

"The way you behave...behave around me, with me it's highly inappropriate. I don't want you think I'll be your little assistant that you fuck on top of your desk or in the break room, if that's your intention I think it's best if you fire me or atleast send me back to work for Mr Caine," I told him after a couple seconds of silence I turned to face him to be greeted with a hard look on his face. "Amelia....I'm sorry if you thought that was my intention, I can see where you would get that idea.. and I apologize for my lack of communication, in what I want," "So what do you want?" I asked my voice sounding strange I cleared my throat, he reached forward taking my ice-cream placing it on the bench his hand moving to my chin making sure I held eye contact. "You..I want you Amelia," he answered his voice soft but held a level of firmness. I sat there looking at him, his eyes filled with emotions and unspoken words that had me melting under his gaze. "What do you mean y-" "Please don't make me repeat myself, I find it quite annoying," he replied his other hand moving from my knee to thigh the grip firm. "Well you're my boss telling me that you...want me, I think I'm going to need some clarification Xavier," I said frustrated and he swallowed hard, his Adams apple moving and I wish I could know what he was thinking. Before another thought can pass through my mind, his lips are on mine. Shakespeare The course of true love never did run smooth

Honesty577 · 现代言情
37 Chs

Chapter 8

Amelia's POV

He opened the door and I stepped in eyeing the cars, I was sure I looked like a toddler in a candy store.

"What exactly are you looking for baby girl?" He asked his hand moving around my waist and I shrugged.

"I'm not sure, maybe something in the executive class." I replied truthfully eyeing a car near the window.

"What do you know about cars?" He asked amused and I looked up at him.

"My grandfather taught me something every summer I visited." I told him and he kissed my forehead.

"Tell me more." He replied giving me his full attention and I laughed softly rolling my eyes.

"That is weird."


"Nothing Xavier." He was about to reply when he got interrupted.

"Good day, I'm Peter how may I assist you?" A man a little shorter than Xavier asked, his blond hair combed back neatly.

"Find us, something reliable not too fancy but modern and from the executive class." Xavier said and the man nodded walking away returning a minute later a smile on his face.