
HP: Heir of Salazar

The wizarding world is about to change. It is about to face a force that it had never felt since the time of the founding fathers. After all, this force is of the past. A past that will change the present. Current Update: 3 times a Week __________________________________________________________________________ https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog Discord: https://discord.com/invite/F3WSt9BwXZ

The_Greedy_Frog · 作品衍生
30 Chs

Sebastian Slytherin


After a few hours of unsurety and anxiety, Harry was finally assigned to his house.

And if he were to reflect in writing, a significant part of being chosen to Gryffindor had to be the fact that he stayed adamant and courageous during the time of uncertainty.

"I extend my deepest apologies to all the students who had to endure the inconvenience of the sorting delay," Dumbledore spoke, a weariness evident in his voice. "Yet, I am also grateful for your understanding."

"Harry!" Hermione extended her arm, letting Harry know of where they sat.

Harry did not care about the inconvenience as at that moment, all that he could think about was being sorted into Gryffindor.

"Oh, by Merlin we are in the same house, Harry!" One of the reasons for Ron's happiness was that he didn't have to handle Hermione's incessant chatter all on his own.

He had his fellow Gryffindor to help him go through the long lectures. And Harry's sorting was moved a little behind the rest because of reasons that were not properly explained to them.

But it was also the reason that Ron's was sorted before Harry.

"Yes, Miss. Bennett?"

The trio's attention was drawn to a certain dark skinned girl standing with raised hands. She wore the Ravenclaw uniform and by her appearance they were certain that she was around the fifth year.

"If I may inquire, why was this year's sorting ceremony divided into two halves?"

Harry looked at Ron for answers, but the ginger haired boy was just as clueless as him. And it was only when he looked at Hermione that he got an answer.

"From what I have read, the sorting ceremony is completed in one non-interruptive session." She said, which made all three of them curious –including herself. "So, this was a rare occurrence and even I wonder what made them stop the sorting ceremony previously."

All the students looked at Dumbledore, including some of the professors.

Dumbledore ran his finger through his long beard and offered a warm smile, "This was because of an unexpected emergency that occurred. However, if the events following it go smoothly, we will have great news to share with you all."

All the students looked at one another with expectations, aware that the headmaster never lied.

Dumbledore raised a golden cup, "With this, your sorting ceremony has officially came to an end and a new chapter of your life shall begin starting tomorrow," He had a kind grandfatherly smile as he spoke, "My children, tomorrow's sunlight will signify your first step into the path of becoming a great witch or a wizard. A path which we will guide you through but it will also be a path that will be filled with great difficulties."

None of the students said a word, each of them paid the utmost of interest in the words of the kind-looking old man in front of them.

"We will teach you everything about the world of magic, from its history to its glory. Hogwarts will pave a path for each and every one of you to establish yourself as a respectable magic wielder."

The professors smiled modestly, aware that they were responsible for the future of the children in front of them.

"However, we are merely the guides." His expression softened, "We can only show you the path. You will have to embark on that path on your own, take the steps on your own and walk through the troubles that you encounter on your own."

These words made the students a little nervous. They had heard how scary the world of magic could be and how not everyone was able to make it as a reputed magic user.

But those worries transformed into determination with his next words.

"I believe in all of you," He said, "You are the students of Hogwarts, a school with the highest level of faculties and facilities. And I am aware that you will not fail yourself, each of you is capable of greatness."

The students knew that they were special. They were chosen by magic and they could not waste this golden opportunity.

"So, embark on this journey with courage, resilience and curiosity." He extended his arm, displaying the glass. "And achieve the greatness that you are capable of."

With that statement, all the professors raised their glasses followed by the students.

"I wish you the best of luck on your new journey," He gave the biggest smile, "And for tonight, you may enjoy to your heart's content."

With that, the crowd exploded in cheers.

All while the headmaster walked towards a certain long and raven haired professor –whispering into his ear.

"Snape, come with me." He said, "For this… I will need you with me."

And with that the headmaster left while the students enjoyed the feast, unaware of the tides of change that were about to blow in the wizarding world.

[Ministry of Magic's Sub Branch: The Scotland Branch]

"Kid, are you aware that lying about your identity is a crime?"

Upon the question, the boy raised an eyebrow. "And what part of my identity am I lying about, mister?"

His green eyes bore into the man with an almost disdainful intensity, causing the man to instinctively recoil, taking a slight step back.

"You know what I mean," The man smashed his fist over the table; trying his best to assert dominance.

All while the boy remained passive, excluding the slight sense of annoyance that he felt.

"I truly don't." The boy said calmly, "Please enlighten me."

The man gritted his teeth, "Your name… your name is Sebastian?"

The black haired boy nodded, "That is the name I received from my parents. So, yes. It is my name."

The man tightened his fists, "And your family name is… Slytherin?"

"That would be correct."

"Bollocks!" The man slammed both his hands onto the table, almost furious. "Not only did you use magic outside of your school's premise on two innocent boys, but you are also lying about your family name."

Sebastian was extremely confused hearing this, but he did not lose his composure.

"I am not associated with any school," He said, surprising the man further, "As for my name, I am not lying at all."

This had the man fuming. Since the beginning, the boy had been adamant in his statements and was refusing to accept his lies.

The man knew that a young boy like him could not learn spells without guidance and it was especially weird for him to not be part of a school.

Removing his spectacles and rubbing his eyes in annoyance, the man asked, "How… old are you?"

"Eleven." The boy replied, surprising the man once again, "I will be twelve in two months."

This time, the man looked at Sebastian from head to toe, surprised by the reveal.

The way the boy spoke, the confidence he had and the composure he held –made the man believe that the boy was much older.

Especially his appearance.

He was rather tall, a bit thin but overall healthy. He had raven hair and green eyes that appeared to almost glow. Even more surprising was his face– toned, sharp and good looking.

Rarely kids of such age had a face as defined as him.

His face was almost flawless, with no acne, no pimples and no spots –the only thing that stood out were the pair of black earrings that he wore. They were tiny, black stud earrings but they managed to stand out.

The man quickly shook his head and returned to reality.

"A fake name, fake age, not affiliated to any school." The man listed out, "These are enough to land you in prison, son."

In the world of magic, there were a lot of prisons with Azkaban being the worst kind.

"Even at Azkaban, I am afraid."

This drew the boy's interest. "Pardon?"

The man frowned, "Azkaban, the worst and most unforgiving prison in all of the wizarding world."

This statement left the boy astonished, "So, they managed to make a prison of such caliber, huh?"

At that point, the man was confused whether the boy was playing a fool or was truly mentally unstable –both of these cases made him unable to live among the masses.

And it made the man's current confusion grow only worse when the boy asked, "What… year is this exactly?"

Before the man could cuss at him, the door keeping the two of them within the room flung open –revealing two men.

One with greasy black hair that reached his shoulder and the other who seemed much older than anyone in the room, with gray and white hair.

"Considering it is well past midnight," The old man answered, "It is now the second of September of the year 1991."

And this was exactly when Sebastian realized the severity of his situation.

"I had been frozen for… a thousand years?"

Unaware that the world has been flipped upside down over the last thousand years.


<<A N: Read 100+ Advanced Chapters (summation of all stories) ahead WN on Patreon. < p>

25 Advanced Chapters for Harry Potter on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/2P96N3zurc

P.S. This story is mostly focused on discovering ancient magic and ancient families. Plot will follow the movie/book parts but it will heavily focus on exploring Ancient Magic, establishing House Slytherin and other things.

This is a strictly non harem fic, and no the romance has not been decided yet either.

P.P.S. Just to given an idea of how far back in time MC is from, here are a few things:

1→ Azkaban was not even built

2 → The Peverell Brothers didn't exist, so no deathly hallows.

3 → There were no three unforgivable curses.

4 → There was no Gringotts.

That being said, magic was abundant at that time and also much more pure and potent. Wizards and Witches of that time were stronger than anyone of the current gen.

Merlin > Godric > Salazar > Dumbledore (In terms of power)
