
Higgs Bison System

Biswa came to an unknown world But how can a postmodern person stand the ruthlessness of this world? "If I cannot change I will make the world to change, with new I ideas, my wish is to lead the world into prosperity. " Perhaps that's my destiny. ________________ The first chapters might not be that interesting but every information is needed to create a path for the mc. The Mc will have to control all the powers of the world. I.e. he should be able to pull the strings from both ends. From being a public figure and admired by all to being an underground don and being ruthless... But do not misunderstand my intention is pure. Perhaps every criminal will say those words. ________________ Romance subplot. Misunderstandings. and my favorite Romance comedy So sad it will come in later part of the novel.

bikrant · 奇幻
60 Chs

You will start a what

A young man came in front of an AT house. The house was slightly larger than the inner students. It was finely made of brick and joined with mud since this civilisation didn't have cement discovery.

"This must be the house." The boy knocked in the door.

The door opened and a girl saw him. The girl turned hostile. With hoarse words she asked the boy, "Why did you come here now. If you dare to cause trouble here I will report it to punishment hall."

The boy was suprised, he knew it was a misunderstanding. The boy politely said, "Dear sister, I think you have mistakenly taken me for someone else. Please call Brother Gohan I have something to talk to him about."

Before Zilong could yell at him, Biswa came from the back. He looked at the youth was suprised a little, Then indifferently said, "Come inside."

"Before you say anything, let me introduce myself I am Wang Bai, brother of Wang Yu who you fought with today. We 3 brothers looks same so people easily mistaken us."

Now Biswa came to know from where the kind look of Wang face came from. It was actually his twin brother. Biswa now became polite towards him. Wang Bai continued to speak, "Actually among us are 3 brothers of which Wang Yu is considered the oldest, Me as second and Wang Chi as youngest. Though our birth dates doesn't differ by much."

So they were triplets.

"Yu was the most skilled between us 3 and he had great pride. Our grandfather is the prime minister of Neverwinter empire. Our clan was strong, Though it might sound as bagging but one of our ancestors is a elder of Zan sect.

Ahm.. I am sorry I was lost just now.

Brother Yu changed because he couldn't get into class 1. Even if for a few days late was considered as unworthy for class 1. Along with his pride he didn't like too get leeway into things. That's why he is always in a bad mood now a days. Though ournfamily doesn't discriminate openly, the even walls cannot stop the air fully. His pride was openly crushed and so he finds opponent to prove himself."

Though the story sound quiet funny he knew that Wang Yu was not angry because he couldn't get into class 1 but because among the 3 Brothers only he had to stay behind so he was angry.

The people of this world really are cultivation maniacs.

"This are 10 spirit stones which I prepared for the injury that my brother had caused."

Biswa's eyes shine. But remembering courtesy he decided to reject it.

"Thanks for the gift but its not required."

"No no Brother you have to take it, I will keep it here. Please if you meed anything in future do ask me."

After some more talk they bade farewall to each other.

Zilong's expression was also good. Knowing he wasn't that Wany Yu or something.

"Sigh... My work here is done. I don't know why the Hall Master Dai wanted to give this guy 10 spirit stones. Did he really like him? Well whatever. Gohan is a grandson of elder of this sect. It's a huge news. Brother Yu should not offend such people." Wang Bai Walked himself away.


A few days passed by and things didn't change much. Among the classes there were

Cultivation, Martial arts, history, and alchemy were prominent were else subsjects like Arts, Astronomy and Physics had pitiful low students. Biswa was very suprise to found that there were Physics ans astronomy were here. Astronomy was more maths like but most of the theories were wrong because most of the people try to make everything out of mana or magic particles.

Biswa also gave 3 spirit stone to advance Zilong cultivation to Lvl 11 pinnacle. Whereas he himself now is in lvl7 pinnacle. Biswa didn't use all of the spirit stones because he knew it might rise suspection among others if he casually rise to a higher cultivation. It takes nearly a week to broke from lvl 7 to lvl8 for others. So he is thinking of following the same speed.

He gave some job to Zilong taking some information while he himself emerged in the sects library with all kinds of books.


Time passed and a week has gone by.

Finally the plan is to be inplemanted. Biswa collected the data of what is the most important thing that common people buy. There was a large market city just outside Zan sect. The market was one of the market owned by Zan sect but normally they don't restrict any person to set up a stall as long as they pay the tax.

The most common weapon they buy there is weapon specially bow. Every person in the city has a weapon. There is al large hunting jungle just near the market city. Mercenaries always has their weapon broken during a fight. So they buy weapons to kill the monsters and sell them to the sect.

Cultivation being the highest priority in the world nobody matches it but it is also followed by other attractive jobs. Alchemist, Physician, Blacksmiths, Symbolist, Designer and cheif, those jobs also respected.

But Biswa was very interested to hear that bows have a very high sell rate.

That night Biswa started his designing.

Next day, Zilong along with 3 persons arrived in front of Biswa house. Biswa invited them inside. There were 2 blacksmith and 1 symbolist. Biswa talked with them some businesses. At the end it was decided that per month if the 2 Blacksmiths work for Biswa then they would get a total 60 gold as salary whereas the symbolist will get a salary of 120 gold in 3 months. They were happy to get such high salary.

Biswa would make designs and the two Blacksmiths will make them whereas the symbolist will strengthen them.

After coming to this world Biswa came to knew that there is a symbolist required in making weapons. The symbolist make various type of talisman which can increse various status like sharness of a sword, swiftness of an arrow etc and not by a little but by several times over.

The higher the ability of the symbolist greater is the power of the weapon.

But the weapon he was building was not a bow but a crossbow. Since the lvl of science is very low, and weapons sells the most he decided to start this business.

The normal bow price is 5 silver, but crossbow price is 50 silver. Normal arrow price is 5 copper. But crossbow arrow is 20 copper.

There was only one Item but Biswa knew even with this prices the crossbow item will definitely be a hit.

Next episode

"Chamber of commerce. "

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