
Chapter 5: Headlines

Black Chevrolet speed is very slow, from the car accident near the other lane, Murphy has been looking at that side, the crashed car has been on fire, burning flames from the front hood, will be around the illumination of a transparent, firefighters regardless of the possible danger of an explosion, a few people are busy extinguishing the fire, and a few others are in the rescue of the injured people stuck in the car.

  All of these made Murphy think of the drawings he once saw on the TV news, and also remembered another video Murphy had stored in his laptop, his eyes unconsciously retracted and turned to the handheld video camera placed on top of the passenger seat.

  A voice in his head was telling him that this was very newsworthy footage that should be captured immediately.

  The car drove past the scene of the crash, Murphy stepped on the brakes, stopped on the side road, grabbed the handheld camera, got out of the car with the fastest movement, and then ran towards the scene of the crash while skillfully turning on the handheld camera.

  As if this has been practiced countless times.

  The two peripheral patrolmen had already pulled up the yellow caution tape, establishing a simple cordon area, preventing people from entering the surrounding area, inside the cordon area, the fire was also slightly under control, a few firefighters were dismantling the deformed door, so that the driver inside could be rescued out.

  At the moment Murphy saw the crash and decided to film it, a few cars also stopped nearby, apparently watching the scene is common all over the world.

  There were also people who came over and seemed to want to watch from a close distance, and two patrolmen rushed over to maintain order.

  This allowed Murphy to seize the opportunity.

  When he ran over, he had already turned on his handheld camera to film, as a formally educated film school student, as well as the memories left behind by his predecessor, Murphy's ability in this area is still there, but due to the night light, the effect of filming from outside the police line is not good.

  At the moment when the two patrolmen were attracted away by the other onlookers, Murphy did not hesitate to bend down and drill under the police cordon, then walked a few big steps tightly, ducked into the side of a fire truck, found a good angle, and with the help of the firelight, he included the image near the car into the camera.

  The memory left behind by his predecessor told Murphy that there were not a few people engaged in similar work in Los Angeles, and every time there was an emergency, these guys were like sharks that had smelled blood, and would soon swarm to the scene.

  So, he had to grab the footage that those guys couldn't see.

  The fire was getting smaller and smaller, and the filmed images started to become blurred, Murphy turned his head to look at the left hand ten o'clock direction, two patrolmen were still maintaining order, and the rest of the firefighters' attention was focused on rescuing the trapped driver, and no one paid attention to this side.

  It was at this time that the warped car door was finally pried open by the firefighters, and a long-haired woman was carried down from the car.

  Even without professional training, Murphy knew that this was the most valuable image, without even thinking about it, he turned on the front light of the handheld camera, and rushed as fast as he could to the vicinity of the injured woman who was already placed on a stretcher, and from the gap revealed by a few firefighters and paramedics, he accurately captured a frontal image of the injured woman.

  The woman was lying on the stretcher, letting out feeble moans, a good deal of her long blonde hair was stained red with blood, and the left half of her face appeared to be one of the injuries, with a bloody mess on it that looked quite horrific.

  "Blood pressure 95-65, slow heartbeat ..."

  There were medics doing the necessary checks, "Pupils dilated ..."

  Despite the surge of nausea, Murphy's hand was quite steady, immediately switching to a large close-up lens, recording the scene, which was comparable to an American plasma movie, accurately.

  However, Murphy's shot lasted less than ten seconds.

  It was hard not to draw attention to a big living person running into a place like this, as well as the lights on top of the handheld camera.

  "Hey, what do you do?"

  A gruff voice rang out, and then the camera's lens was blocked by a man in a fireman's uniform, "What are you doing?"

  "Back off, you back off!"

  One of the patrolmen maintaining order also walked over quickly, he wasn't as polite as the firefighters and paramedics, pointing at Murphy and saying in a stern voice, "You! Get outta here!"

  As a person who has spent time in prison, Murphy knows that the police in the United States of America is definitely not as good as what is publicized in the media, and hurriedly turned off the light on the handheld video camera, raised one hand, and backed up and said, "Okay, okay, I'll leave right away."

  As if he didn't think Murphy was backing up fast enough, the patrolman followed him up and pushed him hard, "Back up a hundred feet!"

  He used a lot of force this time, and Murphy was backing up again, tripping over the pieces of the car that crashed behind him and almost falling to the ground.

  Although there was some annoyance in his heart, Murphy knew that he couldn't tangle with the police, it was a good thing that he was a mulatto and not a black man, otherwise the police on the other side might have pulled out a gun and pointed it over.

  Murphy stabilized his body, accelerated his speed and retreated backwards, the opposite side of the patrolman crossed his arms, a formidable and unbeatable appearance.

  Another look at the police, Murphy turned around, bent down and drilled out from under the police line, separating the onlookers who had already gathered in a circle, and walked toward the spot where he had parked his car.

  Back to the car, take two deep breaths, Murphy started the car, first left the scene of the accident, drove out not long, found a parking lot on the side of the road, drove straight in, parked the car, took the handheld video camera placed on the passenger side, opened up and looked at the screen that was just filmed.

  From the beginning of the shooting, to the back was driven out, Murphy shot nearly three minutes of video, which not only has a car on fire and firefighters to rescue the scene, there are also close-up close-ups of the injured, with a considerable visual impact.

  Like this level of shooting, for a certain degree of professional foundation Murphy, or relatively easy.

  Since the video was filmed, the handheld camera naturally could not be sold, Murphy left the parking lot, turned a corner and drove on the road home.

  This video only has a decent value if it is sold, and to sell this video, Murphy needs the contact information of those TV station related people left behind by his predecessor, which are on top of his laptop at home.

  And the video also needed some preliminary editing.

  With the fastest speed back home, Murphy also do not care about the hungry grumbling stomach, directly into the studio, open the laptop, there is software to do editing, the former although very stupid, but the equipment used for work is still considered okay, handheld video camera is not the use of the old-fashioned cassette tape, but the latest digital storage technology.

  Remove the bulky storage disk on the handheld camera, connected to the computer through the data cable, Murphy used the editing software to cut the video shot, cut out all those useless things, mainly retained what was shot after entering the cordon, re-stored on the storage disk, and then opened a folder on top of the laptop, found the contact information of some of the TV station's related personnel, and dialed a number of phone calls one after another .

  Perhaps these contact details were too old, or perhaps it was just his bad luck, most of the calls Murphy made went unanswered, and the few that did answer weren't too interested.

  "Could it be that after half a day of busy work, all that was done was useless?"

  Murphy scratched his short brown hair and dialed another number, after ringing a couple times a voice came through on the other side, "Hello, this is Channel 6, the local Fox Los Angeles station."

  "Hello." Murphy said as simply as he could, "I'm a freelance reporter with a video I just shot ..."

  The person on the other side seemed busy and said again in a very fast voice, "Tell you what, you bring the video here, do you know our address? Know it? Then come over as soon as possible."

  Hanging up the phone, Murphy took the storage disk with him and drove directly to the city of Burbank, where Fox Los Angeles local station Channel 6 was located, and due to the relationship of the road consuming some time, the night was already late when he arrived.

  Fox L.A. Channel 6 is located in the place is a white building, next to the tall TV signal tower, Murphy got off the car and entered the floor, with the security personnel at the door to explain the intention, according to the other party pointed out the way, up to the news department located on the third floor.

  The entire third floor is a huge news hall, even now is late at night, still people coming and going exceptionally busy, Murphy walked into it a little confused, see the opposite side of the person over, and hastily asked politely, "Excuse me, I have in my hand a video of a car accident that has just been filmed."

  The person didn't even lift his head, casually pointing to the corridor on the left, "Go in and take the first door on the left."

  Following the path pointed out by this person, Murphy found an office in front of it, through the glass door, he could see several people inside sitting in front of the screen, seemingly discussing something.

  Murphy gently knocked on the glass door, saw the people inside looking over, pulled open a doorway and said, UU Look Book www. uukanshu.net "I have a video of a car accident to sell."

  "Freelance journalist?"

  A woman with long blonde brown hair turned her head to look this way, "Who are you following?"

  Murphy flinched and simply walked in, "I do it myself."

  He could tell that the woman was supposed to be the head of several people, and added, "It's a video of a car accident that happened on Sunset Boulevard near Hollywood tonight, a woman crashed her car, half of her face was ruined, blood was everywhere, I'd be very surprised if she survived."

  Those words clearly piqued the brunette's interest, and she nodded and said, "Okay, let's see."

  Murphy took out the memory disk, walked up two steps and handed it to the blonde woman, a staff member next to her connected the disk to the screen as the blonde woman instructed, and after a second of snowflakes, the video, which had been carefully edited by Murphy, played out.

  "Oh God!"

  When it played to a close-up of the injured woman, the bloody scene made the staff member involuntarily exclaim out in shock.

  Standing to their side, Murphy had been observing the blonde woman's expression, and unlike that staff member's astonishment, seeing the bloody scene, the blonde woman's blue eyes clearly leaked out a very interested and excited look.

  "This could make headlines on the morning news!"

  She seemed to have completely forgotten Murphy at the back of her side.