
Here Comes the King of the Underworld!

When he woke up, he was in a forest. It seemed that he had become a ghost. He had memories (or rather, knowledge) from before he died. And from there, the story of Shu Archlight began. With the power of absorbing life force, he steals magic and accumulates it to evolve. He analyzes magic and enhances his fighting strength. This is a story about the protagonist, who became known as the King of the Underworld, and his partner witch as they travel the world.

_NCS_ · 奇幻
80 Chs

Chapter 56

Chapter 56: Imperial Capital

The Subarokia Grand Empire is a colossal nation that dominates the western region of the Slada Continent. The nation is centered around a sole Emperor. Additionally, the power of the four Grand Duke families who produce Emperors—Noazu, Ista, Sauz, and Vest—is also substantial.

What stands out most about the Subarokia Grand Empire is its emphasis on meritocracy.

It is also a capitalist society.

In this world, strength as a Magic Knight, the influence of ancient prestigious families, and above all, wealth, hold great significance. The powerful ascend, while the weak and powerless are exploited.

In the capital city of Aldaal, Shuu and Iris have arrived.

"Finally here."

"It was quite a journey."

"About four years, give or take. Well, on foot, it's to be expected."

As they walked along the grand avenue of the imperial capital, the two spoke with deep emotions. It had been around four years since the Revolutionary Liberation incident in the Eldorado Kingdom. The movement of the Revolutionary Liberation had gradually expanded, transforming into a major organization that opposed the tyranny of the Subarokia Grand Empire.

There were rumors that they were receiving support from the Sacred Grinia, but Shuu hadn't confirmed that himself.

"Nevertheless, it's bustling."

"That it is."

"It's on a completely different scale from other countries. Particularly in terms of economy."

The capital, Aldaal, is the largest city in the Subarokia Grand Empire. Naturally, all its glory is concentrated here. Fragments of prosperity could be seen along the grand avenue.

"What's that...?"

"It seems like a theater performance."

"Is it free?"

"Seems that way. It's written 'free' over there."

While the theater performance itself is free, drinks and food are sold at a price. It appears that the theater is operated by the state and performs for free with the goal of cultural improvement.

The people selling food and drinks seem to be taking advantage of the free performance.

In this way, when a nation prioritizes cultural improvement over its citizens' basic needs, one can understand how prosperous the Subarokia Grand Empire truly is.

"Shall we watch for a bit?"

"I'm all for it."

Shuu and Iris bought some refreshments and took seats where they could see the stage. They joined midway through, so they didn't understand the context of the play. However, a man who appeared to be a Magic Knight was energetically delivering lines with extravagant gestures.

"Your Majesty! Allow me to defeat the Prison King Belorg and save you from the citizens' fears with my magic power!"

"Oh, I knew you'd say that. I'm counting on you, Magic Knight Albein!"

Ordinarily, such dialogue would be nonsensical for a play.

Because, after all, this was a theatrical performance.

"Ah, the Prison King! But, I alone am not enough to defeat him. What should I do?"

The scene changed, and Magic Knight Albein began to anguish.

"Yes, I alone am insufficient. I must seal him away at the cost of my own life. Yet, that would leave my wife and child behind. What should I do? Your Majesty, the citizens, or my family... Which should I choose...!?"

The intense portrayal of inner turmoil captivated Shuu and Iris. Watching the play, Shuu recalled something.

(I think I read about this in a book before. Was it about the hero of Subarokia?)

Albein, the hero who sealed away the Prison King Belorg using a staff.

It seemed like a historical fact, to some extent, but surely there had been some embellishments added as it became a story. Shuu wasn't particularly interested, though.

(But... the staff that sealed the Prison King Belorg. Does it really exist?)

According to legends, the Prison King Belorg, once a monster king, was indeed real. Shuu had read books and was attentive to traditions passed down in various regions.

And if the Prison King Belorg truly existed, it wouldn't be strange for the staff that sealed him to exist as well.

(Well, I guess it doesn't matter for now.)

While he was curious, it wasn't worth investigating at the moment.

Right now, they had decided to focus on the play.


"Quite interesting, you know."

"Yeah, it has a different kind of intensity compared to reading it in a book. I wouldn't mind watching it again."

While exchanging impressions, the two walked through the streets of the imperial capital. The capital, Aldaal, had attractions aplenty. They found themselves unintentionally turning in various directions.

However, first, they needed to find an inn.

Since it was the capital, there should be many inns. But they wanted to check in before dusk.

"Maybe I should consider buying a house at some point."

They intended to stay in the capital for a while. Continuously staying in an inn could be costly, so it might ultimately be more economical to rent a house. If they were to stay for an extended period, it might even be better to buy a used one.

"Where would Iris like to live? Let's tour the capital while considering that. We can also look for an inn."

"I still prefer a place where you can see the castle! It's a famous spot!"

"Oh, can you visit it as a tourist?"

"You're free to see the exterior."

As a splendid castle of a grand nation, its architecture could be described in a single word: majestic. The castle that towered over the center of the capital was beautiful from every angle. It effectively showcased the Emperor's dignity without any compromises.

"The capital offers a variety of food as well. Seems like you wouldn't have any problems as long as you have money."

"Is Shu making money from that?"

"I have enough money that I won't need to earn for a while. Thanks to the Revolutionary Army Liberation, I had plenty of assassination requests."

"Come to think of it, I don't know much about your financial situation."

"If I'm not extravagant, I can live comfortably for five years. Even with some luxury, I'd have at least a year."

"That's impressive."

Currently, the Subarokia Grand Empire faced a potential threat from the Revolutionary Army Liberation. Subjugated nations lent their support to the Revolutionary Army Liberation in secret, hoping to free themselves from oppression. Some nations showed opportunistic tendencies, siding with the victor by making one royal family member subordinate to the empire and supporting another to aid the revolutionary forces.

The Revolutionary Army Liberation was strong, much more than the nations expected.

And the reason behind their strength was that Shu had succeeded in numerous assassinations as the "Death God." Any obstacles to the Revolutionary Army Liberation were taken care of by the "Death God." This led to a swift increase in their power.

In any case, Shu's pockets were quite warm thanks to these assassinations. Not only did he have funds from the shadow spirits, but he also had a considerable amount in his bank account.

"Come to think of it, I'm hungry."

"Should we go into a random shop?"

"How about that one over there!"

Iris pointed at a seafood restaurant.

Grilled, stewed, fried, raw - it seemed they offered a wide variety. As one could expect from a great metropolis, the seasonings and cooking methods were on a different level. The Subarokia Grand Empire had absorbed and integrated various cultures from its vassal states, making all sorts of cuisines available.

Likely, there wouldn't be a bad choice no matter which shop they entered.

"People are lining up. Looks like we might have to wait for a bit."

"That's because it's so delicious. Let's line up right away!"

"Got it."

Being a monster, Shu didn't experience hunger. He didn't mind waiting no matter how long.

After all, meals were just a means to acquire magic power for him. Acquiring magic power through assassinations or dark magic was far more efficient. Meals were merely a form of entertainment for Shu.

By the way, despite gaining a substantial amount of magic power through assassinations, Shu's next evolution still seemed distant.

"By the way, Shu."

As they stood in line, Iris struck up a conversation with Shu.

"What do you do in the empire?"


Shu looked up at the sky for a moment, organizing his thoughts.

Then he turned to Iris and answered.

"One thing is gathering information, and the other is attending that meeting. Particularly, I want to gather knowledge related to magic. Strategic-level magic... like the Tenth Tier, I'd like you to learn that too."

"Ugh... I don't really need that kind of magic. I'd rather focus on light magic."

"Come to think of it, you're skilled in light magic."

"Healing light magic is useful anywhere. It's worth honing."

Shu incorporated that into his plans.

For Shu, the main event was the Black Cat Assembly. As the "Death God," he was apparently obligated to attend the meetings of the high-ranking members. Shu had also benefited from the organization, so he intended to fulfill his duty. Or so he thought.

Priorities: Find a place to stay, then perhaps buy some books and enjoy a leisurely time. Maybe do some sightseeing.

As Shu and Iris were talking while standing in line, the other side of the street became noisy. Amidst the murmur of people talking, insults could also be heard. Voices demanding the way to be cleared, calling others a nuisance, echoed in the distance.

And as the crowd parted, the center of the street opened up.


"Yeah, what is it? Even nobles passing through?"

"It's difficult no matter which country."

However, it wasn't nobles who appeared.

A heavily armed group seemed to have arrived from outside the imperial capital, Aldal. They were wearing the uniforms of the imperial army.

"Could it be some unit...?"

Shu wondered while observing the surroundings.

They had just arrived in the imperial capital, Aldal, but Shu thought the residents here would know the identity of the soldiers who had appeared.

Indeed, when he listened closely, the residents whispered and provided information.

"Is that... Lord Azuka?"

"The 'Beast King'?"

"The commander of the Beast King Legion and an S-rank magic knight. The gap between us and them is like heaven and earth."

"He looks cool."

"Well, his personality is rumored to be the worst."

"Shh! He can hear us."

The S-rank magic knights were numerous in the Subarokia Empire.

The man leading the marching unit, Azuka, was also one of the S-rank magic knights.

"Indeed, he has quite a bit of magical power. But has he awakened?"

"He's a very powerful magic knight. Truly worthy of S-rank."

Both Shu and Iris used their unaffiliated magic manipulation magic, "Perception," to examine Azuka. They also concealed their magical power using "Concealment."

The person known as the 'Beast King,' Azuka, was walking quite arrogantly. In the meritocracy of the Subarokia Empire, being an S-rank magic knight was akin to being among the highest echelons of power. His arrogant attitude was indeed a fact.

Azuka clicked his tongue as he led the unit.

"Ugh... These annoying guys. I'm hungry, you know."

"Please restrain yourself, Captain. It's not acceptable to resort to violence against citizens."

"Shut up."


Azuka struck what seemed to be his lieutenant. The man who was hit groaned while clutching his stomach. Even so, the fact that he didn't collapse indicated that he was quite skilled as a magic knight. He had protected himself with unaffiliated magic, "Barrier."

However, the fact that his defense was pierced made it clear that Azuka's strength was of S-rank level.

"Yeah, I'm hungry. We're done with the mission, so I want to eat already."

The Beast King Legion had gone on a mission to defeat a certain powerful monster. While Azuka alone could have taken down the creature, it was necessary for the legion to go out as well to showcase the emperor's authority. Azuka found it bothersome.

To relieve his stress and satisfy his appetite, he wanted to put something in his stomach.

"Hey, isn't that spot over there good enough? Let's go in."

Finally, Azuka pointed to a restaurant famous for its fish dishes. It was the same restaurant where Shu and Iris were waiting in line.

The lieutenant who had been struck earlier quickly admonished him.

"We're still on duty! The mission isn't over until we're back at the castle—"

"Shut up."

"Ugh... *cough*"

"I'll leave the rest to you. Make the report too!"

The presumptuous Azuka left everything to his lieutenant and headed towards the restaurant. Other members of the legion couldn't control the 'Beast King' Azuka through strength alone. Hence, they couldn't say anything. If they resisted, they'd end up like the lieutenant, beaten. Unless they had the ability to defend themselves, they'd be out of commission for several months at least.

Azuka leisurely approached the restaurant and yelled at the customers waiting in line.

"You're in the way! Move!"

Even if someone is powerful, such behavior is a breach of etiquette. This is common sense, even in the meritocracy of the Subarokia Empire.

However, some individuals who awakened to magical powers at a young age and were pampered as S-rank magic knights might misunderstand. Azuka Flap, the magic knight known as the 'Beast King,' was one such individual.

"I'm an S-rank magic knight! I'm Lord Azuka, the 'Beast King'! You commoners should step aside!"

His arrogance was excessive.

Reluctantly, the people in line began to move aside. It was an act of tyranny and a situation that could be protested against. However, ultimately, Azuka was too powerful. To the common folk, he was a being beyond reach.

They had no choice but to retreat.

However, Shu and Iris were the only ones who didn't move.

"What's this? Can we go ahead if we clear the way?"

"Shu-san, please consider the atmosphere..."


Instead, they continued to move ahead in the now vacant line. Naturally, they completely ignored Azuka as if he didn't exist.

Of course, while an S-rank magic knight might be a threat to regular people, Shu, with his power comparable to Ruin-class monsters, could only be challenged by several S-rank magic knights together. Furthermore, unless an awakened magic knight faced Shu, they couldn't avoid instant death from his death magic.

In other words, while an S-rank magic knight might be a threat to regular people, for Shu, they were merely of moderate concern. Frankly, he could ignore them without issue.

Especially if they were a young magic knight.

However, naturally, Azuka was infuriated.

"You there! Don't ignore me!"

Azuka bared his teeth in anger.

No, he had transformed into a lion as a shapeshifting magic knight. Despite being the commander of the Beast King Legion, it was forbidden to activate magic in the streets.

Azuka broke that rule to express his anger.

In other words, he was acting like a fool.


And Azuka attacked Shu.

Unaware of his foolishness.

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