
Ripe For Alpha Training [Naruto] | 1 |

Summary: Pre-Shippuuden

A lonesome ten-year-old Naruto is left on his own, not even having the comfort of his apartment when out in the rain and alone.

Inuzuka Hana and Tsume find him, offering to provide the poor boy shelter and a warm home, but then after a 'Large' discovery, their canine instincts compelled them to seek out a new 'Alpha Male' in the form of this wayward boy.

Thus, they seek to groom and teach him the pleasures of making both 'Mommy' figures feel good and encourage him, leading to him embracing his innate feral nature to tame them both by making them his breeding bitches.

Content Tags: Pre-Shippuden, Underage Sex, Grooming, Large Cock, Large Breasts, Threesome - F/F/M, Pseudo-Incest, Shotacon, Creampie, Impregnation, Imprinting, Groping, Breeding, Lesbian Sex,


Chapter 1: Care and Breeding of the Inuzuka Clan Matrons- (Hana and Tsume)



Standing out in the rainfall and huddling underneath the flimsy shroud of cardboard he used as cover from the nasty weather was a young ten-year-old boy with blond spiky hair. He was wet, dirty, and sniffling with tears coming down his eyes as he held his arms in his hands, shuddering from the cold weather bearing down on all of Konohagakure village.


"It's not fair...it's just not fair." He mumbled to himself tearfully while looking back at the now evicted apartment that was left to him so very long ago. Naruto Uzumaki couldn't remember if anybody at all raised him from infancy until young childhood in that mildly derelict house.

Say what you will about it, but it was home to him until fairly recently. The landlord, having lost his family in the onslaught of the Kyuubi attack years ago finally crossed the line and simply evicted Naruto from the apartment without so much as giving him a warning nor letting him go inside to reclaim his things. Now, he was out here in the cold, shivering continuously and wondering if he was going to die alone, unloved by anybody at all. He was wearing a simple white T-shirt with the Konohagakure leaf on the center of his chest as well as a pair of shorts over his little legs. Both of them were now drenched from the rainfall, Naruto lowered himself to the ground wondering if maybe the Hokage would do something about his state of affairs when....he heard a gentle female voice call out to him.

"Oh my, you poor thing. They had you out here all alone without a place to stay?" Someone called out to him, causing the little boy to look up and see the gentle yet beast-like eyes of a young woman from the Inuzuka clan looking at him with sympathy.

She was a tall, long-haired beauty with twin arrow-head marks around each of her cheeks and narrowed irises that reflect her canine nature seen in all Inuzuka clan members. She had soft-looking fair skin and wore a flak jacket over her chest, appearing as womanly as any girl in her prime would be as she held out a hand towards Naruto, wearing a sympathetic smile on her face.

"W-who....are you? D-did the Hokage send you to take me?" Naruto asked shakingly, feeling the need to sniffle again.

Before the woman could answer him, another one of the same clan appeared by her side, one with wily hair and a borderline feral look on her face when she greeted Naruto's eyes.

"What'd you find, Hana? Huh? An orphan? One left out on the streets....? And in this rain?"

This woman was an older one with a somewhat statuesque figure that was less thin and more curvy and thick in proportion. You couldn't tell by the flak jacket she was wearing, but she had a bit of a plump figure complete with a wide pair of baby-bearing hips. She had lipstick on and her eyes looked more feral and intimidating than the other's, but Naruto felt that neither of these two women was here to hurt him.

"Oh, I...recognize those marks now. Tch, that freaking Kage idiot! How could he have not put a strict order out on the landlord to keep him from booting this kid out onto the street! Grrggh!" She snarled, glaring at the Hokage Tower from far away while the gentler-looking of the two reached for Naruto's hands and pulled him up to his feet with a loving smile on her face.

"Mother, I think we should take him in. Sarutobi-Sama won't mind if we shelter him will he? It's not as if he's safe here around this part of town anymore anyway, right?" The woman known as Hana suggested while keeping Naruto's smaller hands clenched tightly as though never wanting to let him go. Hana focused on Naruto again, looking him straight in the eye as she introduced herself. "My name is Hana Inuzuka, I am of the Inuzuka clan right alongside my mother over here."

"My name is Tsume, by the way. We both know you are Uzumaki Naruto, the great little Hero of the Hidden Leaf Village." The other woman claimed, seeing him nod his head in understanding.

"How would you like to come live with us, Naruto-Kun?" Hana asked, seeing Naruto nod his head in certainty, smiling tearfully at the pair of women before lunging himself into Hana's arms for a deep hug!

"Uuuggghhh! Yes! Please! Thank you very much! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Little Naruto squealed out in happiness, rubbing his snot and his tears into Hana's clothing, making a mess of her Flack Jacket in the process.

Tsume bent down at his side and gave her daughter a knowing look as she carried the ten-year-old Naruto into her arms before they started walking away together.

"He is so full of life, I can feel it, Mother. It's such a horrible shame that he was left out on his own like this. The Hokage shall be notified of this immediately." Hana said while Tsume nodded in agreement, seeing a young Naruto hugging her daughter's shoulder happily in relief and comfort.

Tsume petted his head, feeling him recoil a little from the touch as he clung onto Hana's shoulder even harder with a look of great relief on his little face. This made the woman see that there was just a bundle of potential inside of this little boy.

"We're going to the best of friends, Naruto-Kun. Let us welcome you into our home in the district of the Inuzuka clan, we'll come back later to collect your things from your apartment before those people have a chance to ransack the place." Tsume added, seeing Naruto lift his head and sniffle, nodding in appreciation as they carried him over to their home.

"Don't worry, naruto-Kun, we'll treat you just right.~?" Hana said soothingly to him while they made their way there.


Once they had arrived at their home and went inside of an impressive and moderately lavish mansion that served as the Inuzuka compound for many of their Clan members, Hana carried a drenched Naruto over to the hot baths, ready to bathe him with Tsume eager to help. The two women were also drenched from having stood out in the rain for so long since they preferred doing patrol duty wearing only their shinobi garbs. Their enhanced vitality and instincts didn't allow for them to be too bothered by rainy weather conditions, but their clothing was still very much soaked. Bringing Naruto over to the bathhouse and ignoring that he was a boy being brought into the lady's side with two adult women, Tsume started stripping him of his clothing while Hana provided a towel.

Naruto fidgeted and struggled a little at first, but as soon as the last article of clothing was pulled off, the two Inuzuka women discovered a rather large jaw-dropping surprise being kept hidden under his little cargo shorts.


Hana gasped in shock and Tsume simply blushed fiercely when looking upon the massive size of Naruto's wiener with both surprise and arousal. Not only was it not the kind of penis you'd expect on someone so young, but instead, it was a large foot-long monstrosity in terms of size and thickness that'd put most men in the village to shame. Tsume did all she could to clutch the towel around her chest tightly while Hana slowly processed what she was seeing with her own eyes, she looked at her mother questionably for a private conference with a nod of her head in the other direction.

"W-what? Is something wrong with me? I know I haven't showered in a while, b-but I don't stink that badly, do I?" Little Naruto asked sheepishly before Hana got her wits together and gave him a reassuring smile before pointing in the direction of the large tub of hot bath water just a few feet away.

"U-uh, no. Nothing is wrong, Naruto-Kun. Just have fun over there in the bath for a minute while I have a quick word with my mother about something, okay? Hehe, there's even a little Gamma Frog Spongy toy you can both play with and use to start soaping up your body.~" Hana offered with a musical tone, holding up a squishy bathing toy in the form of a bloated, ugly Toad with a corncob pipe in its mouth.

Naruto's eyes shot open in surprise and starstruck wonder, he grabbed the toy and made off for the bathtub, thanking Hana profusely while rushing across the bathhouse floor in nothing but his birthday suit. The two Inuzuka women saw his overly large wiener flopping around thickly like a small third arm when he did that, furthering the effect of arousal they had been feeling already. A bestial, primal hunger awakened within each of them as they watched Naruto hop into the tub and go to town enjoying the soothing bath waters. He was washing his body at the same time he was playing with the toad sponge in his hand. Hana quickly turned to her side and huddled with her mother discreetly, blushing furiously for she was thinking the same thing she was.

"M-mother....are you thinking what I'm thinking? I mean, I k-know it isn't right to perhaps...groom a perfect mate out of someone so young and in need of saving from the Village's ire, b-b-but--"

"No, I'm with you on that, Hana. That boy...umff...! He's got to have the biggest dick I've ever seen in my life and he's not even fully developed yet either. I know you've also sensed an incredible amount of vitality and potency inside that boy, right? *Hana nods* Then, we give Naruto-kun as much of our love as he could want with the promise that we'll groom him to be our perfect Alpha mate shortly, maybe even sooner. He could want to be our husband and our lover and ravish the both of us, with the right guidance that is. All we need to do now is 'Train' him to be adept in the art of being intimate with the female body and that may include snuggling with him daily until he's used to it and wanting more. Genin at the Academy does start much younger in the art of killing after all. Why not have this for ourselves?" Tsume explained, making Hana see reason as she kept her towel clenched while looking over in the direction of a playful Naruto squishing the Gama Bunta toy happily into both hands.

"Naruto-Kun....." She mouthed, wanting to visualize how a cock that large will feel once inside of them and only after they properly groom him into wanting both women as his only lovers in life. She looked back to her mother and saw her grin fiercely with excitement before taking off her towel completely, appearing naked in all her plump and curvy glory.

Tsume's hairy snatch was now in full view with a thick patch of curly fuzz covering nearly all of her groin, leaving only the visible cusp of her pussy to be seen. Tsume had a mildly portly body with a bit of a potbelly due to being on active duty for a while after her first son Kiba had tragically died some time ago. She was still very attractive with her thick thighs, wide baby-bearing hips, and plump pair of E-cup-sized tits that were just begging to be sucked on. Below each of her armpits, there was also a thick tuft of frizzy hair underneath, Tsume had never bothered to shave either place since she preferred being all-natural as if it allowed her to be one with nature. The only things she kept properly maintained were her hair, skin, and her teeth while maintaining the dark fuzz around her muff and underneath her armpits. To many boys and men in Konohagakure, it was seen as an attractive trait, yet Hana didn't share her mother's lack of hygiene and decent grooming.

Looking back at Naruto one last time, she tugged her towel and let it fall to the ground, unveiling her own pristine, athletically fit body in all its fully nude glory. Unlike Tsume, Hana maintained hygiene around her armpits, but a little less so around her pussy since she too had a slightly thick bush of pubic hair around her mound. It wasn't anywhere near as untamed as her mother's though, Hana takes special care in trimming it nearly so that it wasn't too much and all over the place. Bodywise, she had a narrow waist, wide hips, and slender hourglass proportions complete with a pair of beautiful D-cup-sized breasts with puffy nipples.

She blushed bashfully as she nodded back to her mother, communicating with her in silent agreement before the two of them started walking towards an unsuspecting Naruto playing in the hot waters of the large tub. He was squeezing Gama Bunta spongy between each of his hands until he noticed that they each stood before him, completely naked, which caused his face to go beet red and begin sputtering about!

"H-H-H-Hana-chan?! T-T-Tsume-chan?! W-what are you two doing....?!" He squeaked out adorably, unaware of the proper skinship between paternal figures and children when bathing due to growing up alone. Tsume and Hana didn't seem to be bothered by his reaction as they stood there bearing it all to Naruto before getting into the tub with him.

"Now, now, Naruto-Kun, relax. If we are to be living together as clanmates or a...family, then you need to be used to be bathing with the opposite sex. Besides, you couldn't possibly be finding us too beautiful to take a bath with, could you?~" Hana asked flirtatiously in a demure and lovely way that made little Naruto blush hotly as he fidgeted with his fingers.

What she said made sense to him, but it was still a foreign concept and it did come with the risk of having his wiener feel 'funny' again after seeing them naked before his eyes. Tsume swam behind him and held her naked arms around his shoulders, smothering the back of his head into her breasts and watching him sputter comically while doing so.

"Hehehehe, relax, pipsqueak. We're going to be doing this with each other from now on, okay? So you better buck up and get used to bathing with just the two of us, plus, I doubt you know how to properly bathe yourself anyway, right?" Tsume giggled, enjoying the feel of his fuzzy head between melons and feeling a little hot and bothered by it herself while feeling Naruto nod in understanding.

"O-O-Okay....I....get it. I think. It's just you are both so beautiful I...I can't help but freak out." He excused, making Tsume want to squeeze his cheeks because she found him too adorable to not wanna groom him into her future husband with Hana. The latter reached over and pulled him out from underneath her mother's breasts, smiling warmly at Naruto and making him feel his heart skip a beat as she pulled him over to her naked body. She embraced him in an affectionate hug with her breasts smothering against his little face, seeing him becoming so hot and bothered by what she was doing.

"Aw, thank you, Naruto. You know, I think you'll be quite the gentleman when you grow up if you keep that thought in mind. Hehehe, now then....let's teach you how to properly rinse and bathe someone properly while we....do the same for you. You'll have to get used to this, Naruto, that is if you're not too shocked by us being naked in here with you.~" Hana cooed and Naruto quickly shook his head, wanting them to go on while trying not to stare into Hana's breasts and resist the urge to 'feel funny' from being naked with them. "Good, now let's begin."

She pulled back and leaned against one of the edges of the bathtub, allowing more of her chest to rise out so she could hold back her arms behind her neck. Hana started posing in front of Naruto with a sexy smile on her face. Tsume handed him the Gamabunta sponge after she had it all soaped up for him to use. She nudged him in the direction of her daughter with a playful smile on her face, eager to see his little hands at work.

"Soap me up, Naruto-Kun, rub that all over my chest. Don't be shy, you'll need to get used to this kind of thing since we'll be doing this every day from now on. We will also be sleeping together in the same bed too." Hana added, making Naruto feel steam coming out of his ears.

He swam forward and grabbed the soaped-up Gamabunta sponge tightly as he started soaping up the contours of Hana's voluminous breasts. He was pressing his smaller fingers into her soft skin while working them, making her squeal quietly to herself while breathing heavily from underneath her breath. Hana couldn't explain it per se, but she adored the feeling of Naruto's smaller hands stroking her mounds through the sponge. He was rubbing them all over the shape of tear-drop breasts, making her want to do this kind of thing sexually with him sooner than later.

'Well, the little cub is a natural, Hana's already melting and she's just having her tits touched. Maybe I should help him go further along and egg him on even further.~' Tsume thought to herself and she swam over to place both of her overly large tits up top around Naruto's head again, making him start to breathe hotly as he struggled to keep himself in check when soaping up Hana's chest.

"Mmmmm, you know your way around a woman's body, Naruto-Kun. Are you a natural or have you done this before?~" Hana mused, watching his flushed-looking face in amusement. He was eagerly focusing on soaping up her breasts, finding himself enchanted by them as well as Hana's naked beauty while trying not to get an erection underneath.

Hana saw her mother once again cushioning the sides of his face with her melons, no doubt making Naruto feel hazy as the unwanted feeling of arousal started getting stronger within his ten-year-old body. Both Inuzuka women could tell that despite being so young, Naruto was indeed starting to get infatuated with the naked female form. He was certainly getting flustered by it and working Hana's teardrop breasts with growing fascination. This was a good sign of virility and sexual appetite in their eyes.

'Huhhhh....! I gotta do this quickly or else I'll feel something funny happening to my body again! B-b-b-but Hana-chan is just so beautiful, Tsume-chan too.....! I can't take my eyes off them at all!' He thought, unable to take his eyes off of Hana's face while continuing to soap up the sides of her pendulous breasts for minutes on end. This carried on with Tsume wriggling her naked tits around his face from behind the entire time.

Before long, Naruto finished soaping up Hana's chest and moved on to Tsume once she spoke up that it was her turn now. He turned around and saw the feral-looking woman standing up from within the shallower parts of the water, showing him the dark tuft of hair between her legs as well as revealing her pussy in all its sodden glory.


The young Jinchuuriki gulped nervously as he saw her extend one of her legs forward, placing her foot down on the edge of the tub while spreading out her legs a bit. She gestured for Naruto to work on her legs.

"Come on, soap up my ankles, Naruto-Kun. Don't be shy, I won't bite....hard.~" Tsume snickered, watching as he shakily ran the Gamabunta sponge around the woman's smooth thigh to her ankle. He tried keeping his eyes away from the sodden pair of velvet folds that were her pussy, feeling the lingering call to look at it while he was busy soaping her up.

He was nervous, but at the same time, he was proficient in bathing both of these women. Naruto didn't understand it at first, but part of him wanted to do this daily after all. It was obvious to the two women since he didn't complain or refuse. This prompted a feeling of excitement within Hana, leading to her circling a finger around her chest as she watched him move on from her mother's leg right after she put it down into the water again.

Tsume turned around and extended her plump buttocks towards Naruto's tomato red face, allowing his busy little fingers to begin soaping up her upper thighs up to her plump wide ass. He ran them around in circles while her hips swayed side-to-side in an almost hypnotic manner.

'Ooooooh! This brat has got it going on with those magic little fingers. Aahh...! He's touching me in some rather sensitive places on top of it, he may be a natural after all. Hana's intuition was right on the money.~' Tsume mused, enjoying the feeling of Naruto soaping up her ass and squeezing his palms around her cheeks for a few minutes until he was done.

After he was finished, two women decided to do the same with his smaller body afterward.

Needless to say, Naruto had the most amazing bathing experience of his life now despite how awkward he felt having two gorgeous women rub soap-covered hands all over his little body. He had been propped up on the edge of the bathtub, feeling both Tsume's and Hana's fingers grazing the skin down to the base-end of his dick with soap. He resisted having a full-blown erection, despite not knowing what it means, but Naruto was feeling very attracted to them both after the bath was done. Just thinking about how smooth their hands were when feeling up his body was making him shudder constantly as the 'funny feeling' came back in full force. The experience made his member stiffen up considerably in the process, allowing it to become as hard as a rock and nearly twice as long before Tsume and Hana's eyes.

Seeing it spring out from the soapy bath waters prompted both Tsume and Hana to cease what they were doing, feeling pleased with themselves knowing their supposed test worked perfectly. Naruto would have to wait until his member went back down, but seeing it grow fully erect before their eyes were more than enough motivation for them to commit to the next step. The two of them wrapped up their bathing ritual and dried the boy off after they got out, putting him into a fresh change of pajamas afterward.

Guiding a flustered-looking Naruto hand-in-hand down the hallway to Tsume's bedroom, both mother and daughter looked at each other and exchanged knowing looks...


A few minutes later, Naruto climbed into a large queen-sized bed after getting changed into a fresh set of pajamas. He clutched his chosen pillow tightly and felt grandiose relief at finally feeling safe, comfortable within the confines of the Inuzuka household after being booted out of his house. Climbing into the bed with a pillow in hand, Naruto was about to pull up the blankets until he saw the door begin to open up. When it did, it revealed both Tsume and Hana again, only this time they were only wearing a skimpy tank top and a thin pair of panties each, making him sputter with growing arousal all over again as they started walking right over to the bed.

"H-Hana-chan....?! W-wha-" Naruto blurted out until Hana held up a finger in front of his lips, silencing him with a hint of playful gentleness and motherly nature. Naruto remained silent while trying not to stare at the cleavage of her boobs while she and her mother climbed into the bed with him together.

"Shhhh, we'll be sleeping in the same bed with you, Naruto-Kun. After all that neglect and hatred, we figured you shouldn't be sleeping alone anytime soon, I hope you don't mind. We want you to know that you'll be safe with us and that you'll be loved while living here as a part of the family. Mother and I want you to permanently be a member of the Inuzuka clan, but you can keep your last name if you like. For right now though, let us sleep together with you, okay?" Hana asked, cooing pleasantly as she was making Naruto not tearfully back to her in utter happiness after hearing her kind words.

He grabbed onto her neck and hugged her with all of his might, sobbing into her right shoulder as she ran her hands down his neck in a soothing manner. Tsume was feeling her heartstrings getting tugged at the sight of intimate motherly affection, it reminded her of her son and how he was with her before that tragic day during Ninja Academy training. The feisty woman wiped a tear from her cheeks before getting into bed, but she made sure to secretly tug down the thin strip of clothing she considered to be her panties till she became naked from the waist down.

"Heheheh, you may be a little weirded out by this, Naruto-Kun, but I trust you'll enjoy it in time once you get used to inhaling natural scent like an everyday fragrance~" Tsume chuckled as she pulled the blankets to the side, seeing Naruto detach himself from Hana's chest to where she can see a jaw-dropping look appear on her face. She started lifting her tank-top next, allowing her large boobs to spill out freely in all their naked splendor...

Tsume saw him staring with an increasingly nervous look on his little face, she could tell he was conflicted over keeping his eyes glued to her naked tits and wanting to look away out of respect for her body. But Tsume tempted him into leaving his eyes glued to her after cupping one of her tits into her hands and squeezing it before Naruto's very eyes. The boy felt that 'Funny feeling' happening all over again, making him wish that it would go away since he wasn't inside of a bath and couldn't hide it anymore.

"T-T-T-Tsume-chan.....?! W-w-we're not in the bath anymore, ya know!" Naruto squeaked out, feeling one of Hana's hands creeping down his chest comfortably as she moved her body up to allow his head to roll into her bosom through her tank-top. "Mhmmphff!!*

Naruto was now being smothered by her large breasts, blushing up a storm all over again while feeling his erection beginning to push out from underneath his pants. He prayed he could control his urges and not embarrass himself somehow in front of his new mother figures. Hana made sure to cuddle as intimately close to his side as possible with her groin grinding up around his little waist through her scant amount of clothing. Naruto was puffing out little clouds of steam from his nostrils when feeling the sensation of their warm bodies rubbing into him from all around, making him both extremely comfortable as well as exceedingly aroused. He wondered why they were doing this and believed skinship wasn't a thing to be had in the bath much less in the same bed, but he couldn't deny the increasing feeling of longing for each of the Inuzuka women. No, he couldn't deny his growing arousal around them at all and it would only get worse from here on out.

'It's working, Naruto-kun is already becoming acclimated to our scent and possibly imprinting upon us as objects of his desire. Even for his age, he's already exhibiting the obvious signs of sexual maturity when judging by how quickly he became erect. Oooohhh, just a little bit longer now. A few more demonstrations and nights of sleeping together like this and you'll finally awaken to your true inner Alpha Animal, Naruto-Kun. I just hope my mother is going to go too far with helping you acclimate.' Hana thought to herself as she was about to shut off the light when seeing her mother Tsume lie down in the other direction, making her lower-end hover over Naruto's little face with her muff gently placing itself beneath his chin with her thighs clumsily resting just around his pillow. 'M-M-Mother!!'

'I-I-I-I-I see it!! I...s-s-s-see Tsume-chan's.....!' Naruto let out, letting more steam escape his lips as he felt his erection raging even harder now while he looked into the moist, fuzzy folds of Tsume Inuzuka's womanhood as he smothered against his chin. He could feel his mind go into a meltdown as he started feeling a rather depraved hunger for the woman's flesh creeping slowly into his brain the longer he looked at it.

"Mmhnhhh....sorry about sleeping this way, Naruto-Kun, but it's kinda hard for me to get comfortable sometimes. So I occasionally sleep with my head resting at the foot of the bed, hope you don't mind where my butt is resting right now.~" Tsume explained with a knowing smirk, making Hana look at her with a pout as she reached for the light and finally shut it off.

The lights became dim until they were completely dark, leaving Naruto to rest between the two beautiful half-naked women cuddling intimately with his little frame. He couldn't fall asleep yet, he was far too awake to even consider resting his eyes. His erection stayed up from underneath his pajama pants, making a tent erupt from the surface of the bedsheets that he couldn't figure out how to make go away. Hana simply rested with her arm around Naruto's little body and breasts gently smothering against the side of his face, hoping that the boy would awaken to his animal instinct soon and crave them as Alpha Male would.

"Good night, Naruto-Kun. Tomorrow is going to be a fresh new day and we're going to teach you many new things, okay?~" Hana stated soothingly as she rested her head directly above Naruto's, letting him bask in her warmth and her smell as he started to get a little more comfortable where he was at.

"Hana-Chan...." He moaned with happiness till he felt Tsume's naked groin rub up against his face again, making him inhale the slightly musky scent of her overly fuzzy mound now that it was closer to his face.

"Yeah, starting with more....' Skinship' rituals between the three of us, okay squirt? Hehehe." Tsume added till she fell asleep, making a loud snoring noise come out of her lips and nostrils while Hana slept more quietly next to the boy's face.

Naruto could feel warmth and flesh from all around him with the scent of each Inuzuka woman being ingrained into his mind for as long as he stayed awake. Eventually, since he was unable to tend to his little problem downstairs, Naruto's member gradually became flaccid and soon he felt the disappointing feeling of not being fulfilled. It bothered him so because part of him wanted to do more 'Skinship' with the two women now that he was starting to get very comfortable and enjoy the sensation of their naked skin touching him very much.

'Mmmnnnn.....!! I-I-I wonder what we'll be doing tomorrow. I was kinda hoping they would teach me Jutsu instead, but....*Looks around at Hana and Tsume's sleeping faces*...this could be nice too.' He thought to himself before eventually falling asleep between each of Hana's boobs through her tank-top.


When the next day came, so too did morning breakfast with Tsume and Hana getting up to prepare Naruto for an early morning of 'Training' in secret from within the more comfortable confines of their home. Tsume had requested to go off-duty for a bit with the excuse of 'Training' a new Clan Member, Hana did the same and got Naruto interested in the art of groping their bodies after calling it a Chakra training exercise. She hated to lie to him, but she felt it'd be easier for him to accept rather than ask what it was called now that they were letting him feel up their bodies.

After getting some breakfast into him and touring the ground of the Inuzuka compound, Tsume and Hana both pulled the energetic ten-year-old into the more private area of their living sanctum, ideally the bed chambers where the three of them were going to sleep from now on. Naruto was confused as to why Hana or Tsume didn't prefer the privacy of their bedrooms but was silenced quickly when being pulled over to sit at the foot of the bed with Hana undoing her tank-top first while standing right in front of him.

The young boy clutched his Gama-Chan toy tightly between his fingers when he saw Hana's naked tits spill out from her tank-top the next second. Seeing those doughy gems spill nakedly free before his eyes made the boy grunt briskly to himself as he felt the familiar surge of arousal all over again. Tsume took a seat close by and watched, putting her hands on his little shoulders as the lesson began.

"Gngghh!! H-H-Hana-chan?!" He squeaked adorably when seeing her tits jiggle before his very eyes. Hana was already beautiful even when wearing clothes, but seeing her topless stirred that inner animal within the young boy even more as he comically gawked at them.

"Hehehehe, I'm glad you approve, Naruto-Kun. Today, I'm going to show you just how good it feels when you touch them with your hands. This exercise is strictly for you and no one else, okay? Nobody can know about this and besides, it may make for excellent training for Konoha's Ninja academy.

This perked the boy's interest a bit as he sat upright, attentive, and ready to begin 'training' despite it being anything but. Tsume had to suppress a laugh and watch as her daughter brought herself before Naruto's waist, letting his hands guide themselves to her tits so he could be ready to squeeze them.

"Now, it's real simple, Naruto-Kun. You just reach for each one and gently pull them into your fingers, ideally around the dark pink areas you see there. Go ahead, give it a try.~" Hana said soothingly as she watched Naruto reach for her boobs, letting them latch into each one and cause her to shudder sharply with sensation. "Mmhmmhm! Attaboy, n-now...just start squeezing them gently and make sure you pull your hands back and forth while doing it. That makes it feel really good and it will even help you Chakra control even better."

"Okay, Hana-chan! I will!~" Naruto beamed brightly as he began tugging gingerly on her tits, fondling them slowly while pulling each doughy orb into his palms, making her begin to breathe faster as a result. Hana's face lit up with the color of red while she started breathing coarsely thanks to the boy's magical touch.

"Mmnnghhh.....! That's very good, Naruto-Kun. Uuuuhhhh.....!~" Hana let out, making her face look flustered beyond all belief while Tsume just watched with a smile. The older Inuzuka woman noticed Naruto's length remaining in a fully erect state and pushing out from within his little orange pants.

Her eyes focused on the view from above, watching his member push his pants out so much that the hem became wide enough for her to see it below, pushing against the fabric as if he was growing a third leg. This made the Dog woman growl deeply with quickening lust, she was anxious just to seduce the well-hung boy already and let him breed them raw. Tsume could already sense the potential of a Prime Alpha Male within him, all he needed to do was embrace it.

Naruto wound up squeezing one sensitive spot around Hana's right tit, causing her to moan hotly and make him look at her as if he had done something wrong. Thankfully, she realized this and waved him down with a gentle, nurturing smile before reaching over to his hands and grabbing onto his wrists.

"N-not so rough, Naruto-Kun. You gotta be gentle with a woman when it comes to foreplay, there's time for passion later...if you happen to be interested in learning. Would you?~'' Hana asked seductively, batting her eyelashes at him for she could smell the animalistic lust coming off of him like pheromones that stimulate one's arousal to heightened levels.

Both Hana and her mother had a heightened sense of smell and could tell Naruto was lusting hard for both of them without really knowing it. All he needed now was a little push. The adorable blonde swallowed nervously and looked back at Tsume next as if asking for permission from her first.

"Oh, believe me, kiddo. It's the fun kind of training you'll like, but only if you're interested. Would you like to be, Naruto-Kun? I can show you something else you might like, I think I slept with it on your face before you finally fell asleep with a goofy smile on your face.~" Tsume pointed out, making the boy blush heavily as she tugged on her fatigue panties suggestively, making Naruto see the slight pudginess of her stomach combined with her insanely hairy muff.

Just seeing that fuzzy jungle of womanly essence and pubic hair made the boy stir with feral lust he didn't know he was capable of at his age. His eyes flickered between red and blue and his length pushed so hard into his shorts that they nearly came off as he watched Tsume sit back onto the bed with panties sliding down her ankles. Hana simply giggles to herself, enjoying her mother's boldness in wanting to push naruto into embracing his innate Alpha Male essence, but felt she was being a bit too forward for such a young lad.

She changed her mind soon enough when seeing him waddle over to the woman after she spread her legs apart across the edges of the bed. Tsume's pink sex, no matter how much dark fuzz obscured the area, was exposed before Naruto's hungry blue eyes as though it was an enjoyable treat. He wanted to lick it and do more stuff with her body, after being smothered by it last night, the smell lingered in his nostrils and drove him crazy with lust right now.

Just as soon as his little hands came up, Tsume held out one of her own and halted Naruto's advance with a coy smile on her face.

"Ah, ah, ah. We're just doing petting practices right now, Naruto-Kun. If you want to taste the splendor of an Inuzuka woman, you gotta learn to 'pet' her properly first. Go on, worship that area and treat it like you treated my daughter's tits a few seconds ago." Tsume let out, running her tongue across her lips as she watched Naruto's shake with indecision until Hana got behind him.

She put her hands around his little shoulders and cuddled with the boy in a gentle, motherly way to calm him down.

"It's alright, Naruto-Kun, just go ahead and slay your mother. If she likes what you do, then we'll get to the fun stuff quicker. There's an Alpha Male inside of you, Naruto-Kun. All you have to do is prove it to yourself.~" Hana said in a soothing, seductive manner before kissing him on the cheek and making him blush rightly like a light bulb.

"Y-yes! Hana-chan.....! I will!" Naruto gushed with excitement, feeling pepped up, and walked over to place himself between Tsume's legs. He spread his hands all over the smooth yet slightly pudgy thighs of the voluptuous Milf while looking at her cunt with hunger.

Resisting the urge to taste it, he began gingerly running his hands along the inner thighs of the woman's crotch, feeling up her tender areas while running a finger around the innermost region of her pussy. It felt so soft and warm to Naruto's hands, making his cock throb intensely from underneath his shorts.

"Mmhmm! Such soft little hands you have, boy. Ohhh....let it be known that I want you to finger Momma Inzuka's wetness a bit. Go down on petting that entire area, I just know you have a natural talent within you to do it like a pro." Tsume said, watching Naruto start massaging her groin and feel up her slightly pudgy stomach. The woman had been a little out of shape since retiring from active Ninja duty to teach her younger Clan members, but she was still largely voluptuous outside of having a bit of teardrop roundness to the lower half of her body.

Naruto started breathing hotly with lust right now as he continued running his fingers all over Tsume's hairy twat, feeling up the pubes between them as he started petting her more sensitive regions after discovering where they are. His soft little hands, which remained surprisingly firm, began gingerly stroking her skin and making Tsume breathe heavily with ever-growing arousal as he went on.

"Hhauuhh....! Nnhhhmm!~ K-keep going, kiddo. You seem to have a magical touch after all.~" Tsume breathed out as he guided his right hand over to her slit, poking her spongy folds a bit before dipping a finger into it.


Tsume's legs bristled upon contact with her toes curling up, feeling the boy's fingers dipping intricately into her sex as he began stroking them back and forth on pure instinct. Hana was watching her mother's breasts swivel and shake around from underneath her flimsy tank-top, making a show for her to enjoy since she was seeing Naruto bring the older woman to her knees already. For added fun, he even reached up to fondle the bulge of her stomach and squeeze it with his other hand, making Tsume giggle a little as he continued worshiping her pussy like so.

"Aahhh....! H-hey now, I may be a little out of shape, but I'm still ticklish down there. Do you like women with slightly thicker bodies, Naruto-Kun?~" Tsume giggled and saw him nod his head, making the woman blush since she thought her beauty had long faded after leaving her fitness training.

Tsume was not fat by any means, but nor was she lean or built like any self-respecting Kunoichi would be. She put on a little weight, giving her a very slightly statuesque figure which came with wider hips, thicker legs, and a more plump ass. In all respects, she simply had a slightly curvier, thicker body than before. Although she felt she could do away with the small gut she had around her stomach region.

"I...I think you're beautiful no matter what, Tsume-chan." He breathed out, making both women blush again as he continued fondling her stomach's bulge while fingering her pussy like an excited child.

The quiet squelching noises of his fingers dripping her ruby wetness continued for some time before Tsume couldn't tan it anymore! She threw her head back and shuddered, cumming all over the boy's hand before grabbing the back of his head and forcing his lips to kiss the fuzzy wetness of her snatch!

"Uuuggghhh! Aaaaahhhhh.....! Holy cow! Unnnhhh! Narutoooo!~" She howled loudly like an animal and was left breathing heavily in post-climax with her tits shaking constantly to the point they nearly fell out of their tank-top.

Naruto's muffled groans came out sputtering since he was being smothered from between the woman's sex, tasting her juices and feeling her fuzz tickling his face the longer she held onto his skull. Hana would find it adorable had he not waved his little arms around in the air comically before grabbing onto him.

Thankfully, Tsume finished cumming and released her grip on Naruto's head, allowing him to pull back from her muff after letting out an intense gasp of air as though he'd been drowning.

"*Gassspp!* T-Tsume-chan.....! I'm...I'm sorry I didn't kno---!" He was silenced when feeling Hana's right hand gently cup his chin to stop him from talking. She did it gently and directed Naruto's attention to her mother's smiling face as she recovered post-coitus.

"See that, naruto-Kun? She's happy, you made her feel good, or rather, amazing just by doing what you're naturally good at. You're a true alpha alright, so I as you deserve a reward.~" Hana cooed seductively, making the boy's eyes sparkle with enthusiasm after hearing that he did a good job.

Tsume sat up right away after catching her breath, looking at her daughter with a knowing look on her face as she nodded back to her in exchange. The two women now both looked at Naruto, anxiously and with a pair of excitable looks of predatory lust written on each one's face.

"He's ready." Tsume said, purring as she tugged up her top, revealing her bulbous teardrop breasts in full naked glowy. Ignoring Naruto's sputter of excitement, she watched Hana do the same by pulling down her panties. Both Inuzukua women were entirely naked and now posing on the bed waiting for him to come to them like an animal in mating season.

They were ready to allow him to fully breed each one since they knew his dick was packing enough cum and virility to seed an entire compound's worth of horny Inuzuka women.

"I...I...what do I do now...Hana-Chan? T-this is something I've never done before, what If I mess up? I mean, you two are really beautiful and I do....feel that urge in my pants that makes me want to do something to you, b-but....this is all so new to me." Naruto pleaded and Hana exchanged a brief look with her mother before getting off the bed and reaching over to pull Naruto onto it, tugging down his shorts in the process and releasing his turgid monstrosity of a cock in full!

Out sprang the fourteen-inch erection with balls so thick they could be considered grapefruits. Naruto let out a surprised squeak when seeing them, even more so when realizing that he was naked with two beautiful women about to do certain adult things right here in their bedroom. Before he could grasp what was about to happen next, Hana steered him around so that he could lie on his back facing up as she hovered her naked cooch directly above his meat.

She spread open the folds of her pussy and showed Naruto the insides of her womanhood, making him blush hotly with white-hot lust filling up his brain. Little by little, the boy's animal instincts started to take over his body, just as they planned.

"I'm going to be first, Naruto-Kun. I'm going to be your first, to be exact. With me you'll get the general idea of how to make a woman feel good and together with mother and me, we intend to make you feel good all the time. We would like to be your bitches, so satisfy us like any Alpha Male of the pack would, okay?~" Hana explained, making narutos' heart skip a mile a minute as she slowly brought herself down upon his length, feeling the bulbous head sinking into her pink wetness and making her inside spread out as a result


"Aaaaaahhhhhhhh...Kami!~ Ohh god, mother! H-he's just so big!~'' She cried out, making a euphoric smile as she felt her insides spreading out thanks to Naruto's beefy cock tunneling its way through to her cervix in just one punch.

The boy felt the slimy sensation of Hana's pussy swallowing him up, making him wince pleasurably with excitement as he felt his penis sinking in further and further until he reached a slight barrier in the way. Hana's soft body pushed down upon him fully in cowgirl position, she planted her hands down around his face and let her tits dangle just above his mouth as she got settled. She had a very hot and bothered look on her face and wiggled her hips side-to-side on the boy's pelvis to adjust. Tsume watched it all with a smile and enjoyed the sight of her daughter looking positively flushed as she felt a True Alpha Mal's appendage wedging itself into the entrance of her womb.

"Nmmnghhh! Aahhh.....ooohhh...Naruto-Kun! T-this feels utterly amazing....!~" She let out, closing her eyes and letting her hips move back and forth along the boy's waist as she started to ride him. Hana's buttocks started shaking from atop his little things, the woman was rolling herself faster and harder with each passing second, making naruto feel 'Heaven' in the form of a beautiful woman riding herself on his cock.

"Gnghhh! S-so this is what a girl's p-p-pussy feels like? Nnghh! Hana-chan....! I love it.....ahh! It feels so tight and slippery inside." He growled, feeling the animal-like lust beginning to circumvent any thoughts of youthful innocence he had going on inside of his head. Naruto loved the sight of Hana riding herself atop of him, albeit in a gentle manner with tits swaying above his face.

Soon enough, the feeling of wanting to see and do more with either of them became Naruto's focus. He brought up his hands and grabbed onto Hana's tits, squeezing them gently between his fingers and taking joy in hearing her cry out his name.

"Huahhhh! N-Narutoooo!~" Hana cried out and started shuffling her buttocks even faster on his thighs, making her pussy squeeze incessantly around his dick as it pumped steadily into her cervix on its way to her womb.

The bed started shaking loudly, making creaking noises fill the air along with Hana's euphoric cries of pleasure the more she rode the Alpha Male's cock.

"Uaaahh..aahh....ahh..ah...ahh...aahh...aaahhh! Oohhh...Naruto-Kun! You are an angel! This was meant to be! You were destined to be our Alpha.~" She cried out, making the boy smile with pride as he felt the sense of control he had over them grow. Naruto grinned with a toothy smile before grabbing onto her hips and pulling away from her trembling tits the more they shook around.

Hana could feel him securing a grip around her waist, making her bounce while riding his pelvis. The incessant rutting between an older woman and a young adolescent boy grew more intense. Suddenly she was bouncing up and down on his cock when Naruto pulled her down even further so that it pushed right through to her womb! Tsume could see the bulge sticking out of it and practically felt the penetration herself as she visualized herself being in her daughter's place.

Hana wanted his first time to be gentle and loving rather than flat-out primal, but the feeling of his dick plunging the insides of her sex made her lose all reason. Suddenly she was gyrating her pelvis around the boy's waist, determined to get him off and get him to cum inside of her before she lost her mind. Fortunately for her, Naruto's threshold for pleasure gave away as he plunged into her hips, trembling pleasantly as he felt thick ropes of sperm come gushing out and pouring into Hana Inuzuka's womb!

"Gaaghh! S-something's coming, Hana-chan! Aaahhh!~" He cried out with a cocky smile, embracing his inner Animal instinct as he felt his cock erupt deep inside of his caretaker's womb.

She came at the same time and started shuddering pleasurably in orgasm, milking the boy's phallus for everything it was worth.

"Uuuggghhh! Narutoooo....! Aaahhh!~"


Hana could feel every thick, potent rope of semen flood the capacity of her womb, over and over again like clockwork. Her pussy kept on squeezing down on him, milking more cum out of his balls for as long as two minutes tops before he finally stopped. Hana was left breathing raggedly in post-coital bliss, showing Tsume a borderline ahegao face before rolling over onto the side and off of his cock.

With a splotch of moisture and sperm, Naruto's length was left as stiff as it was when he started. This amazed Tsume and aroused her greatly, making the woman reach over to grab the hilt of his dick and bring stroking him out of fun.

"Mnghh! T-Tsume-chan.....! It's really sensitive down there....but your hand feels so good I don't want it to stop." Naruto growled in slight pain, enjoying the sensation of the woman's fingers squeezing and jerking his length in up-down movements.

"Heheheh, I knew you'd like it, Naruto-Kun. Now, for my turn on that large, plus-size cock you have on you.~" Tsume said while growling seductively and jerking off Naruto's dick a bit more till she suddenly let go of it. This left a mildly sour look on the boy's face, but he looked to his side to see Tsume lying back on the bed with legs spread wide and a finger beckoning to him suggestively with a smile.

She wanted him on top of her slightly pudgy, curvy body, ready to feel the cute Kyubi Shota tunnel out her pussy with the intent of breeding her raw.

"Come here. Momma Inuzuka is waiting for you, Naruto-Kun.~" She called out to him in such a sultry manner that it made the boy embrace his inner animal instincts even stronger as he flipped himself over to lace his hips between her legs.

His forearm-sized cock stuck out, twitching excitement as Tsume gently grabbed the hilt and guided him in without waiting any longer. Naruto felt the squelch of her pussy beginning to swallow him up, pulling him into another slimy pocket of tightness as he buried himself inside of Tsume's snatch.


"Mnngghhhh! Aaaaahhhhhh! Ohhhh, God! Uhh...! It is too big for any single woman to have to herself! Hana was right.....this feels amazing!~" She breathed out, making her naked tits begin heaving back and forth as she struggled to adjust to the sensation of having Naruto's monster-sized dick tunneling through her sodden folds.

He whimpered blissfully with eyes going crossed and a feral grin now creeping upon his face as he felt Tsume's insides swallow him into the deepest parts of her womanhood. LIke with Hana, he felt the 'blockage' like he felt earlier, but Tsume had wasted no time in wrapping her legs around his backside to pull him on into her cervix! Naruto felt his member sink into her womb, making her shudder intensely and causing him to growl loudly as a result.

"Mmnnghh! Uuuhhh.....! T-Tsume-chan....!! Nnghh!" He growled, struggling to maintain his sense of composure as he felt the woman's hairy muff rubbing up against his waist from below. Tsume's pot-belly even stuck out a bit and provided a pillow-like comfort to the boy's waist while they both took a moment to adjust to each other.

She growled happily with excitement and rubbed her ankles together behind his back, keeping him fully docked inside of her womb while waiting for him to give in to his bestial lust. He growled back at her and felt the primal fury of wanting to copulate with both the Inuzuka women become stronger. Soon enough, Naruto's hips started slamming away into Tsume's waist, making her potbelly jiggle a bit while the rest of her body felt the reverberations of his cock churning her womb in a pleasurable manner.

"Aaaahhhh....oohhh...yess! That's it, boy, Worship every part of me as you see fit. Mmhmm! T-this cock you have....! Ahhhh! It feels soo good!~" She howled again and felt his smaller hands reach up to fondle each of her swiveling breasts in motion. Naruto grinned eagerly with excitement once he dug each finger into the adipose mounds of Tsume's chest, making her whimper again before really hammering himself into her waist.

"Uugh..ugh...uguh..ugh..uhg..uh..uuh..uugh..ugh..ugh..ughh! Hhgnhhhh! Tsume-chan! I'm.....I'm...I'm going to make you mine along with Hana-chan! You'll both be my women to love and only.....mine!~" He snarled, feeling the predatory lust overwhelming his once-innocent little mind as he copulated with Tsume right there on the bed like a starving animal.

The raucous slapping motions of his waist slamming into hers steadily became louder, Naruto fucked her harder while making sure his cock tunneled its way into her baby-maker, making Tsume croon with excitement as she embraced him with both arms and feet entirely. Letting her tits jiggle and bounce repeatedly into the boy's face, Tsume surrendered herself to bliss and wanted nothing more than to bow down before her new Alpha now that he had woken his potential and taken control.

"Aaaaaahhhhhhhh Naruto! Nghh! Fuck me harder, baby! Screw my insides tight and leave me carrying a litter of your pups when you cum. I'm not letting go of you until I feel that sticky seed pouring into my womb!" She howled, finally losing all composure, and embraced the young boy with her lips slathering against his clumsily in wild, soppy passion.

Naruto moaned into her mouth and took the Milfs tongue into his throat, squeezing it between his lips as he bred her raw right there on the bed for minutes on end. The rapturous sounds of coitus continued onward with the clapping sounds of Tsume's buttocks bucking up against his waist. Naruto had planted himself on his feet and decided to take the woman in a mating-press position, keeping his cock drilling into her insides while she barely maintained sanity when feeling it every second.

"Aaahh..aahh...ahh...ah....ah....ahh..aahh..aahh..aahhhh!" Tsume howled out, bucking and thrashing about on her bed while feeling Naruto aggressively fuck her like an Alpha from above, keeping her legs jostling about in the air the entire time.

Every plunge he made left the insides of her pussy being turned inside out repeatedly, it was easily the mesmerizing sensation yet and it broke the Inuzuka milf, making her howl loudly in submissiveness just before she came! After tossing back her head and screaming out to the high heavens in sexual release, Tsume's pussy gushes all over Naurot's cock, milking him tirelessly for his seed until she eventually receives it in abundance!

"Ghgnk! Here it comes again! Aaaaahhhh.....Tsume-chan! I'm coming!" He yelled out, grinning toothily as he felt his shaft engorging non-stop, spewing thick ropes of sperm directly into the woman's womb!


"Grrgghh! You're mine, both of you are mine. I'll love you forever and treat you the way you deserve, but you won't do this with anyone else except me! Okay?!" Naruto yelled out, already feeling like the top dog as he injected Hana's mother with a fresh, highly-potent abundance of sperm while seeing her make a goofy smile on her face.

Tsume's toes wouldn't stop wriggling as she received the creampie of the century, likely resulting in her getting fully bred by her new lover. Hana felt that was the case with her body too as she got up, feeling more bloated internally than she did on a banquet dinner.

"Oooh....! Naruto-kun...you did it, you've finally realized your true potential. Hehehe.~" Hana giggled happily as she flung her arms around the boy's backside while he was still breeding her mother. She saw his balls twitch and swell constantly while seeing an abundance of sperm ooze out from Tsume's depths due to being overcapacity.

Both women sighed happily once he was finished and slept with the boy on top of the bed in post-coital bliss. Not only were they naked and sweaty, but they each cradled his naked little body together, leaving him to sleep in-between their tits as he grabbed hold of one of them with a sleepy smile. Cum continued oozing out of each woman's quim, making a mess on the bed and making it obvious that they were each likely seeded to the point of fertilization.

"We....will practice, even more, Naruto-Kun. After all, we are your bitches, so do with us as you will. I love you so much.~" Hana breathed out, cradling his face between her melons and feeling the boy squeeze her buttocks from the side as they all drifted off to midday sleep together naked on the bed.

"What she said, squirt. We're going to have lots of fun from here on out, so I hope you're ready to keep up with your duties as the Alpha of the Pack. I love you too, kid. I think we'll be very happy together.~" Tsume added, and rolled onto her side, embracing the naked boy from behind with her legs affectionately wrapped around his thighs.

"Yeah...*huff..huff..huff...huff*...we most certainly will. After all...you're my bitches and I won't let anybody else have you." He growled before falling asleep between Hana's tits with a toothy smile on his face.