
HP:Hogwarts: the heir of black family

The birth of the savior gradually dissipated the black fog shrouding the sky in London, and the famous Dark Lord actually lost to a baby. The Ministry of Magic also began to enjoy the fruits of victory. Pure-blood families escaped trial in the name of being under the Imperius Curse, but they still paid a heavy price. The Black family has been a pureblood for thousands of years, but there is only one Sirius left in Azkaban. At the trial meeting of the Ministry of Magic, he attempted to take over the Black legacy in the name of the Black family having no heir. = not mine { just a translator } "Who said I have no one in the Black family?" Cottrell Black was born, and the third son of the Black family returned from abroad. Cole said that as long as I am here, the Black family will not die. Blake's glory will once again shine in the wizarding world

Preet_Dhaliwal_6569 · 作品衍生
57 Chs

Chapter 56 I Shed Blood For The Ministry Of Magic

The Leaky Cauldron is a place where people come and go every day. It looks like a shabby place, but it is the most well-informed place.

What happened in Gringotts yesterday made the wizards in the Leaky Cauldron very excited. They all ordered cups of butterbeer and discussed it vigorously.

On each table, wizards held newspapers in their hands, and Fudge's face appeared on the big page of the Daily Prophet.

"Hahaha, stupid Fudge, look at his face, it's almost like a turkey's ass.

"Silly Fudge, what did you think he could say? Isn't the most important thing now to catch the thief?"

"He is not worthy of being the Minister of Magic at all, and stepping down would be his greatest contribution to the wizarding world.

"Praising this brave man should turn all those misers into paupers."

"Oh, praise Merlin."

The bar instantly became lively.

After all, wizards like them don't care what happens when the Ministry of Magic issues "183". They are even happier watching Fudge make a fool of himself.

Regarding the current Minister of Magic Fudge, many wizards think that he is a fool. If there were no people in the Ministry of Magic, this fool would not be allowed to come to power.

In the Leaky Cauldron, speech is free.

They preferred Dumbledore in the photo to Fudge, after all, it was the headmaster who made them feel safe.

Not only the Leaky Cauldron, but also the release of the Daily Prophet made the entire British wizarding world question Fudge's ability.

They knew that Fudge was a fool before, but now that something like this happened, the wizards felt that the Ministry of Magic should be replaced.

In the Office of the Minister of Magic, Fudge looked at the Daily Prophet, his hands trembling constantly. Sitting across from him was LeVert, his eyes looking more like he was watching a joke.


Hearing Peng's sound, Fudge held his right hand in pain.

"Damn it, these stupid wizards, what do they know? How many things have I done for the wizarding world over the years, and it wasn't my leadership that made the Ministry of Magic stronger?"

"You want me to step down. I was the one who led the officials of the Ministry of Magic to fight against the mysterious man. I contributed to that war, I saved their blood, and I was admitted to St. Mungo's Hospital."

"They can't do this to me, Merlin, look at this world, it's simply too cruel."

LeVille was dumbfounded when he heard Fudge's impassioned words. Even a shameless and selfish person like him couldn't say such words.

Have you ever contributed to the wizarding world? All your efforts have gone to the blond secretary.

You, Fudge, work for the Ministry of Magic? You haven't done anything at all these years, okay?

Not to mention that you led the officials of the Ministry of Magic to resist the mysterious man. That was what Barty Crouch did, and he was the Director of the Legal Department at the beginning.

If it weren't for your son's work, it would really not be your turn to be the minister.

Others don't know it, but LeVert came from that era.

Fudge had blood in his mouth and entered St. Mungo's. It was simply a shame to the Ministry of Magic.

It was during a mission that he was attacked by a mysterious man. During the retreat, Fudge didn't hit anyone with any of his magic spells. He accidentally fell down a mountain col and broke his arm.

Went to St. Mungo's and was cured in less than ten minutes. Just like that, Fudge was still in there and refused to leave the hospital, claiming that he was under a curse and had a headache.

LeVell just wanted to throw his inner complaints at Fudge's face. He was already dozens of years old, so shameless.

Level has never seen such a shameless person, he is simply lower than a goblin.

"Mr. Minister, why are you so angry? Although what the Daily Prophet said is a bit excessive, it is also recognition of you. Everyone wants the wizarding world to be more stable."

LeVert said this deliberately, but Fudge didn't even hear the irony in it.



Instead, he shouted loudly, "Rita, this bitch, dares to provoke me. I am the minister. Let the Propaganda Department teach this woman a lesson and let her know the price of offending me."

LeVell listened to Fudge's shameless words and reminded him.

"Minister, please don't forget that this woman is not the trouble now, not to mention that there is no one behind her.

"Then there's nothing I can do against her? LeVert, who is the Minister of Magic?"

Fudge glared at LeVert with a stern look, which did not scare the old guy in front of him at all.

LeVell felt contempt in his heart and said slowly: "Mr. Minister, the opinions of ordinary wizards have no impact on your status at all. Even if they don't like you, so what?"

"But please don't forget, sir, that the pure-blood nobles suffered heavy losses this time. They are the important beings who can decide whether you can continue to serve as the Minister of Magic."

Fudge sat down with a livid face. He was not stupid enough to understand what LeVille said.

That's right, no matter how ordinary wizards think he is unqualified, it will not affect his status.

Pure-blood nobles are an important part of the wizarding world. Even if Fudge doesn't want to admit it, most resources are inextricably linked to pure-blood nobles...

Even if Fudge recruited many mixed-blood wizards, it was still not enough to resist the nobles.

If what happened this time really made these nobles become cruel and propose changing minister candidates, then he would be in trouble.

Most of the members of the Wizengamot Council were noble wizards.

Thinking of this, Fudge broke into a cold sweat. He knew what he had done over the years. He just said that he had done a lot for the Ministry of Magic.

Indeed, there are many corruption cases involved.

After losing his position as minister and offending a pure-blood noble, his bad deeds will definitely be exposed.

Not even Dumbledore would say a word for him then.

"No, they won't do this. They also get benefits, don't they? They can't do this.

Fudge shouted loudly to cover up his inner panic.

Of course LeVell knew what benefits Fudge was talking about. This was already a tacit understanding among the top officials of the Ministry of Magic.

"Yes, I also have the support of Principal Dumbledore. The principal will definitely support me. He is the chief wizard of the Wizengamot, so he will definitely be able to help me."

Fudge muttered in a daze, and as he spoke, he stood up and saw that he was going to find Dumbledore.

When LeVille passed by Fudge, he directly held Fudge down and pulled his arm to the sofa.

"Mr. Minister, don't be too impulsive, otherwise you will lose your mind."

"If you go to see Headmaster Dumbledore like this, he won't see you." 0.3

Fudge couldn't understand what kind of person Dumbledore was, but Level knew a lot about him.

Levelle believed that such Fudge was of no value to Principal Dumbledore, and worthless things would be discarded.

Although he didn't want to admit that Fudge was unqualified as the Minister of Magic, Fudge was not useless from LeVert's position.

He didn't want to step on Fudge to get the position at all. The minister's position was not that easy to sit on.

The Shacklebolt family cannot be a thorn in the side of other noble wizards.

Pour a cup of black tea to help Fudge calm down.

Fudge may seem stupid to outsiders, but in LeVert's heart, Fudge has really never made any big mistakes.

Although I don't have the ability, I don't use my talents randomly.

For Britain after being devastated by the Dark Lord, stability is the most important thing. .

The Leaky Cauldron is a place where people come and go every day. It looks like a shabby place, but it is the most well-informed place.

What happened in Gringotts yesterday made the wizards in the Leaky Cauldron very excited. They all ordered cups of butterbeer and discussed it vigorously.

On each table, wizards held newspapers in their hands, and Fudge's face appeared on the big page of the Daily Prophet.

"Hahaha, stupid Fudge, look at his face, it's almost like a turkey's ass.

"Silly Fudge, what did you think he could say? Isn't the most important thing now to catch the thief?"

"He is not worthy of being the Minister of Magic at all, and stepping down would be his greatest contribution to the wizarding world.

"Praising this brave man should turn all those misers into paupers."

"Oh, praise Merlin."

The bar instantly became lively.

After all, wizards like them don't care what happens when the Ministry of Magic issues "183". They are even happier watching Fudge make a fool of himself.

Regarding the current Minister of Magic Fudge, many wizards think that he is a fool. If there were no people in the Ministry of Magic, this fool would not be allowed to come to power.

In the Leaky Cauldron, speech is free.

They preferred Dumbledore in the photo to Fudge, after all, it was the headmaster who made them feel safe.

Not only the Leaky Cauldron, but also the release of the Daily Prophet made the entire British wizarding world question Fudge's ability.

They knew that Fudge was a fool before, but now that something like this happened, the wizards felt that the Ministry of Magic should be replaced.

In the Office of the Minister of Magic, Fudge looked at the Daily Prophet, his hands trembling constantly. Sitting across from him was LeVert, his eyes looking more like he was watching a joke.


Hearing Peng's sound, Fudge held his right hand in pain.

"Damn it, these stupid wizards, what do they know? How many things have I done for the wizarding world over the years, and it wasn't my leadership that made the Ministry of Magic stronger?"

"You want me to step down. I was the one who led the officials of the Ministry of Magic to fight against the mysterious man. I contributed to that war, I saved their blood, and I was admitted to St. Mungo's Hospital."

"They can't do this to me, Merlin, look at this world, it's simply too cruel."

LeVille was dumbfounded when he heard Fudge's impassioned words. Even a shameless and selfish person like him couldn't say such words.

Have you ever contributed to the wizarding world? All your efforts have gone to the blond secretary.

You, Fudge, work for the Ministry of Magic? You haven't done anything at all these years, okay?

Not to mention that you led the officials of the Ministry of Magic to resist the mysterious man. That was what Barty Crouch did, and he was the Director of the Legal Department at the beginning.

If it weren't for your son's work, it would really not be your turn to be the minister.

Others don't know it, but LeVert came from that era.

Fudge had blood in his mouth and entered St. Mungo's. It was simply a shame to the Ministry of Magic.

It was during a mission that he was attacked by a mysterious man. During the retreat, Fudge didn't hit anyone with any of his magic spells. He accidentally fell down a mountain col and broke his arm.

Went to St. Mungo's and was cured in less than ten minutes. Just like that, Fudge was still in there and refused to leave the hospital, claiming that he was under a curse and had a headache.

LeVell just wanted to throw his inner complaints at Fudge's face. He was already dozens of years old, so shameless.

Level has never seen such a shameless person, he is simply lower than a goblin.

"Mr. Minister, why are you so angry? Although what the Daily Prophet said is a bit excessive, it is also recognition of you. Everyone wants the wizarding world to be more stable."

LeVert said this deliberately, but Fudge didn't even hear the irony in it.


Instead, he shouted loudly, "Rita, this bitch, dares to provoke me. I am the minister. Let the Propaganda Department teach this woman a lesson and let her know the price of offending me."

LeVell listened to Fudge's shameless words and reminded him.

"Minister, please don't forget that this woman is not the trouble now, not to mention that there is no one behind her.

"Then there's nothing I can do against her? LeVert, who is the Minister of Magic?"

Fudge glared at LeVert with a stern look, which did not scare the old guy in front of him at all.

LeVell felt contempt in his heart and said slowly: "Mr. Minister, the opinions of ordinary wizards have no impact on your status at all. Even if they don't like you, so what?"

"But please don't forget, sir, that the pure-blood nobles suffered heavy losses this time. They are the important beings who can decide whether you can continue to serve as the Minister of Magic."

Fudge sat down with a livid face. He was not stupid enough to understand what LeVille said.

That's right, no matter how ordinary wizards think he is unqualified, it will not affect his status.

Pure-blood nobles are an important part of the wizarding world. Even if Fudge doesn't want to admit it, most resources are inextricably linked to pure-blood nobles...

Even if Fudge recruited many mixed-blood wizards, it was still not enough to resist the nobles.

If what happened this time really made these nobles become cruel and propose changing minister candidates, then he would be in trouble.

Most of the members of the Wizengamot Council were noble wizards.

Thinking of this, Fudge broke into a cold sweat. He knew what he had done over the years. He just said that he had done a lot for the Ministry of Magic.

Indeed, there are many corruption cases involved.

After losing his position as minister and offending a pure-blood noble, his bad deeds will definitely be exposed.

Not even Dumbledore would say a word for him then.

"No, they won't do this. They also get benefits, don't they? They can't do this.

Fudge shouted loudly to cover up his inner panic.

Of course LeVell knew what benefits Fudge was talking about. This was already a tacit understanding among the top officials of the Ministry of Magic.

"Yes, I also have the support of Principal Dumbledore. The principal will definitely support me. He is the chief wizard of the Wizengamot, so he will definitely be able to help me."

Fudge muttered in a daze, and as he spoke, he stood up and saw that he was going to find Dumbledore.

When LeVille passed by Fudge, he directly held Fudge down and pulled his arm to the sofa.

"Mr. Minister, don't be too impulsive, otherwise you will lose your mind."

"If you go to see Headmaster Dumbledore like this, he won't see you." 0.3

Fudge couldn't understand what kind of person Dumbledore was, but Level knew a lot about him.

Levelle believed that such Fudge was of no value to Principal Dumbledore, and worthless things would be discarded.

Although he didn't want to admit that Fudge was unqualified as the Minister of Magic, Fudge was not useless from LeVert's position.

He didn't want to step on Fudge to get the position at all. The minister's position was not that easy to sit on.

The Shacklebolt family cannot be a thorn in the side of other noble wizards.

Pour a cup of black tea to help Fudge calm down.

Fudge may seem stupid to outsiders, but in LeVert's heart, Fudge has really never made any big mistakes.

Although I don't have the ability, I don't use my talents randomly.

For Britain after being devastated by the Dark Lord, stability is the most important thing. .