
Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Rica let out a groan as she pulled her eyes open slowly. She was alerted to the sound of water trickling from the ceiling. She felt A sharp pain in her neck as she groaned and sat up abruptly to find herself in a cell.

It smelt of blood and her whole body ached. She looked down at her bare arms and legs and she felt herself choke back a sob when she realized that they were all covered in bite marks.

He had bitten her. She felt a shiver run down her body as she thought over what he had said and done to her. She didn't want to think about what that meant. If he had truly turned her into a wolf.

She didn't want to be one. She was born a human and she had learnt to hate the monstrous wolves. They killed people like her for sport and the last thing that She wanted was to find herself amongst them.

She was pulled out of her thoughts by the sound of heavy doors being swung open and she killed her eyes towards the Door of her cell to find him standing there.

She tried to make herself feel small as she watched him take a big sniff of the air. He growled loudly as the sound was enough to shake the room as he made his way towards her.

"Why are you still human? My venom in your system should be enough to have turned two of you. Yet you still remain like this". He said to her and she choked back a sob as she watched him wrap his arm around her back. She felt her eyes water as she felt her breathing spike for a moment.

She wished that he would kill her and get her out of her misery. But just as she found herself slipping away he let go of her, dropping her onto the ground.

"Maybe it is dormant and I guess that means we will just have to trigger it." He said to her. She didn't know what he was referring to but the way that he said it made her feel even more scared.

She watched as he slowly took a step back and backed away from her. She was relieved to finally have him move away from her. She let out a sigh from her lips but her moment of relief didn't last long as he seemed to return only a moment later with two rods in his hand

"This should spark something inside of you." He said to her and she let out a laugh from his lips. She took a slow step back not understanding what was happening as she felt her throat dry up.

She pressed her back against the wet wall and before she could react he pressed the two sides of the electrodes against her head. She let out a sigh from her lips as he slowly pulled away from her.

"Now this will hurt a lot . It doesn't necessarily have to but where would be the fine if it didn't ". He said and before she could react she felt a sharp jolt of electricity flood through her. She cried out in pain as she wriggled and writhed in the spot all she wanted was for it to stop for it to come to an end but he didn't seem to care.

After a minute the torment ended as she fell to the ground and began to breathe heavily. He looks over at her and pouts when he notices no changes in her. "I guess that we have to try again." He said to her in a mutter.

She shook her head at him profusely as she wanted to pull her mouth open and tell him that

She didn't want to go through anymore but he wouldn't let her as he allowed surge after surge of electricity to flow through her. He was relentless in his antics as he did not seize it even for a moment.

She felt as though her mate had killed her body and soul on multiple occasions and at the end she found herself wishing that she could not die so that

All of it would finally be over.

She let Out a sigh from her lips when after an hour he finally pulled away from her as he took the rods away from her forehead. She felt dizzy as she fell to the ground and he let out a chuckle from his lips.

Well that was disappointing. We will try again tomorrow. But I will keep this on just for the fun of it. You should be able to fix this tomorrow or the punishment will only get worse". He said to her in a warning tone.

She did not know how she could have experienced any further lain than the one that she was already facing right now.


But she was wrong. Oh so terribly wrong. She had been locked in the cell for two weeks now and with each day she was given a new form of punishment to trigger her wolf but none worked.

She had found herself breaking away from reality as she lost any hope of escape. She knew there was no Getting out of there. But then one day that shifted. It was lust's birthday and he was having a celebration.

The guard had just come in to give her a sip of water. His name was James and he was y try he only friendly guard there. He had been called upon Quickly and he had forgotten to lock up her cell afterwards.

She didn't do anything at first because she feared what the consequences of her attention would be but she knew that she couldn't continue to stay there. If she did them she was aware that she would surely die in that place.

She staggered to her feet as she looked towards the open door one last time and she decided to make a run for it. If she did due at last she knew that she had tried and that she hadn't just sat around and allowed for herself to rot away.

She managed to stagger out of the dungeons as she made her way outside And she saw that it was night time. She didn't know how she would leave but she Knew that She was at an advantage because all Of the Men were at the celebration.

She found herself at the border and she watched the patrol routine. There was a shift every thirty minutes and she knew that Was her window. When she spotted it she didn't think at that moment. She ran.

She hurried and far and as fast as her feet would carry her as she felt Her heart racing against her chest. She knew that she had to leave.

She could hear the men falling behind her and she felt a sense of fatigue from over her. She was just out of their reach as she crossed out of their border and she heard them stop.

She wondered why they had let her go but she felt her adrenaline finally start to wear off as she felt light headed.

The last thing that she heard was a loud growl singing through the forest.

"Mate." The voice called.

Not again. She grimaced.