
192 Whispers in the Dark

Sebastian walked the streets, lanterns filled with wax candles hung on lines overhead and Dolkans on horses lit each one by hand. A tedious task, Sebastian thought as he walked the cobbled streets, but it made for a lit up city that glowed like a floating ship atop the icy lakes that surrounded.

The admittedly stunning city sat in the shadow of a huge snow capped mountain.

A mountain that held their armies and king, a king that distanced himself from his people and considered himself above others, like Zeus atop Olympus, he took what he wanted and caused selfish destruction, justified only in his own mad mind.

Sebastian felt assured in his own reign and diplomatic way of employing his people. Sure they worked hard but every man had a chance to better his situation provide that he worked for it. They didn't steal, nor did they rest on the shoulders of the weak or oppressed.

Treppans laboured for themselves and their success was earned, not taken.