When a young girl's father was murdered by an assassin, a 14 years old Anna wanted to know who killed her father. But the murderer isn't who she think it is. After several years of hard training, she was enrolled in a world renowned spy company, HSA, in Budapest. With her medical and martial arts training background, Anna and her partner, Henrik embarks on a dangerous mission to find a famous assassin, Andras, and bring him to justice. Can Anna find her father's true murderer? Can she handle the harsh truth?
" Will this flower ever grow?", said Anna. A curious little 6 years old girl with wavy brown hair, poked her finger into the wet soil.
" Of course, my little angel. They need water and sun to help them grow." , my father said.
"But why does it take so long? I want to see the flower!" Anna replied impatiently.
"Flowers grow when it's their time to grow, Anna. It doesn't happen overnight. You need to wait." My father smiled.
"If mommy is still here, she will be so happy to see the flower." I said while sitting on my father's lap.
I woke up and saw my father in the kitchen making breakfast. Seeing his face and smile makes me so happy. We depended on each other a lot ever since mom died from an incurable disease.
My father was previously a detective who loved his job but when my mother passed away, my father quit his job to spend more time with me.
My father doesn't like to show me that he's tired or sick, he remained strong for me. I tried my best to help him everyday with laundry and washing dishes and doing well in school.
"I love you, father. I want to become strong like you. I want to help people too like mom", I said happily.
A little backstory about my mom. My mom was a beautiful woman, she loved helping people. She was the one who told me I can be a doctor just like her when i grow up.
"Haha, you will dear. Mom will be so proud of you." My father chuckled. "Make sure to bring your lunch today, I don't want you to be hungry again."
"I won't, dad. I will bring it."
As I kissed him goodbye for school... i didn't know it will be my last time seeing his smile.