
I'm in Hyrule? - A Zelda Fanfic.

Our main character is reincarnated into a Breath of the Wild/ Tears of the Kingdom mashup—lots of progressive strengthening of MC, possibly a sprinkle of r18 / romance. I can guarantee the story will get better as my writing skills improve. I am also going back and updating older chapters. I encourage all readers to give the first ten chapters a try!

Mctoasty_Jr · 游戏衍生
45 Chs

Oceans 69

Big fucking bear.

I wake to the smell of fish this morning. Looking down from my tree branch perch in confusion, I see a massive brown bear tearing into a five-foot-long salmon.

I could just quietly continue on my way... I mean, who wants to fight a massive fifteen-foot-tall bear for any other reason than... it would make a really good cloak.

Yes, I should just continue on, making the logical decision that a civilized adult reborn into a child's body would make.

... But I really want a cloak, they are sooo fantasy! And I do want to test out stasis and Aqua slash against a real enemy, as there are no monsters in this canyon.

My itchy trigger finger gets the better of me, and six shots ring out from my revolver, sinking into the back of the massive brown bear. The beast rises out on its hind legs, showing a stature that would be impossible if this bear hadn't fed on the herbs and mana in the sealed canyon for centuries.

A roar erupts from its mouth, and a glob of its spit lands on my cheek.

In response to this disrespect, I let out a roar of my own, "gawd damn, use some fucking floss yo ugly ass ain't getting no bearitas with dat nasty ass breath."

The brown bear doesn't appreciate my friendly advice and starts shaking the tree I'm in.

I jump to another tree and stick a knife firmly into the bark, slowing my descent to the ground. Once my feet land on the soft pine needles, I turn my attention to my opponent.

The bear charges at me, tanking some more bullets like it's high on cocaine.

Once it's in range, I stick the Throngler into its torso at lightning speed and start channeling the maximum amount of electricity that the wire can conduct straight into the torso of the bear.

The beast freezes for a second before continuing its assault, relying on the sheer mass packed onto its bones negate the destructive, foreign mana coursing through its body.

Two white claws flash thought the air, and I draw my saber in a flash of blue, deflecting the strikes.

It seems like this bear has seen and fought some shit, and we exchange blows for the next few minutes, eventually, I see my opportunity, and I pump a large amount of mana into stasis, freezing the bear for half a second while I execute a horizontal slash.

When my opponent unfreezes, it's launched back into a tree, something I'd never expect to happen to such a massive creature.

While the bear recovers, I take the opportunity to resheathe my saber and close my eyes. My body tenses, and the muscles on my back ripple and shift in anticipation.

The bear has recovered and pounces on me, exerting so much force into its hind legs that the ground cracks.

It's then that my eyes flash open, my tattoos glowing deep, navy blue as I unsheathe my saber, unleashing a mighty tidal wave-like slash that almost looks like a woodblock print, suspended in the sky before it splits open the head of the bear.

Something I forgot to account for when executing this badass attack is the three thousand pound carcass that crashes into my body.




It is very wet (The inside of a bear). Smells like fish.

I continue chopping away at the inside of the bear, holding my breath for the twenty minutes it takes to cut out from under a three thousand pound bear. That is a piece of information I never thought I would possess.

Floofy happily greets me once I'm out, I ordered him to stay back during the fight, but he did bark incessantly at the bear, which distracted it a few times.

It takes me a week to butcher that animal. I'm forced to construct a smoker for the bear meat and a sled to carry all the stuff I've picked up in my travels, like the various furs, ancient tech, and pretty rocks. I like pretty rocks.

Eventually, my travel sled is complete, and I set off once more.

After a few more days of travel across the pine forest, the landscape begins changing into a badlands biome. The trees are shorter, brown bushes, and small cacti replace thriving ferns and towering pines.

Eventually, I find myself traversing canyons... inside a canyon? The desert mesa stretches out before me, but the canyons' previously breathtaking red, white, and brownstone layers quickly become monotonous. I really just want to be home.

At last, I can see the familiar forest biome that I recognize from the area around the cabin! I let loose a sigh that I never even knew I'd been holding since the start of my journey.

There is one obstacle blocking my path though; a large canyon that would add another full week to make my way around.

Luckily there seems to be a natural rock bridge across the canyon.

As I walk to the bridge I see a black dot, moving in the middle of the structure.

Once I reach a small hill overlooking the bridge I channel mana into my eyes.

In the middle of the bridge is a grassy field with a cave off to the side, the black dot, turns out to be a lynel.

Even from a mile away, the lynel stikes fear into my heart. It's massive uppor body exludes an aura of bloodlust. A bow, sword, and sheild and strung across it's back, and a layer of metal armour covers it's horse-like lower body.

Its fur and mane are pitch black, and it's eyes are blood red, I feel like it could catch my gaze right now and kill me with a single, well placed arrow.

Uncle Rhoams foreshadowing comes to mind, "If you see a big black monster, just pray to Hylia and run away."

This lynel is that monster.

And I wanna steal it's shit.

Heist time baby.

I am not a furry.

Mctoasty_Jrcreators' thoughts