
Hogwarts: The Way of the Dharma (Harry Potter)

Erwin traveled to the world of Harry Potter and awakened the card drawing system. Start with a phoenix as a pet. It’s nothing to accompany Qiu to play Quidditch, and go to the library with Hermione to read books. Or join Luna in the hunt for the Horned Snorer. During the summer vacation, you can also find your veela fiancée. Erwin thought this was his leisurely life in the wizarding world. However, his subordinates did not think so. Queen of Knockturn Alley: You are the god of the underground forces! Lockhart, Minister of Magic: England wizarding world, you are the uncrowned king! Many years later, after defeating the Dark Lord and joining forces with the White Demon Lord, Erwin, known as the Grey Demon Lord, shook his head helplessly. This is really not what I want!

Big_Big_0235 · 作品衍生
505 Chs

Chapter 474

Chapter 474: The World'S Strongest Second Ancestor

Finally, Harry walked out of the headmaster's office with a fan-shaped statistic on his face.

With Harry Potter playing Harry Potter, what the hell is going on in Alvin's mind.

Originally he was going to refuse, but Alvin gave too much.

Not only did he promise to exempt himself from the three-year internship period after graduation, he directly became an official Auror.

He also promised that if he behaved well, he could be considered for the position of Auror Office Director in the future.

How could he resist the temptation, who had always regarded the Auror career as a dream?

I didn't expect that I, the stubborn Potter, would still succumb to the power.

Harry thought with some emotion.

However, Alvin gave him a stage name in order to prevent his real name from overlapping with the name in the movie.

What is Daniel Radcliffe's name…

what a bad name…

And the other side.

Alvin is also very satisfied, his move is really a second move.

For a long time, he was thinking about how to make it easier for Muggles to accept the existence of Wizard 13 after the exposure of the wizarding world, and generate yearning.

It wasn't until he first saw Harry that a light flashed in his mind.

Like the previous life, wouldn't it be good to make a series of "Harry Potter" movies?

Alvin still remembers the yearning in his heart when he saw such a bizarre world.

No one can resist the magic of magic, no one.

At that time, when the movie makes waves around the world, the exposure of the wizard will also reduce the inner resistance of many people.

When they know that they have the opportunity to learn magic, they will be sought after by many people.

This wave, ah, this wave is called cultural invasion.

However, the script has to be changed, Hermione's presence needs to be reduced, and it must have nothing to do with Ron.

As for Ron, Alvin had already discovered the jealousy and dissatisfaction in his heart.

But he doesn't care at all, there are many people who hate him, what kind of onion is Ron?

However, the role that belongs to him will not be given now, and he has no role in the original work anyway.

At best, pour some chicken broth when Harry and Hermione get discouraged.

Neville was much stronger than him, and he finally drew his sword and killed Voldemort's last Horcrux.

Don't play chess with me in the first grade, if the other person in the trio is Seamus, Dumbledore will surely be able to prepare a level that only explosions can pass.

After a busy night, Alvin wrote the general plot. As for the specific script, it will be handed over to professionals.

He wrote it according to the original plot line, deleted Ron, replaced Hermione with Ginny, and made a CP for Harry by the way.

By the way, Dumbledore's role has been weakened a lot.

If Lao Deng's character image is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, after all the incidents are exposed, some people will regard him as a villain.

So sorry for you, old principal.

Alvin silently apologized in his heart for 0.1 seconds, and then handed the outline to Nagini to send it to Robert tomorrow.

Originally it was just a small matter, and it didn't bother Robert at all.

However, Alvin plans to release the film during the summer vacation. With Robert's help, the efficiency can be improved a lot.

Day by day, this semester is coming to an end.

Harry's departure naturally couldn't escape everyone's eyes. At first everyone thought he had something to ask for leave.

But Harry hadn't come back after a week, plus his roommates were saying that Harry would be less likely to show up at school in the future.

At this time, everyone wondered what he was doing.

Lily was a professor, and everyone dared not ask her, so Ginny became the best target.

Finally, Ginny was a little impatient to be harassed, and helplessly revealed some information.

"Harry is helping the principal, I don't know what it is, don't ask me about the rest."

Ginny was telling the truth, there was still some shame in making movies or something, and Harry didn't tell her.

Hearing this, everyone let Ginny go.

It's just that I can't help but feel the envy of Harry, which is simply the template of a winner in life.

When he was born, he defeated Voldemort. After coming to school, he not only attracted Dumbledore's attention, but also became Alvin's friend.

Now the dead mother has come back to life.

The mother is the dean, and there is another dean who is pursuing his mother, and his friend is the Grey Devil.

Who else in the magic world would dare to provoke him?

He is the second strongest ancestor in the world, but Alvin is not his father.

Inside the office.

Alvin is also chatting with Nagini about the situation on Harry's side. As his little secretary, Nagini knows many little things better than himself.

"Mr. Potter's filming progress is very good so far, and if it is released in the summer, there will be no problem."

"It's just" Nagini's expression was a little weird, as if he was holding back a smile: "He asked me to ask you when he will return to normal shape. 99

Alvin waved his hand: "At least until the movie is finished, but he has to continue taking age reducers for the next movie."

"Otherwise, with a face of seventeen or eighteen, how can you make a movie."

It turned out that in order to make Harry fit the role perfectly, Alvin specially prepared a batch of age-reducing medicine for him, and the effect of the medicine just made him back to eleven years old.

Hearing this, Nagini couldn't help but mourned for Harry.

He was really 'lucky' to meet such a bad friend as his master.

Just when she was about to report something, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Alvin raised his eyebrows, the professors all knew the password, and only the students would use this stupid method to find him.

This is the first time a student has come to him since he became the principal.

With a wave of his hand, the stone lion at the door was automatically divided into two halves, making way for a passage.

A seventh-grade student ran in with a terrified face.

Alvin remembered him as a Hufflepuff student.

"Robinson, what's wrong?"

Robinson took a few quick breaths, and it could be seen that he ran here at full speed.

"Headmaster, something happened. The eight-eyed giant spider attacked the students in the Protection of Magical Creatures class today. Professor Delacour has taken them to the school doctor's office to find Madam Pomfrey."

"She asked me to come here and invite you to the Forbidden Forest, where Professor Snape is confronting a large number of magical creatures.

The smile on Alvin's face disappeared, becoming visibly gloomy.

This group of eight-eyed giant spiders, who do not know the heights of the sky and the earth, are really courting death.

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