
The Visit, and more Secrets

In the end, she decided to accept my selfishness back then. Right, selfishness. Back then even though I really wanted her to enjoy her remaining time, part of me was glad that I got to spend time with her.

"So we'll meet at my house, you remember the address right?" I confirmed once more to Nicole before I went out the center.

"Got it. And I also got your phone number, I'll just call you when I'm lost." Nicole answered back.

"I'll get going then." Since my headache disappeared while talking to Nicole, I decided to get back to class. Before I passed through the door, I noticed a small smile crept out from her lips.


Saturday morning.

"Keith! There's someone looking for you!" My mom shouted from outside as I was playing League in my room.

"All right, I'll be there!" I shouted back as I ended the game. Since my friends we're playing before I get to log in and Nicole is coming over, I did not play against people but was just practicing skills of champions to get familiar with them. After all, if you abandon a game you might get some consequences.

As soon as I walked out the house, I noticed the car that fetches Nicole when she was going home. When she saw me, she went to the window (it was open) of the driver and said something. After a few seconds, the driver closed the window and the car started to move. As the car was getting out of our sight, I went over to Nicole and asked.

"Was that your father?"

"No, that was uncle Ramir. He's our family driver, and some sort of my bodyguard. When dad was in high school, they were friends and classmates. But since uncle Ramir's family is poor, he did not get to study in college and went to help his family in their farm. When dad saw him during one of their class reunion, dad asked him if he wanted work and the rest is what you have seen."

Nicole started talking, which surprised me. Back at school she never talked much, only during recitation. I smiled as I looked at her talking.

"Let's go inside. It's pretty hot out here." I told her as I started to walk towards the door.

As we get inside I noticed Nicole's eyes darting around, checking out the house.

"You wanna take a seat here or come over my room? Only in my room that the air conditioner is on at this time." I jokingly asked Nicole as a looked over my back. When I saw her I noticed her big sparkling eyes with a big smile on her face, like those child waiting to be given ice cream I saw on animes. She then gets closer to me and said.

"I can? You don't mind? Uwaaa, I have never been in a boy's room before. Come on come on, hurry. Bring me to your room."

I thought that she would be embarrassed by my question and she would reject my proposal. After all, our really first encounter was when I accidentally saw her changing her clothes. I thought she would call me pervert, never would have thought this possibility exist.

"Hey, hurry up. Let's go to your room." Nicole said as she kept on tugging my sleeves. It was my turned to be embarrassed. After all, this is also the first time I'm bringing a girl to my room, and a beautiful one at that. My embarrassment was increased when I heard my mom say something.

"Keith! Be sure to use protection!" My mom said from the kitchen.

"What protection! How could you say that mom!" Gosh, where in the world can you see a mother saying something like that to his fifteen year-old son. When I looked at Nicole, she seemed to be confused.

"Keith, what protection?" Nicole asked me. This girl is naïve, is it okay for her bodyguard to leave her here like this?

"It's nothing. Don't mind her. Get inside. Then take a seat wherever, I'll bring you some snacks and drinks." I pushed Nicole in my room and went to the kitchen. When I get there, I saw mom making sandwiches. I went over took and took some of it, then I went to the fridge and took a pitcher with iced tea. I also took two glasses and when I was about to leave my mom spoke.

"It's good that you're having a girlfriend, son." My mom said smiling.

"She's not my girlfriend!" I retorted. "She's a transferred student, and she asked me to show her around…" after some deliberation, I said "and she has Beatlock Disease."

When my mom heard the last two words she stopped moving. Then she looked at me worriedly. "Does she know?"

'Does she know? Of course, not. How can I tell her.'

"She don't." I look at her, then smile. "It doesn't matter. She's happy, I'm happy too. That's what matters in the end doesn't it?"

I really just wanted Nicole to be happy that time.

The worried expression on my mother's face disappeared, replacing with her gentle smile. She walked over and hugged me. "Right, as long as you're happy son."

More Secrets? Hmmmmm


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