
How to survive in the World of Naruto with Fragmented Memories

After living long enough in the world of DBZ, Yozu aka Masaru Belial decides it was time to take the second phase of the trials, to survive in a new world. During the reincarnation spell his soul touches the boundaries of where Hagomo's soul rests and incidentally get influenced before returning to the cycle of rebirth as he went to the World of Naruto. Masaru Belial now called Yuuma (Otsutsuki / Kurama) Terumi, born in the land of fire escaped with his father and mother only to be left in an orphanage near the Village Hidden in the mist. Later had himself adopted by Terumi Family. Plotted to have him killed or sold off by many, Yuuma has to walk the path ahead to become the sole existence at the top. To make them acknowledge him, and to protect what he wants to. Many years later Yuuma came in touch with a peculiar girl that gave him a sense of familiarity and bit by bit fragmented memories of his past life as Masaru Belial and Yozu Brief came back to him. -------- Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto, and the picture I got from Google which was by luck it fitted my MC's looks! Trying my hand on making a naruto fanfiction

CompleteNoob · 漫画同人
51 Chs

Storm is brewing within Kirigakure

"So why were you following me Shinomi, I gave you tasks to complete" Yuuma muttered looking with an expression as he already gave up on this fangirl, this was one thing he realized of Shinomi was her slightly strong interest in Yuuma the past few days. He managed to cool her interest down before it became an obsession, but she would still follow him like this although he gave her tasks to complete.

"My shadow clone is dealing with it as we speak" Shinomi answered faithfully to Yuuma hoping for his praise, Yuuma glances at her face expressing her anticipation. He sighed as he gently caresses her head causing her face to burn from excitement, "Good work, But Shinomi you have to remain in the village for a while. You can't follow me into Kirigakure" Yuuma warned Shinomi sternly, "Yes, I gathered information that the few swordsmen of the mist intend to stage a coup against the Mizukage"

Yuuma who heard Shinomi's words gave her a glare unintentionally because the Mizukage was his sister, "What more do you know of this?" Yuuma asked, "Although I could not uncover who was planning it, but after capturing a few mist shinobis involved. They told us about the plans for the coup, apparently, the Daimyo is involved in this as well since both of them want to return to the Blood Mist era" Shinomi answered feeling happier that she could be more useful for Yuuma.

'Never expected this' Yuuma thought it was time he gets some updates, he turns to look at Shinomi "How confident are you in the team to live among the residents of the Village to gather information without being captured?" Yuuma asked, "We still have a few sisters still gathering information for us as we speak" Shinomi happily answered, Yuuma caresses her head again making her feel even happier.

Yuuma was not certain why but this was the kind of personal reward Shinomi requested of him if she did something good, "Keep them working but be discreet, once you figure out who is in charge of the planning let me know" Yuuma ordered, Shinomi nodded excitedly before disappearing from the location. Yuuma felt that if he did not regain some of his memories to aid him, he would not have known how to manage his newly hidden Village.

Returning to the Village Yuuma used the formulae technique marker he placed in his sister's office to appear near her, "Welcome back Yuuma, you took longer than expected" Mei welcomed Yuuma with a smile but her hand was still signing off reports, Yuuma smiled wryly as he moved behind his sister starting to massage her stiff shoulders. Mei flinched feeling a bit pain at first before she slowly began to feel relaxed as Yuuma massaged her shoulders, "I came across information that one or perhaps two of the our swordsmen is planning a coup against you"

Hearing Yuuma's words Mei's face became gloomy, "I never expected you would have more information than the Anbu could collect" She muttered as she never expected it to be from the seven swordsmen group, 'No, I should have suspected them first because of their training' Mei thought as she came to understand it would indeed make sense if they were behind this coup, "Yuuma, how did you come across this information?"

Yuuma smiled "I have a decent connection" Mei did not question him further as she trusted Yuuma the most in the village, he was her pillar and the one who always had her back ever since she instated him as her guard. "Will your connection gather more information?" Mei asked, "Yes" Yuuma answered as he went to make tea for himself and his sister, he places her cup of tea in front of her before taking his seat on the couch.

"Since we came to this point, Yuuma. I will need you to start training as I already scheduled your promotion to Jonin, it may be hasty but I need you to officially become my shadow before the Coup starts" Mei spoke with a serious face, Yuuma nodded as he would not reject a promotion. "I have a few more jutsu's I have recreated from the reports" Yuuma spoke as he took out a storage scroll, activating it he summoned several scrolls.

"It took me a while to recreate it just from reading the reports, but I managed" Yuuma spoke, this was something he kept for a rainy day like today where his sister probably wanted to arrange a few more missions for him to gain some achievements but recreating Jutsu's from other villages shinobi's from reading the Reports was possible because of Yuuma's mindset in regards to jutsus was different from common sense because of his fragmented memories which influenced how his thinking process works.

Mei came to sit opposite from Yuuma to look at the scrolls "Spacetime Style: Warp Technique.. Demonic Illusion: The Punisher..." She kept calling out the names of the techniques Yuuma decided to hand over to the village, only the first two were part of his main arsenals while the other jutsus were just by-products of his training. "Will these scrolls be enough?" Mei shook her head, "No, You will still have to complete another mission. One more Rank A mission" Mei answered

"Well, this Joker of Kirigakure is at your service Mizukage" Yuuma spoke with a smile, he placed on his mask since he was still wearing his Anbu uniform as he kneeled in front of Mei only for formality sake since the two of them sensed people approaching, after knocking sounds is heard "Come in" Mei spoke while glancing at the door opening, it revealed Kisame Hoshikage wearing dark grey shinobi outfit with sandals.

"Excuse my intrusion Mizukage, I came to inform you that I heard some disturbing rumours" Kisame spoke towards Mei although his eyes caught the sight of a young Anbu kneeling in front of Mei, 'Since when did the Anbu have someone so young within their ranks' He thought, "Rumours about a Coup is brewing within the village? I have heard of it already" Mei answered while Kisamewalked closer till Mei gestured him to take his seat.

Yuuma stood up as he took his place behind Mei acting as her guard, seeing this Kisame sneered within 'To think the guard of the Mizukage is a little brat, seems getting rid of her will be easier than I expected' He thought, "Yes, we have information that this plan was instigated by Iwagakure. Apparently they want to distract Konoha and Kumgakure when Kirigakure is embroiled with internal war while they intend to hit Sunagakure"

Hearing Kisame's information both Mei and Yuuma was surprised, if Yuuma did not gain the information from Shinomi on time he might have believed Kisame including Mei. 'Is he part of the coup?' Yuuma thought as he silently activates his eyes, thanks to the mask that prevents Kisame from detecting it he could take a closer look at Kisame's chakra channels and his heart.

"I am quite surprised you managed to get this information, care to tell me where you obtain it?" Mei asked Kisame not believing him one bit after gaining information from Yuuma before him, Kisame smiled "I came across this information when I came across some Missing-nins who met up with Iwagakure shinobis near the ruins of Uzugakure" Kisame answered, he further explained when he tried to surprise attack them he only killed a few ninjas while the rest has gotten away.

Mei nodded as she watches Kisame leave the room, "What are your thoughts on this?" She asked Yuuma while drinking the tea he made for her, "If I did not come across the information from my connections and heard this story, I might have believed him since it held credibility. It could be possible that Iwagakure instigated it, but it still a fact that one or more swordsmen of the mist are in the lead with this" Yuuma answered her

Mei nodded as she leaned back against the couch, "Your mission will be to head towards Uzugakure, your target is three Jonins and five chunins who fled from the Village" Mei muttered as she stood up taking out a mission form she already chose for Yuuma, she just did not expect to hear Kisame's story. "In the meantime, I want you to investigate if Kisame's story is true" Mei continued to give a mission for Yuuma, "Understood" Yuuma used body flicker movement to disappear from the office to prepare for his trip one month from today.

Yuuma returned to the Anbu building where Ao who was the commander of the Hunter-nin group was talking with Anbu Commander, "Ao, you must be happy your disciple will soon replace me huh?" The Anbu commander spoke with a furious tone towards Ao, 'I am still a regular member of the Anbu, it's just that I am part of the Kage Protection Team' Yuuma thought as he went over to collect his payment for all the missions he completed so far, seeing Yuuma the Anbu Commander walked with heavy stomps towards him.

"So you're the Joker of Kirigakure huh? You are still several decades too young before you can replace me squirt" The Anbu spat at Yuuma but the spit never reached Yuuma, Yuuma lowered his body as he manipulate his chakra to enhance his right hand. Soft humming sounds could be heard for an instant Yuuma slammed his palm into the Anbu Commander's abdomen while the Anbu Commander let his guard down towards Yuuma.

Yuuma used his chakra to generate air shockwave to release the moment his palm touched the commander's stomach, "GUAH!" The commander spat out a mouthful of blood while holding his stomach, the shockwave was strong enough to shake most of his organs so he could not recklessly make a move. "You dare raise your hand against your commander! I will have the Mizukage answer to me for this" The commander called out a Medical Nin to help him as he leaves the offices.

The Anbus waited for the commander to leave before the entire building erupted with a loud cheer, they had waited for many years for someone to teach this old coot a lesson as this commander was still stuck up on his reputation during the Blood Mist era and did not want to change. Ao smiled wryly at his disciple who struck out first, but at least he did not attack until the commander provoked him. "You are getting quite cocky lately" Ao smirked as he clapped Yuuma's back.

"Hehe Sensei, I am far away from getting Cocky. I am only making use of the people's natural instinct to disdain younger shinobis, especially those of my age" Yuuma chuckled, he was used to people underestimating him because of his age and he makes use of it for surprise attacks like now. Ao laughed heartily before he clasped Yuuma's shoulder "I heard about your confrontation with the Iwagakure Missing-nin, Hideatsu" Yuuma nodded at Ao's words.

"Do you think the Iwagakure is involved?" Ao asked to which Yuuma shrugged, "Possible, for now I have only a month to train before I have to head out again to investigate that question in detail" Yuuma muttered, Ao caresses his beard "Training huh? What do you intend to train?" Yuuma smirked at Ao's question "As much as I can, I will be training at the usual place during the day" Yuuma answered before leaving the Anbu office, the usual place was non-other than the White Tiger Village.