
I'd Kill for Love

The first name she ever recieved was Amyralis for her beauty ensnared all who laid eyes on her. Wars were waged over her beauty but she paid no heed to all them, she even laughed at the mere foolishness of men, she treated people like disposables but it wasn't always like that. In ancient times the wrath of the gods was not easy to incur but Amyralis had been the cause of the deaths of millions of people and destruction of empires. At a point some worshipped her as a god which angered the celestial beings and she was punished. She was given the immortality where she would die and live another life not forgetting a single death even hers, but no one even the gods who created her with the cursed beauty that caused her to face difficulties at the hands of men. They didn't remember she was supposed to be the beloved child of gods. She was supposed to be beauty that healed but humans naturally are greedy and destroy all that is beautiful so she became beauty laced with VENOM.

Fay_Ish · 奇幻言情
4 Chs


"Why did you do what you did?"

Her vision sharpened as it zeroed into focused on the man who asked her the question after they had sat in silence for the past few hours after realising that she wasn't going to say a word or even acknowledge his presence. She had accepted the fact that people wouldn't accept what she did, a crime was a crime there was no in-between. She let her eyes roam the room which she was confined in until she was rehabilitated enough to enter into society, it was all white and immaculate not a chipped paint in sight, the floor was spotless you could see your reflection on the marble floor.

Usually, rooms like that were hard to get but she got her way after she had brutally assaulted the people who came to give her medications.

She told them she would murder every single person they sent to her unless they got her out of the godforsaken room.

It continued until they gave into her demands, she had been diagnosed with several disorders, Obsessive compulsive disorder, Obsessive love disorder, and some disorders from the dark triad, narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy. Her narcissism was unable to be clearly measured, on some occasions it would be abnormally high then abnormally low on another, so they left it at average but other than that the others were abnormally high even had and an IQ of 360. Her other quotients were extremely high, she was what people would classify as a monster.

Doctors even discovered to her be a dark empath and only towards one person she showed extreme obsession, strangely enough she also had Alexithymia.

She was deemed to dangerous for prison as well so she was incarcerated but also subjected to study as her condition was extreme and not understandable. How she even developed this disorders was a mystery as she began to show these signs right from a young age, no one could trace how she got to that point, on top of all that her mind was sealed tighter than an airtight container. They could only tell what disorders she had by her body language, manner of speech, thinking etc, the problem was how she developed them. Her information didn't share a lot she was basically a ghost, her parents were seen to be diagnosed with extreme narcissism but that was it, it was no wonder she didn't show signs of narcissism which was the only normal thing about her.


This woman was remarkable in many ways, she had a lot of influence, she was extremely rich, rumour had it that she was more of a hitman then a mercenary, a godmother she was know both in high places and in dark places, she was someone greatly respected, feared, loved and hated but she didn't show these back to them because she barely gave a shit about them. She saw them as resources, properties, trash and sometimes nothing at all you were mostly to live longer if she didn't set her eyes on you at all.

"I've you experienced love before?" She asked, her voice filled with curiosity but she didn't receive a reply from the person she was questioning, people had been warned to never involve emotions when talking to her since she was a master at manipulating people's emotions. She gave the doctor a lopsided grin and complimented his intelligence then added,

"If you don't talk, why should I? No matter what all the odds are in my favour," she felt really pleased with herself especially since they couldn't even use her weakness against her the perfect conditions. If she wanted she could manipulate everyone around her and still be with her other half, he was the angel and she was that shadow that he cast more like she hid in his already existing shadow. The shadow he cast was small but was very deep and dark. The said painful truth was that he didn't want her, he moved on with his life after selling her out and stabbing her in the back the betrayal and rejection was so deep that for months she couldn't comprehend her surroundings, everything at that time seemed so surreal, she even stabbed a few people to see if it would give her a sense of reality that was the first time she felt she had a mental problem. Her IQ was very high so she used it to her advantage just in case a situation that she was caught ever arose, the mental illness appeal was just to get her a comfortable situation and environment.

It's was funny how she discovered that no matter what humans were not trustworthy, it was easier to trust a serial killer to stop killing than it was to trust a human to stay loyal and not betray you and she learned that the hard way. She was still in the asylum because she couldn't choose if she would get her revenge or just be the psycho she was.

"The longer you stay silent the longer you're in here." The man said he voice visibly held boredom, she smirked at him then thought it would be funny to destroy everyone that was laughing at her presently.

"I've decided..." as her voice rang out the man's ear perked up at the statement and kept and attentive posture to show he was listening.

"I'll talk... but if I'm to say even a word, I want the world to hear my story. " she said nothing after that but the man could clearly understand that she wanted it to go public and make it big.

A week after she had announced her cooperation they all gathered in the room, flashes went off as the single camera man took pictures of her, she was enjoying the situation because she knew she was about to break all hell loose in the country.

"Isolde... you said you would tell us your story... we're ready to listen." One of the journalist invited said trying to sound as supportive and comforting as possible but she knew they were just patronising her and just wanted to hear the dirty details about all the dirty deeds she did.

It was time to put on a show what else could it be if not a show since there was lights camera and action, she would close the curtain on the personage of Isolde... literally.

"Why? Love." Was all she said and dropped a bulky folder held together by a band that had long lost its elasticity, then she dropped a diary then a black box.

"Here before you are X files, forbidden scriptures and Pandora's box. Careful, whoever opens any of these will face a bad end and these items may even disappear. If I ever tell my story it will never reach the public because my story will destroy all of you. I will be dead but you will live to feel it all... ah one more thing... spread this before you leave here because once he finds it. He'll silence it and you." She laughed after her speech people saw it as the ramblings of a person of pure evil but still read it on air. The truth was she had already sent it to all the people she needed to.

The country was shook to it's very foundation as they witness not evil but someone who saw no value in anything but love, someone who seemed human but wasn't humane.

On the 1st, day of the wind, 2000 Isodel was hung for her crimes.

Her eyes reopened once again to her new life as though her body held all her memories from all the previous lives. She had be around for as long as human civilisations could be traced she would live for an very long time and die just to be reborn in another life and sometimes another world. The thing was that there was one other person who shared her blessing/curse and he usually always used her. She never knew who he could be but he always found her and stabbed her in the back but... She loved every bit of it, an endless cycle of love, betrayal and death.

This time it looked like she had been born in a medieval times and by the looks of it she was nobility of some sort, she let her eye roam her surroundings and saw that the furnishing screamed lavish lifestyle, then her eyes rested on a man who looked to be in his early 40's she immediately assumed him to be her father.

"Her name will be Ember, for her eyes and hair glow like the fires in the underworld."

I hope you like random cuz I'm just making this up as I go...

Fay_Ishcreators' thoughts