

"Dawson meet your new maid Carla, and Carla meet my lovely kid brother Dawson ." Krystal drop the bombshell and we we're both shocked to death. ** Meet Carla Clarke not your regular kind of girl. Short tempered girl who woke up one morning with a view of working in a big company only to end up as a maid for a psycho billionaire. Now how will this turn if event affect her life. I know you are curious? I here by present to you one of my best newly published book " falling for his maid"

Fety_Grace_5766 · 现代言情
7 Chs

Chapter 4

My eyes fell down on it own and I took part of his details. There was whitish powder on his nose and he was clad in a baggy rip jeans. He was on short leave flowered shirt and he seems to have forget how to botton his shirt. I too forgot how to breath when my eyes came in contact with his bare chest and arbs. Remember I said he got tattoos everywhere? So just imagine his chest and arbs.

As for me, I don't know if it was me but my fingers was arching to touch and feel his biceps. I mentally slapped myself out of my wild thought until his voice came again.

"And what do you think you are doing in my house? How did you even get in?"


Now my eyes were back at his face, I stared at him speechless. he smirk and leaned against the wall, shoveling his hands in his pocket. Staring at me while I was also staring at him, no one was talking.

"I ask you a question and you are dumb? Wait like you are seriously testing me, I told you not to let me set an eye on you for the second time but you dare show up in my house all of a sudden and as if that isn't enough, you are even in my room." I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying but at his blood shot lips. The way he stylishly sweep his tongue around his lip ring when he talks. He looks just too... is that what they call sexy?? Okay I get,  his Aura now, everything about him got me nervous.

God what's wrong with me?

I couldn't even formulate words.

He started walking towards me and that made my heart skipped a beat. Scratch that my heart skipped three beats.  I stepped backward as He was few inches close to me.

he continued walking towards me while I keep stepping back until my back hit the wall.

"Pheew!" I muttered and this time he was an itch very close to me. I felt my stomach twitched. I don't know why but I suddenly became scared of him.

"Okay do you really want me to snap your neck? I can do that with no body knowing cause you are in my room and perhaps I was just defending myself from an unknown stranger" his voice was serene.  

"I-I am Carla" I muttered with my head facing down.

Trepidation is getting the best of me right now.

"Dawson !" I over heard a feminine voice.

Trailing the direction, my eyes landed at the door post.

There stood miss Krystal crinkling with a smile.

Ah thank goodness!

She walked into the room more fully.

"Hi Carla !" She waved at me and turned to the guy.

"Dawson meet Carla your new maid and Carla meet Dawson my lovely kid brother." She giggles rubbing Dawson's back'

That right there was a bomb. Not just for me but for 'Dawson' cause we were both shocked to death.

"Whaaat!!" We both screamed.

"Maid??... "Fuck!" He yelled battling with his lashes.

His eyes turn red and he looks like someone ready to devour. That gave me an idea. He doesn't approved of this...

wait didn't lady Krystal discussed this with him before? Or what if he doesn't specifically want me as his... maid?

"Dawson I am sorry if this is coming to you as a shock but everything happens so fast,

we will be living soon and you need a maid who will at least keep you company so this is my idea." Krystal says with an apologetic look. Dawson touched his forehead as he turn to face lady Krystal. In as much as I didn't wanted to,  it was impossible to not notice the battalions of rings in his fingers.

"Count me out of this shit." He growled and then walked off after casting me a deadly glare. He walked briskly to the door but suddenly stopped at a track.

He twirled round to face us and he swiped off the smirk that was curved at the corner of his lips. He wiped it off in a flash as if he didn't want us to notice it but well I notice it though maybe it's because my eyes had been on him, his stone cold face was now replaced with a smile. He walked towards lady Krystal and did something I never expected from him.

"I am really sorry for yelling at you, sister dear." He apologized like a gentleman. The speed at which he suddenly became polite made me suspicious of him. "You know I didn't plan this up so what do you expect."

Lady Krystal probably being the gullible type to fall for whatever he's planning, smiled and hugged him. "It's alright sweetie"

"Thank you so much sis..." he broke off from the hug and turn to stare at me "for providing me a maid. I guess I really needed a companion" he was smirking at me and his stare was so intense. He looked like he can see through me and of course he can, deep inside of me I was roasting in nervousness and fear of what he's planning.

"Really??... well then I'll leave you two together." Footsteps is what I heard to know that lady Krystal was out and now it was just me and Dawson once again.

I swear,  i swear I was wishing the ground to just open up and swallow me. As he wouldn't stop staring at me, I swallowed hard and brought my gaze to the floor.

"So as my maid, sweat heart.." like hell I felt relieved that he finally broke the silence but a huge part of me was panicked about  what he's going to do next. He took two steps closer to me and next I felt his finger under my chin. He brought my chin up to stare at him.

"don't you think it will be best if we spent some time together?"

I looked at him in confusion, wondering what he meant by that. he then broke off from me and went to a closet. I watch him brought out an object. As I stare at it, My heart dropped at the realization of it.

It was a gun.

A gasp flew out of my mouth before I could stop myself. Is he gonna kill...

"Come with me." Came his serene voice again.

I swallowed a lump


Instead of getting a reply from him, he grasp a handful of my hair and dragged me out.

I followed him down till we arrived at a place that looks like a stable. there he tied a rope to one of the horses as he demanded for my hands.

"What? Why??" I asked taking back my hands.

"I am gonna give a payback for what you did to me.

You ruined one of my favorite outfit, MY FUCKING FAVORITE OUTFIT..." his last statement made me flinched. "Do you know...? Do you know know how much that worth? Even your entire family put together won't worth it..."

Okay this is why I always lost my cool. I mean What's with bosses thinking they are so superior and can step all over you how they want? Maybe if it was just me, it wouldn't matter but I don't joke with my family and no... matter what he has no fucking right to down grade them.

I felt my temper building up but I decide to keep it in check. Okay that was lie, I can't control my temper, I never can and I want to show it right here but I don't know the thing about this car, his Aura scare me for life.

"but don't worry sweetheart, the ground will help me get my revenge by the time  you've swept the entire floors of this ranch." Before I could process what he met, he had already grip my hands about to tie a rope around but luckily for me it wasn't too late before I withdrew my hands from him "No way!" I blunted out.

that triggered his anger,  I watch him grew wild and for the first time in my life a gun was pointed right at my face.

I forgot how to breath for that moment, everything seized. I was only staring at one particular place—his eyes.

His chocolate eyes was covered in pure red and the way he was staring at me, he looks like he was so determined to pull the trigger on me. As I continue to stare at him it felt like I could see through him, I could see more than anger in his eyes... what I saw in his eyes was hatred, Pure hatred. I had this feeling that this wasn't just about what I did to him but something deeper so deep that I couldn't just read him and still in his eyes I swear I saw a man hurting so badly... infact there was a lot of mystery in his eyes that I can't just explain.

"Give me your hands or you die." He forced those words out of gritted teeth, his voice was so low that I barely heard that. Somehow I felt relieved, I felt relieved that he isn't gonna kill me at least there was an option. An option which turns out to be another deadly decision. I  gave him my wrist. He tied a rope around it and connected it to the horse. He climbed on the horse and before I could comprehend what he is about to do, he galloped away with it and I pulled along with force. So much force that l lost equilibrium and fell.

Just as he had assured, he used my body to sweep the entire ranch. I yelled, screamed, cried and begged him to stop but it fell on deaf ears. He only stopped when he was satisfied and by that time, my putter skin had peeled off. I had severe cuts on my skin. I thought he would feel remorse for what he had done when he sees the bruises on my skin but rather, he smirked in satisfaction. He untied me from the horse and just left me there without a single feeling.

Right then and there, I knew I've just signed a deal with the devil by agreeing to be a maid for this monster.


I dressed up my wound the moment I settled at my room after what that bastard did to me. A girl saw everything, I guess she also works here in the Manson. She helped me Arranged some of my stuffs in my queen like apartment after taking them away from Dawson's room. I got to know her name - Erika.

we were both walking around the building.

She was showing me around, I asked her what work she does here.

"Actually I am one of the cattle workers.." she smiled. She asked about what happened earlier between me and Dawson and I told her.

"Oh that's too bad. Well I am not surprise cause that's how he treats everyone even his own family fears him. He is so cold, he lets his temper get the better of him, he don't mind he can kill when is angry." She Euthused and I quite agree with that. I saw it in his him when he had pointed that gun at me, if someone had told me that he wouldn't pull that trigger I wouldn't have believed. Hell he was really capable of killing. I didn't say anything else to Erika again before she left saying that she have some things to put in place.

I was just alone moving around the house. It was evening and I was scared to go back into the mansion.

While I stood by the pool, I sighted a guy walking out of the mansion. As I look closely he was quite deferent from Dawson.

Who could he be??

He was more cuter and his charms was killing.. gosh his grey hair tallied up with his charms.I was still drooling when all of a sudden his gaze hit mine and I felt some shivers ran down my spine.

"Hey!" He winked at me and Started walking towards my direction.


I quickly turned to leave but mistakenly I stumbled and I fell into the pool.

Really now, Carla, really!?

I can't swim