
Hollywood Peak

Noah accquires the memories of a person from the future of 20 years later. He tries to avail all the opportunities to reach the top of Hollywood and even the top of the world, and be the most shining Superstar. (MC is a little naive and has heart throb attribute.)

Novel_Surge · RPS同人
38 Chs

Management dinner

Today was a holiday for the actors and the crew, but a formal dinner was going on in the hotel, with film's producers, director and executives. All the important personal were present including Tom Cruise.

"Billy, how's the shooting progress?" asked Producer Craig.

"Its going okay and it will be completed in time at this pace."

"Is there any inconvenience on the set or any problem regarding the actors?" Paula Wagner, one of the executives of "Cruise-Wagner" productions spoke.

This question made the mood of producer Craig and Adam Merims unhappy, because the question asked was completely overstepping on the authority of their producers. But Executive Paula didn't pay attention to their expressions and looked at Director Billy as to get something against the producers management.

"There is no problem on the set and daily work is going on as per routine." Director Billy replied, paying no attention to the silent confrontation between company executive and producers. He continued after being quiet for a while: "There is one thing to say, and it's an unexpected surprise."

"Oh, what is the surprising thing?" Tom who was silent from the start of dinner asked.

Billy looked at everyone and replied with a smile: "Its Noah Martin." he continued: "He's performing exceeding all the expectations I had for him and for the role. He is completely synchronized with his character, and no one on the set will say that it's Noah who is acting. He looks like a mirror version of Stephan Glass."

This caught everyone's intrest including Tom. Everyone here knows that Noah Martin's casting was not through a proper audition. His performance in the audition was just okay. But now the praise of Director Ray doesn't match the image of boy in the audition.

Seeing everyone's doubt, Ray replied: "Noah has practiced so much for the role that everyone on the set can see his acting breakthrough with each passing day. He not only posses the excellent appearance and voice which media says, his acting talent is also not behind. It just needs to be polished."

"Then it's a good thing." said Craig and looked at Paula Wagner with mocking eyes.

"Yes, it's good thing for the movie." nodded Billy Ray, "But Noah seems to be neglecting his health."

"What do you mean. Doesn't Docter regularly check up the crew actors."

"I don't think physical health is the problem. His mental situation is not the best. He seems to be under constant stess. Although the stress is helping him give breakthrough performance every day, but it might be dangerous if it continues going on."

"Then you should advice him some rest." spoke Tom. No one saw the worry that flashed in his eyes, "He is not sixteen yet. If such a problem happens to him on the set, then I believe the child protection association will not let the crew and anyone related to it go easily."

Everyone nodded. Those damn vampires will never let any chance to pass on. Director Ray also nodded, "I have talked to him about this and he is on the rest for a while now."

The dinner went on by after this, and there was no major problem to disscuss.

Noah didn't know that he was the topic of discussion of the dinner. He was now enjoying the holiday given by the crew and having a pleasant chat on the phone with his music manager and agency boss Theo.

"Theo, I think I should have my musical debut now. My vocals are also now balanced and not underdeveloped."

"Oh, I am surprised that you had such a thought." answered Theo in a mocking voice, "I thought you had already forgotten about this."

"Don't be mean. You know I would never think like that."

"But are you sure." Theo asked in a serious tone, "Music also needs time. If you are going to release an album. Then you have to give it a lot of time."

"It's not a problem. I have already talked with Mike. I will not be taking any new projects in first half of the year until my present projects release. Even after it, I will try not to take much acting work for a while."

"Then it's decided. We will start your album preparations in march. There is no much point in releasing it before October."

"I agree with it."

"Then we will have proper disscussion after your return."

After saying goodbye to Theo, Noah layed on the bed holding a paper in his hand. This is the song he wrote in the past few days. Although he wrote some songs before during the practice with instructors, they were just written after thinking about some ideas. But this a song which he created just using heart and emotions, without any thinking with mind.

Looking at the name "Struggle" on the paper, Noah smiled. This might be a song he wrote in just hours, but its special for him. No matter what, he will make it a part of his debut album. This was also the reason why he said to Theo about debuting.