




Deacon gulped down the remaining whiskey in his bottle.

He was crying very hard, and the small old picture could clearly be seen in his hand.

"Can't believe I tried to kill you, coz of my own very selfish reasons."he Whimpered.

"I tried to kill my daughter! I don't deserve to be called a father. "He mumbled in tears and started recalling every thing he has done to harm her.

He remembered how him and Trista blame her for stealing a necklace.. Even when she never did that.

"You never did anything wrong to me still I wanted you dead coz of my own selfish reasons, I was helping someone that wasn't even my daughter to kill my own very daughter. " he recalled when he sent some goons to kidnapped Rihanna.

"What if you have been raped by them? What if they have kill you back then? What if Braxton wasn't there to save you on time.. Just what if.. "He threw the bottle of whiskey and smashed it on the floor.

He then took another one.

"I still wanted to try and harm you again,but thank goodness I haven't even come up with a plan.. I'm sorry my little princess.. Your dad tried killing you, he wanted you dead..i don't deserve to be a father but to be called a beast. "He gulped down nothing.

His phone suddenly buzzed, it was the private investigator calling.

He picked at the very first ring and the private investigator spoke up.

"Your daughter met with an accident.. " Came the voice of the investigator.

"Wait!!what!!How? Where? When? I didn't even plan to kill her, so who could have done so?. "Deacon asked.

"Sir, I know you don't have a hand in this,it's someone else because I was there when the accident took place and I happened to save her from the car explosion." The investigator said, and deacon eyes widened.

"You saved her? You saved my princess life? Deacon asked.

"Yeah."Investigator replied.

"Which hospital did they perhaps took her too?. "Deacon asked.

"City hospital, sir!!. " The investigator muttered.

And the call hung up.

He walked to his table and ran downstairs, where he met Trista.

"Dad, where are you going to?Yunno, Mom also ran out like you. "Trista whispered.

"Your mother ran out also? When?." He asked.

"Just now!! I tried stopping her but she Ignored me completely. "Trista said and looked at her dad.

"And where are you going to, by this time?. " Trista asked.

"Go to bed!! I'd be right back. "Deacon replied and made to walked.

"Yunno I can't stay here alone, take me with you. " Trista mumbled.

"You sure?. "He asked and she nod.

"Okay then, let's go. " Deacon said and they both walked to his car and drove out from the mansion roughly.



"Her life is in danger. Please find a doner has soon as possible.. "The doctor said and made to leave.. But a voice stop him.

"I'd be her doner. " The voice shouted, and walked majestically like a slow mo to them.

Layla and Connor eyes widened, seeing who it was.

"I'd be the doner. "Vanessa repeated, when she walked to them.

"Wait!what!!you can't be the doner for my child?." Layla scoffed.

"Her life is in danger right this instance, would you prefer she died? You can asked me any questions you wanna asked me but not now. "Vanessa told her.

"Why do you care? Why're you helping us out?."Layla asked.


"Doctor she's dying. " A nurse rushed in, cutting what Vanessa was about to say.

"We would have to run a test for you to see whether your blood group match. "The doctor said and started walking with Vanessa.

And at that moment Braxton rushed in, he was sweating hard.

He was scrolling through his phone, when the latest news on all social media platform popped up on his phone.


He didn't want to believe it at first but for some unknown reason he has been feeling restless since Rihanna left for home, little did he know that she was going to met with an accident.

He walked to Layla, and Layla stare at him, she then grabbed his collar.

"So you were the one? Huh? You were the one who made her cry for the very first time? She's in this situation because of you, just pray,pray that my daughter survive this else.."She pushed him off.

"We know you're hurt but don't let your emotions get the better of you. " Connor held her hand, and pulled her into a hug.

"She's fighting for her life.. Connor, how can I be calm? . "She asked as hot tears rolled down her eyes.

Braxton squatted on the floor, traces of tears could Clearly be seen in his eyes.

Has he recalled their last moment together..


"Yes I do, thanks for making me smiles, but was that why you suggest that we should meet here"Braxton asked, and she nod.

"You have fun right?. " She asked.

"Yes I do, hope we get to do this some other time. "Braxton blurted out.

"Sure, what about tomorrow?. " Rihanna asked.

"Of course, let's see each other tomorrow, just like this time. "Braxton muttered.

"Ohk,i'd get going now, see you at school tomorrow. " Rihanna wave at him, she then turn to leave but stop and walked to him.

She raise her toes up and give Braxton a kiss, a kiss filled with passion and longing.


"You promise me that we would meet each other the next day, but why aren't you here with me. "He asked and kept punching the wall.

The more he punched the wall, the more blood kept oozing out from his hand.

The pains he was feeling right now can't be compare to the one is heart was feeling.

His heart was broken into pieces, what is he to live for when his love of his life is currenting fighting for her life.

He didn't even notice Prof Connor presence, maybe he would have notice, but his attention wasn't on him.



Ryder car halted in front of Presley apartment, he then stare at her.

"Thanks for today!! I really, really enjoyed my self, and thanks for bringing me back home."Presley muttered.

"It's nothing!!. " Ryder said,she came out from the car and made to start walking but she turned and entered back inside the car.

She pulled his face closer and kiss his cheek.

"All this thing is not complete without a kiss,Right?. "Presley asked and smiled.

Ryder said nothing.

"Why're you becoming moody since you drove me here?. " Presley asked.

"Maybe it's the fact that we're gonna separate for tonight or something else."Ryder replied.

"Something like what?. " Presley asked.

"I'm in love with you Presley, I love you so much. "He said and she stare at him.

"I don't want you to give me a reply now just know that i'll...

"I love you too. " Presley cut him off.

"Wait what?."he asked.

"I love you too. "Presley muttered.

"Can you repeat the word again, it's like I didn't heard correctly. "Ryder asked.

"I said i love you. "

"I love you. "

"I love you Ryder. "Presley shouted, and he pulled her closer and pressed his lips on her own.

Ryder held her waist tighter, and she started rubbing his jawlines with her fingers.

They were kissing so desperately, that their bodies curved into each other. Ryder held her closer so she won't fall as he deepened the kiss, driving his hands into her soft and long hair.



Vanessa came out, the doctor already run the test on her and her blood group type match correctly with Rihanna own.

She even did blood transfusion for Rihanna, and the arm they used to draw out her blood was paining has hell.

"Hope she survived. " She muttered to herself,another thought suddenly came across her mind.

"But how did she have my birth mark, it looks exactly like the one on her neck. "

She has seen that birth mark on Rihanna neck the day she went to meet Rihanna at school.


"No!! It's enough. " Rihanna muttered, Vanessa kept staring at how she was slurping the noodles.

She would stopped and drink water, then continued.

And she wouldn't lie she looked cute doing so.

"So tell me ma'am why did you brought me here?. "Rihanna asked, when she finished eating her noodles.

"It's about Deacon. " Vanessa stated.

"What's it about Deacon?."Rihanna asked, Vanessa wanted to tell her how she heard Deacon and Trista trying to hurt her but she stop on seeing something so familiar.

She stood up and walked to Rihanna, she gathered Rihanna hair and her eyes widened in shock.

"How did you have this mark?. "Vanessa asked her.

"I don't know, but my mom said it's a birth mark, it has always been there since when I was a child.

"I also have like this birth mark. " Vanessa told her, she released Rihanna hair and went for her hair.

She packed her hair into a bun and showed Rihanna her own birth mark.

On seeing the birth mark just like hers, she gasped in shock.


"And she tried asking Deacon whether he was keeping things from her, but the latter won't say anything.

Speak of the devil.. He came here.. To the hospital.. But why? Vanessa thought and walked to him.

"Why're you here?. "Vanessa asked.

"How's Rihanna?. " Deacon asked and it shock Vanessa to the core.

He asked about Rihanna own health.. Can someone please explain to her what made Deacon change over night.

"She's good.. I think she's still Unconscious.. But she would wake up soon. "Vanessa replied.

Trista just kept rolling her eyes.. Not when she saw Braxton.. His eyes was a little bit swollen.

He looks lifeless this moment.. The Braxton she knew was full of life.

"I need you to explain what's going on.. I mean Rihanna as the same birth mark with me, it looks the same.. My blood group type perfectly match with hers even though her parents blood group doesn't match with her.. And you Deacon, you would be the only one to know everything.. I need answer to all my puzzles.. Is she perhaps...

"Since you wanna know the truth.. Yes she's your daughter, she's our daughter".Deacon cut her off.

At that moment everyone attention turn to them.