
Hogwarts: Start Fusion Phoenix Bloodline

(Hogwarts: Start Fusion Phoenix Bloodline) This article is also known as [After Nirvana, I became a child again! ], also known as [My Elegant Life at Hogwarts! 】 Peter York, reborn in 1980s London, gets a super gene fusion device! Start by merging Phoenix’s genes to gain immortality! Don’t be afraid of Avada’s life! Integrate the genes of the invisible beasts to gain the ability of foreknowledge and invisibility! Integrate the genes of the bird and snake to gain the ability to be as big as you want! Integrate the genes of the basilisk, and gain the ability to die if you look directly, and become petrified if you look at it! One day, Peter York was besieged by the Death Eaters. With Mandela* genes, he sang directly on the spot! Immediately, everyone was shocked by the sound of death! Daily Prophet: “Peter York is a new generation of magic gods after Merlin! His abilities are beyond even the mysterious man! He is the future hope of the magic world!”  

Big_Big_0235 · 作品衍生
612 Chs

Chapter 157

Hogwarts: Start Fusion Phoenix Bloodline Chapter 157

York Manor was still full of history and vitality, and Peter was now sitting in his study, holding a letter he had just taken from the owl, with his enrollment list and the third-grade curriculum.

At this time, Peter had faded slightly, his height had suddenly grown to 1 meter 7, the contours of his face had begun to be clear, his hair had grown slightly longer, and his face had become more handsome and charming.

"You should be able to get the time-turner, right?" He must look at the class schedule in his hand and mutter.

Only to see that in the third grade curriculum, Peter chose all 12 courses, and many of the courses on the curriculum he got were time conflicts, if he did not know that there was a time converter, I am afraid that this schedule would be wrong.

Compared to the accidents in the first grade, Peter's second grade was much smoother.

In the second year, the professor of defence against the Dark Arts was a young wizard with a head, and he did not know who had fooled him into becoming this professor.

After learning that Peter was the winner of the 90th International Wizarding Duel Competition (Junior Division), he excitedly pulled Peter to perform a duel for the students, and Peter was annoyed by him.

Towards the end of the term, professor Lin touqing once again approached Peter and pestered him to perform a duel for the students.

I don't know if it was the cause of the curse or the accidental factor, but in the duel performance between Peter and him, there was an accident, and the spell that Peter bounced back, plus another spell, hit Professor Leng touqing, causing every pore of his body to grow hair like crazy!

Whether it is a stop spell with a spell or a more advanced ten thousand spells to end the spell, you can't stop! Even Mrs. Pomfrey in the school infirmary couldn't solve it.

So in the end, the stunned professor was admitted to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries.

However, compared to the ending of the previous Defense Against the Dark Arts Professors, this Professor Leng Touqing was the luckiest person.

In his first year, Peter sent Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor Green to Azkaban, and now to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries.

For a moment, the students jokingly referred to Peter as the Professor of Magic Killer!

When Peter heard the nickname, he almost twisted his nose in anger, firmly rejected the title, and strongly stated that it was just a coincidence.

"This semester, Harry Potter is about to enter school, and I am afraid that every year in the future will not be calm again!" Peter sat at the window quietly looking at the scenery outside, a little distracted.

Immediately he looked back, looked curious, and said to himself, "Let me see what the development of the future in the recent period is like?" "

As he spoke, his eyes emitted an eerie faint blue light, and the whole person stood there in a daze, but some pictures kept flashing in his eyes.

With him meeting Harry Potter and Professor Quirrell in Diagon Alley, and finally the Halloween Troll Incident, somehow he foresaw that he was fighting the Trolls instead of being solved by the Gryffindor Trio as in the original script?

After a while, the blue light in Peter's eyes gradually converged, and his face showed a puzzled look, according to his character who liked to hold on, he should not participate in the Harry Potter incident, how could he foresee the picture, but he was involved in it?

Peter, who couldn't think straight, shook his head and pressed the matter to the back of his head first.

He had planned to go to Diagon Alley tomorrow to buy books for his studies. But now it seems that if he goes tomorrow, he will run into Harry Potter and Professor Quirrell. This made him hesitate to go tomorrow?

When Peter was in the second grade, because Hogwarts was too bland, it took him a whole year to accumulate 100 points and redeem a blood fusion opportunity.

The magical creature he chose this time was an invisible beast provided to him by Heyman Rozier! Invisible beasts are invisible and have the ability to foresee, so they are very difficult to catch.

The hair of the invisible beast is the material used to make the invisibility cloak, so due to the scarcity and difficulty of the invisible beast to catch, each invisibility cloak is very expensive and cannot last.

However, with the strength of the Rozier family, he still managed to catch an invisible beast for him. Peter successfully fused the genes of the Invisible Beast.

Peter took the opportunity to gain stealth and foresight!

Among them, the invisibility technique is more advanced than his phantom spell in the past, which is almost difficult for people to discover, and because it is a natural ability, it does not need to chant the spell, and it is very easy to send and receive.

Peter was very satisfied with the ability to foresee, which was not as predetermined as prophecy, but only made a corresponding future picture according to your current intentions.

For example, he had just seen that he would meet Harry Potter tomorrow, but if he chose not to go, the foreseen picture would not become real.

With this ability, his ability to avoid danger has improved a lot! If someone wants to go against him in the future, he can foresee it in advance and prepare accordingly.

Peter preferred his more flexible foresight than Professor Trelawney's uncontrolled ability to predict.

In Peter's opinion, Professor Trelawney was very unfortunate, because the results he predicted were qualitative! This means that no matter what struggle you make, the future outcome will not change!

Especially when the results of the prophecy are not good, you try your best to change all this, but in vain! It's going to drive people crazy. No wonder Professor Trelawney has been insane.

Sybil Trelawney is said to have the blood and talent of a prophet, but many people believe that he only inherited the blood of his ancestors, and did not have the powerful talent of his ancestors. Therefore, his usual prophecies should only be nonsense.

But in fact, Professor Trelawney succeeded in making two and a half prophecies. The prophecies of "The Birth of the Savior, the Fall of the Dark Lord" and "The Escape of the Servants, the Rise of the Dark Lord Again" run through the entire Harry Potter timeline. There is also the half-prophetic "Lightning Strikes the Tower", which predicts Dumbledore's death in advance.

But every time he made a prophecy, no one other than Dumbledore believed it, and it was not until things really happened as prophesied that they would find out that it was true.

Professor Trelawney seems to have been cursed by Kassandra, and his prophecy is true, but no one trusts it. Of course, there is no way to change the direction of fate, and at the same time, it in turn ensures the irreversibility of the prophecy, which can be said to be very sad.

Therefore, he is always nagging and wants to get the attention of others, but he always chokes people when he opens his mouth, after all, no one likes others to predict that he will have bad results.

Since he had predicted not seeing Harry Potter and Professor Quirrell tomorrow, Peter decided to go to Diagon Alley as planned.

After all, he first learned that he had come to the wizarding world because he had met Harry Potter in the zoo.

As for Professor Quirrell, who was possessed by Voldemort, Peter, who now had a certain ability to protect himself, was not worried that Voldemort, who was still weak at this time, would trouble him.