
Hunting My Bitch Husband

The world had served her the cruellest and bitter taste of life. From the mysterious death of her parents to her awful marriage which slowly ripped her off. All of this made her become a changed woman and she vowed never to love again because she believed that all men were evil. She was called the city bitch, a woman who rampaged the city, tortured men with her body and did cruel things to people. Nothing and no one could stop the hottest slayer in the city who bowed to no one. Digging gold with her pretentious smile that made men succumb to her and women green with jealousy. All these she did in viciousness to take down her lifetime enemy who ripped and turned her world upside down. Plotting her sweet great revenge, storming the city with her cruel and crazy acts, she was suddenly trapped in the web of the same oath she vowed not to break. Finding herself spelling the word LOVE seemed like a curse to her as she felt she will make the same horrible mistake that took the life she once had. Either she ruled and accomplished her revenge, or the city goes to ruin.

PenDora56 · 现代言情
54 Chs

First truth unveiled.

"Don't you dare hate me and don't you dare threaten me again, because the moment you do, I won't hesitate to kiss that threat off your lips"

A sudden chill ran down Roselle's spine at her boss's words. She was confused and surprised at the same time.

The room went still with a moment of silence, her boss's words repeating in her head. He had sounded like he threatened her. Yet, there was something more to his threat but she couldn't pick out what it was.

She felt her hand suddenly become cold and she looked away feeling more embarrassed, her anger had led her to do something she wished she had not done.

Despite the scar on her boss's face, it was obvious that he was a beauty to behold.

"But how will one kiss a threat out of one's lips?" She thought inwardly but she didn't know she had said these words out and it was very loud and clear to the hearing of her boss.

Roderick's face flushed for the first time in his entire life. He turned away from Roselle immediately and tried hard to suppress the mounting impulse to blush or even smile.

He never thought for once that a woman will ever make him feel this embarrassed in his life. As old as he was, he had never toasted a woman or a woman toasted him.

He wanted to peek at Roselle but he forced himself to keep his gaze at the wall he was facing.

Roselle thanked her stars that he did turn away after she realized the silly question she asked. She bit on her lower lips filling the need to run away from the room.

Under Roderick's eyes, lay a deep emotion. "Will you like me to teach you how it's done?" He said in a hushed tone.

"What did you say, boss?" Roselle asked.

"Um, I mean, the wickedness of men needs to be paid with wickedness." He changed the topic immediately and turned a serious tone.

"I lost my desire for the world, I literally lost my desire to live, yet I was still attempting to survive but harbouring this bitterness in my heart"

"I was almost destroyed some years back and I felt shoved aside, mistreated and no one cared about me. My emotions were crazy and this time around my emotions are going to be crazier when I begin to visit all who wronged me."

Roderick's smiles had left and he paced the room in a disordered step. He stopped abruptly. "No matter how hard the human heart wants to forgive, the taste for revenge will only conquer. I don't care about anyone anymore, not even the one who gave me the reason to make me survive." Now he turned and faced Roselle, though he had a deadly look on his face, behind that deadly look were sober yet caring eyes when he stared at her.

"Roselle," He suddenly blurted her name without calling her Karla this time and the new rage in him made her body shiver. "If you want to see your dear friend, Tina, you must complete this first mission." Roderick dropped a file on the floor in front of Roselle.

About to pick up the file her boss had dropped on the floor for her to read, the voice of her boss shook the whole room. "A tooth for tooth, and you dare not spare anyone!"

He turned to face her again, giving her more details about the purpose of his revenge.

"The minister of state will launch his project which is centred on the welfare of the people to elevate poverty for over one million people in the country this weekend.

The government supports this project and as usual, the glutton of the state which is the minister of affairs who claimed to care for the shoved the money given to sponsor this project into his pocket.

My revenge is not on the minister of welfare and affairs of the people but on Doctor James Morgan who would be attending this launching.

You must have thought that Doctor James Morgan is a good man but he is one of the reasons this city had been inflicted with diseases without cure.

Five years ago, Doctor James Morgan and his team introduced a drug mainly for the treatment of accident victims. This drug was supposed to heal wounds on bone faster and repair the body tissue.

It was tasted on animals like rats, rabbits, dogs and so many other animals and it had lesser side effects on these animals.

They went on and on to taste this drug until they felt the need to taste it on humans as they believed the drug would be safe for human consumption.

They went to the slum to taste this drug on humans, and that was when they forced my mother to take the drug and it was injected into her body, that was exactly the time she had an accident while searching for me.

It was killing people in the province, they knew it but their greed was too much that they needed to fill their bag with dirty money.

Doctor James and his team knew that there was no way this drug could be amended even though it would cure the accident victim it will create another convulsing sickness that would make the victims lose their memories.

A few months later, when the bad effects of this drug were becoming obvious to the people and people began to complain about it, Doctor James and his team were able to bribe the few ones responsible for health affairs in the state to stop the government from taking action to bringing down the drug.

They decided to go into another research and succeeded in finding the remedy to the side effects the first drug had and was able to have the cure to the mental bad effects it had on people, but there was also more to this second drug.

The second drug cannot be taken without also taking the first one, if not, it will lead to the accident victim's death and because they know that the first drug won't be accepted by the people anymore, they changed the label of the drug and renamed it so that people won't know it was the exact same first drug as before which cursed mental illness.

Now these two drugs are used side by side without the people knowing about it.

An accident victim who takes these two drugs is never cured completely, the two drugs leave the accident victim in a paralyzed state as long as they continue to take it.

Doctor James's team knew about it and that is why they pushed the drug into the market more because the more a paralyzed person keeps taking these two drugs, the more the Doctors make more money.

Only a healed person would stop taking drugs. They didn't want people to be healed, they want them to continue spending their money on these fake drugs.

They insisted that these two drugs would be used alongside each other to achieve their aim. And they're busy bribing the people responsible to take down fake drugs in the country." Roderick breathed out after his long explanation.

And at this point, Roselle's face was covered with tears. "Mum," Roselle whispered, staring at the pictures of the drug, it was the exact drug her mother has been taking over the years.