
Hunter of the Evernight

Alex, a special operative on Earth who died during a mission, finds himself transmigrated with the identity of an investigative journalist as an agent of a mysterious entity with a simple mission. With the promise that he would be reunited with his family once he was done, Alex accepts the offer and becomes an agent of darkness in a new world teeming with steam-powered machinery and something more... The supernatural. In this new world, he will have to navigate his way through crazy witches, bloodthirsty monsters, religious fanatics, and fallen angels while slowly making his way toward his end goal... Returning to the family he left behind. A journalist by day and a hunter by night, this is the story of the Hunter of Evernight. *** Release rate- 1chap/day ( can increase to 2 if I'm free enough. However, daily updates are assured ) Chapter length: 1k-2k *** Additional tags: #Steampunk, #Lovecraftian elements, #Lowkey MC, #Neutral MC, #Smart MC, #Vampires, #Werewolf, #Cunning MC, #Dragons, #Secret organization, #Cults, #Angels, #Demons, #Evil gods, #Adventure, #Supernatural, #strongactingweak, #misunderstanding, #Horror, #Psychological, #rarebloodline, #Witches, #magitech, #darkfantasy, #monsters, #spirits, #curses, #firearms, #kingdoms, #action, #industrialization, #mysterysolving, #religions, #evil religions, #zombies, #ghosts, #Lost Civilizations, #European ambiance, #Artifacts, #Determined Protagonist, #Misunderstandings, #Monsters, #Hiding True Identity, #Nobles, #Souls, #Special Abilities, #Manipulative Characters, #Sentient Objects, #Hidden Abilities, #Transformation Ability, #Godly Powers, #Gore, #Detectives, #Familial Love, #Schemes And Conspiracies. Cover: Created using Midjourney AI *** Might seem slow in the beginning chapters but please read at least 50 chapters before deciding if this is for you. Alternative titles; Hunter of Evernight, Evernight Hunter, Night Hunter.

_DreamWeaver · 奇幻
577 Chs


Just like how the Human Wheel derived its domains from an aspect of the Trinity, the Devil Wheel derived its domains from the 7 deadly sins.

Thinking back to what he learned from Nadia concerning the deadly sins and the domains they encompassed, Alex understood that his opponent would not be easy to defeat.

Especially since her powers were not easily avoided.

'It's just a release of authority and it already has such an effect.' Alex pondered inwardly as he glanced at his zipper.

It wasn't a case of Fatima having a stronger aura than him, which would practically be impossible considering the authority he held.

It was something as simple as playing with a man's primal instinct.

No matter how powerful the man was, as long as he remained a man, aggravating such emotions and putting it at a level where the only way they'd think is with the tail between their legs would surely have an effect.

Taking a moment to calm his excited nerves, he looked back at Fatima, the latter of which was staring back with interest.

"Oh… interesting. You are but a mere man yet you can keep your sexuality under control even while being exposed to me." Fatima remarked smilingly.

Inwardly however she knew that Alex was not a simple man.

There was a reason she had asked for the hearts of him and his brother, Douglas to be harvested.

Alex sighed as he took a step forward. "Tell me something…why did you ask for the hearts of me and my family members?"

"You knew?"

"Of course, I have Marcus to thank for giving me what I needed."

Fatima revealed a look of intrigue as she inquired. "How did a Halfblood like yourself manage to defeat an Embracer of the Wild?"

"I asked first." Alex simply replied, clearly not planning on entertaining Fatima's questions.

Fatima pursed her lips before nodding. "You are right, there's no need to waste time talking since I will be taking your heart now anyway."

"... That marks the end of our conversation then," Alex said as took a step forward.


A blinding white light exploded from above his head and rushed at Fatima, reaching her in the blink of an eye.

Though flustered, Fatima recovered as she pulled Oliver to stand before her and used him as a human shield.

Alex paused his attack as he intended to avoid hitting Oliver, however, before he could do so, he sensed something approaching, causing him to grab Nadia's arm before teleporting away with a snap which caused the initial attack to dissipate like a lie.

At the same time, the area where they previously were exploded with rock shards flying about due to the impact of the Sonic blast that had struck.

After reappearing a safe distance away, Alex glanced up at the banquet hall only to frown at the presence that had revealed itself.

Illuminated by the Nighteye, a terrifying creature with three wolf-like heads and nine hands twisted in different directions stood on the roof.

Its size was easily four times larger than an average male's.

The most eye-catching aspect however of this strange monstrosity, an aspect which Alex wished to wash his eyeballs for gazing upon, were the three horrifyingly large members that stuck out of the body of the beast.

Nadia barely restrained herself from vomiting as she placed her palm over her mouth.

"Oh, I see you've met my pet. He's a masterpiece, isn't he?" Fatima remarked smilingly as she looked toward the roof and called out. "Come to me."

The creature excitedly responded as it jumped down and bent all three heads before Fatima.

Reaching out to stroke its rich black mane, Fatima sighed. "It took a lot of time but thankfully, it wasn't a waste."

"What is that?" Alex questioned with a disgusted look.

"This?" Fatima pointed at the beast. "Weren't you looking for Marcus's brothers?... I made them even more powerful by merging them. An amalgamation of three Embracers of the Wild, a true work of art. I call it Amalgam. Tell me, isn't it beautiful?"

"If you consider nauseating and utterly repulsive as beautiful, then why not?" Alex remarked.

He was already preparing to go again as he took another step forward.

Considering the possibility of the D.O.D. reacting to what was happening here, he knew it would be zero.

He had long since noticed that an enchantment had been placed about the Goldberg Manor, preventing the fluctuations or sounds of battle from escaping.

"You have waited a long time."

Fatima revealed a smile. "Indeed I have. After learning you had broken the seal on your bloodline and what your brother had done to escape from the clutches of my men, I knew I had to do something. To be honest, I expected the other guy to come first but your presence was still within expectations."

'So Douglas is still alive and he seems to have awakened some sort of bloodline?' Alex thought inwardly.

Thinking back to what Nyx had said while transferring the starter pack and also what he had experienced so far, Alex could guess that the so-called bloodline awakening had to do with the lunar domain he had access.

Based on what he had learned, there was only one Cryptid race that held power over the night.


"Now then, enough with the chit-chat. You attacked me first, yes?" Fatima remarked. "It's my turn now."

A moment later, she spoke in a strange language.


Alex felt a sense of danger causing him to back away but before he could do so, a sharp pain tore through his body.

Pausing in his tracks, he looked at his hands to discover that his skin cells were dying.

He narrowed his eyes as he glanced at Fatima, the latter who was currently grinning from ear to ear.

"I can't underestimate you, dear Alex, so please… die for me."

Alex said no more as he attempted to make a move on Fatima.

At the same time, Fatima's pet… no, Amalgam moved.

Despite its large size, it covered a great distance in a few seconds before swiping at Alex.

However, the moment it made contact with him, Alex crumbled into dust.

Amalgam was left confused as it stared at the pile of dust at its feet.

Fatima, still standing at the hall entrance, revealed a distorted expression as she glanced at Nadia standing at the side.

"Oh wow." She remarked, not doing well to hide the annoyance she felt. "I didn't think you'd be a Mystic as well. What's more, a fellow from the Devil Wheel. I take it you contracted with Vessina, the Devil of Pride."

"You say her name casually," Nadia replied with some difficulty.

"Well, it's not like she'd come here and find me," Fatima said before pointing at Nadia.



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