about to come. The horse voice rang deep into heart from ears, like a lighting which booms thunder first and flashes later, a figure materialized in front of both the zombie and Dax. It appeared in blink of an eye, zombie was looking at the ground mumbling curses inwardly. The figure stood tall almost 7 feet and wore a dazzling black suite with bow tie which shined much brighter from the golden light sparkling from the ground.

'if its something that even scares the zombie this much then its definitely something more spookier than a rotten zombie, Ah! don't be scared, just whatever happens or whatever you see don't be scared. It most certainly called young master so it's not going to hurt me right?'

With shaking legs Dax stood his ground with his eyes fixed to ground and the golden grass. As he slowly lifted up his gaze first he noticed was the shining black shoes, those shoes took a step towards him in a slow and gentle manner. But Dax knew whoever it was he should not offend this person at all.

"Were you hurt? young master"

Even though I'm trembling with fear I nodded my head, I tried to speak but words were not coming out of my mouth no matter how hard I tried. I slightly lift my head enough to see the black dazzling shoes, they had a silver skull fit on them. They had some red stones finely placed for eyes and looked fearsome. The thought of not wanting to offend this person grew only stronger.

Head butler is a Great lich standing 7 feet tall and has a golden-black horn protruding from his right forehead. His entire bones are drawn with golden engravings, which prove that he is in a higher hierarchy even among the great liches. His eyes had one red pupil which radiating dominance from it and 6 golden pupils orbiting it.

In the world Hyvelon the power of a being is displayed in their eyes. The number of pupils one has dictates the soul scaling, but it does not dictate strength. The Head butler with seven pupils in each eye it means his soul is as powerful as 10 million(10^7) ordinary liches for a general comparison. Liches power domain lies in curses and necromancy in majority but there will always be cases of unique beings like head butler.

Head butler's domain is of dimensional magic which is a very powerful domain compared to liches normal domain of necromancy and curses. Breathing a soft sigh head butler looked at the warrior ghoul, before he could even say anything the warrior ghoul fell on knees

"Lord! Please let me explain. The mur.. The young master branched an anomaly. Yes! There is something definitely wrong with him, I was about to repo"

Before the ghoul could finish head butler cut him off.

"Oh, that sounds interesting. No candidate ever has branched one so early."

Dax felt as if his entire body is in a MRI scan, from his breathing to his heartache felt like some strange presence was involved in it. He was sweating bullets out his body, till now he was only looking at the skulls on the butler boots which already spooked him trough the bone. His heart rate was already over 140 and the only reason he is standing still without fainting for the third time is cause the tears of time were still in effect.

"Hmm, your aura density is still same. And I don't sense change from yesterday either have you received any revelation?"

The serene voice of the butler passed through my ears and reverberated through out my body, I don't even know what to call this sensation but only thing I knew is I should answer his question. But I don't even get what he is asking of me or the revelation he spoke of. And the clear analogy here is that I'm in someone else's body. Freezing up like this won't do me any good so I shook my head in protest of his question.

"Oh, this sure is strange. You were never so afraid of me before, you were wary of course but never this scared. Hmm"

I didn't know how should I respond, and just stood there. His remarks made threw further off, I just want to come clean before and tell him how I'm not the person in this body. I may not understand the phenomenon but they might have answers, it wasn't my fault that I'm pulled into this situation. As I was thinking of an explanation a sudden cry rang in my ears, I twist my head to the source and see the zombie elongated and crying in pain. It was as if the space above his head and space below him became miniature black holes and sucking like a strong vacuum.

My mind just went blank from the scene before my eyes, the very fabric of space acted as an executioner and the expression of zombie only made it worse, he knew he was gonna die today but how painful it is going to be is the only thing that scared him out of wits. He looked at me with contempt, the vacuum at the downside was more stronger in order to keep him alive and torment him. Starting from his feet the rotten flesh, maggots inside the flesh and bones became powder and assimilated slowly.

It lasted for few minutes before he completely vanished into nowhere, not even a single particle of his existence was left behind. It was just frightening enough that all the beings in this new strange place are spooky itself but seeing what they are capable of Dax mind went numb from fear.

Head butler loomed over Dax and bent slightly in manner which was more than enough to check his expression. Dax stood there frozen, without even breathing as stiff as cold corpse. The cries of the zombie were still ringing clear in his head, he prepared himself to face anything that comes his way and to stay strong just moments ago. But even in his worst nightmare he can't understand what in the name of God is happening right now and why is it happening to him.

Head butler kept his bony palms won Dax'es head, just the palm itself was nearly as tall as the tiny boy. Forefinger of the palm rustled soft green hair on the boys head and the deep voice spoke

"don't be so scared now young master, before starting your class today let's go find what this anomaly of yours is"

Even if the voice was caring, it still send chills down Dax. He didn't know of what would happen to him now, the body he was in was obviously of some important figure. He doesn't even have a slight clue of how he inherited this boys body and what happened to his real body. Dax didn't believe in souls as he studied plants and microorganisms, the concept of souls didn't make sense to him from the point of Bible. His grandparents were catholic and he used to go to church when he was young, but he wasn't an avid believer. Eastern religions did say everything has souls but he was lost in his research to even give break for philosophy and religion.

Seeing as the boy was standing still the finger rustling his hair came to a stop and his palm almost entirely covered him, with a woosh they switched places and came to few meters left from the tears of time. They were standing infornt of a small puddle of blood, there were traces of bleeding further down the path and stretched far. The head butler gently picked up the boy and vanished from that place again appearing far of from where they stood before. Right now they were standing in what seemed a flower bed which were shining bright white. They looked similar to magnolia flowers but had thinner petals which also emitted strong light brighter than the golden grass from before.

Head butler gently holding the boy in his arms walked deeper into the flower bed following the bloodstains. As they traversed deep into the field, for the first time he looked at the head butler and saw his face. From the bony fingers he already made out this to be a skeleton like figure but what he saw amazed him more than frightening him. Maybe because of the gentleness the butler showed or the belief that he is an important figure he wasn't as scared as before. Seeing the dazzling golden engravings on the bony texture and the majestic golden-black horn, Dax had a loom of revere in his eyes.

As they passed on slowly the brilliant white flowers become more scarce and the land seemed barren. In this strange place the light is emitted from the plant life on the ground rather than the sky so it became darker and darker as they further moved in.

At a point it became pitch black, but from afar red light shinned faintly. Head butler was still following the bloodstains on the ground but as he progressed further there was a hint of displease and worry in his cold bony skull.

They finally stood still by end of their walk standing in front of a red flower which Dax could never forget, it glowed with much more brilliance than the one Dax knew. But nonetheless it was the same flower. To all his unanswered question he knew this flower had all the answers he needed. He had a sense of hope and excitement but still has lingering fear of butler and what he would do to him if he found out someone else is in the body of this boy. He can only pray no harm comes to him, with that he clinched his fists tight in anticipation of the future.