
Heart Keeper

Standing against the wooden pillar she roamed her eyes trough the entire hall, which looking like a death game. she was tired from running. she sighed,closed her eyes to calm herself down.Her eyes was looking for a way so that she can get out from this hell like place. The jingling sound of her anklets echoed through the entire hall as she again tried her luck and run from one pillar to another. She sighed in relief thanking God for taking her this much but her fate planned something different for her. She turned stiffed when she heard heavy footsteps are coming closer to her. The darkness of the hall did wonder she was unable to see anything around her. Her lips dried up and she froze when she sensed that someone is standing behind her. She dare not to turned around. Her hand was shaking, she was holding her heart which was on the verge of falling from her heart and end her chapter from world. The person behind her came closer to her, even an inch of gap was unnoticeable between them. Her eyes burnt up with tears of fear. “Surprise!” He said hoarsely, sending shiver down on her spine. She arched her back hearing his low voice, pushing herself on the pillar. Finally realizing who he is. She panicked to her core now only wishing for a savior, to rescue her from him. Whom she feared just by looking at those eyes of him. Yes eyes, she thought! enough for her to feel drown in a terrifying darkness. He hold her both off side numbing her soul, his lips barely touched her ears “So my cherry lost her ways huh!!” He whispered calling her that name seductively, filling terror in her being, stopping her heartbeat

vyena_3 · 现代言情
20 Chs

The Shadow

As Enola approached her front door, the sound of screaming and crashing from inside made her quicken her pace, tension building with every step. Bursting through the door, she was greeted by a chaotic scene that left her mouth hanging open in shock. Her entire house had been turned upside down, with cops tearing through rooms, searching for something, and leaving a mess in their wake. In the corner of the room, she saw her parents, handcuffed and looking distressed.

"Mom! Dad!" Enola cried out, rushing towards them. She grabbed her mother's hand, her eyes wide with fear and confusion. "What's going on? Why are you doing this?"

Her mother, tears streaming down her face, could only shake her head in response, unable to provide any answers. Enola turned to the nearest officer, desperation in her voice. "Please, tell me what's happening!?"

The officer glanced at her, his expression stern and unyielding. "We have a warrant to search the premises. Your parents are being detained for questioning. Step back and let us do our job."

Enola's heart pounded in her chest as she held onto her mother's hand, feeling the weight of the situation crushing down on her. She had no idea what had led to this moment, but she knew she had to find a way to help her parents. The chaos around her seemed to blur as she focused on their frightened faces, determined to uncover the truth and protect her family.

"Mom, tell me what happened!" Enola demanded, her voice trembling with urgency. Her mother hung her head low, clearly unwilling to answer, causing Enola to stare at her in disbelief. She then turned to her father, who seemed intoxicated but equally shocked by the current situation.

"Dad, you tell me!" she pleaded.

"Your mother! Ask her," her father spat out angrily, shifting the focus back to her mother. Enola's eyes darted between her parents, her mother closing her eyes in resignation. Enola grabbed her mother's shoulders, shaking her gently but firmly. "You can't stay silent like this, Mom. Tell me what's going on!"

An officer stepped forward, his face stern. "Your mother is connected to a drug trafficking group. We received a tip to search here for drugs."

"Drugs?" Enola repeated, her voice barely a whisper as the world seemed to crumble around her. "That can't be true. It's not possible."

"Listen, miss," the officer said firmly, "we're here to do our job. Do not create a scene."

"But you can't just..." Enola began, but her words were cut off by another constable entering the room. He held up a bag filled with various drugs, including cocaine, causing Enola's eyes to widen in horror.

"I found this in Mrs. Sheridan's closet, hidden among her jewelry," the constable reported, prompting a satisfied smirk from the officer in charge.

"See, Miss Sheridan, it's from your mother's closet. Do you have anything to say?" the officer asked pointedly.

Enola looked at her mother, who had slumped onto the sofa, and then at her father, whose usual drunkenness had left him looking shocked but not entirely surprised. The reality of the situation began to sink in. She couldn't believe what she was seeing—drugs in her own home.

"Mom, why can't you just let us have a normal life?" Enola cried, her voice breaking. "Is this true? Are these drugs yours?"

"Ena, shut up. Don't interfere with the adults. We'll handle this," her mother snapped, attempting to maintain control of the situation.

Enola scoffed in disbelief. "Mom, enough is enough! Why do I always have to deal with this? Drugs? Really?"

"Ena, You don't have to react now in this way, I will figure it out, just stay outside of this matter." Enola scoffs hearing her mother as she cannot believe what her mother is trying to say.

"Miss, stay out of our way and stop this family drama," the officer ordered, motioning for the constables to arrest her parents.

Enola could only watch in stunned silence as they handcuffed her parents and began to lead them away. The room fell silent as Enola stood there, her world shattered, watching her parents being taken away. She sank to the floor, feeling utterly alone and helpless, unable to comprehend the whirlwind of chaos that had just torn through her life.

Enola harshly threw the flower pot beside her, sending it crashing to the floor. Hema rushed over, catching her just as she began to fall. "It's okay, Ena baby. It will be okay, don't worry," she consoled, holding Enola tightly as she broke down into tears. Enola screamed with all her might, trying to release the overwhelming pain inside her.

Amid her sobs, a sudden knock echoed from the gate. Enola looked up, her vision blurred with tears, and saw Amelia entering the room. The chaos of the overturned furniture and the shattered flower pot made Amelia's concern grow even stronger. She hurried over, sitting down in front of Enola, who immediately threw herself into Amelia's arms.

Amelia held her tightly, offering the silent comfort of her presence. She didn't ask what had happened, she knew that right now, Enola needed a shoulder to cry on, and Amelia was there to be that support.

Amelia gently spooned soup into Enola's mouth as she sat quietly. Enola had just received a call from the police station informing her that her parents would be discharged by the morning. She knew it wasn't difficult for her parents to get bailed out, but the realization that her mother had indeed hidden those drugs, possibly for one of her boyfriends, made her blood boil. Enola grabbed the glass from her bedside table and hurled it across the room, shattering it against the wall. Amelia's eyes widened in horror.

"Calm down, Ena. This isn't going to help you," Amelia said soothingly.

"What can I do then, Amy? I'm fed up with my life, with my parents. What more do I have to endure?" Enola's voice trembled with frustration and despair.

"I understand, baby, but it's not your fault. They're living their lives recklessly, and you're the one suffering. Why are you hurting yourself?" Amelia pleaded, her eyes filled with compassion.

"How can I focus on myself, Amy, when..." Enola's voice broke, and tears filled her eyes.

Amelia got up from the bed and gently pulled Enola to the balcony. "Stand here and look at the stars," she said softly. "See how they shine, even in the darkness. They remind us that no matter how dark our surroundings get, we can still find a way to shine. Your pain is like the night, Ena, but within you is the light of those stars. You have to let it out, let it shine."

Enola looked up at the sky, her heart aching. "But Amy, every time I try to find my light, the darkness pulls me back. It's like a never-ending battle, and I'm so tired of fighting. My parents, their choices, it's all a weight I can't carry anymore. I feel like I'm drowning, and no matter how much I struggle, I can't break free."

Amelia took Enola's hands in hers, squeezing them gently. "I know it feels like that now, but you are stronger than you realize. The stars don't just shine; they burn brightly, fiercely, against the darkness. And so can you. You have a fire within you, a strength that can't be extinguished by their actions or your circumstances. Let that fire guide you, let it be your light."

Enola's eyes glistened with tears, her heart touched by Amelia's words. "But what if my light isn't enough? What if I'm not strong enough to keep shining?"

"You are enough, Ena," Amelia whispered, her voice filled with unwavering belief. "Your light is powerful. You have the strength to rise above this, to create your own path, away from their shadows. Believe in yourself as much as I believe in you. You are a star, and you will shine through this darkness."

Enola looked into Amelia's eyes, seeing the truth and love reflected there. She took a deep breath, feeling a flicker of hope ignite within her. 

"And I'll be right here with you, every step of the way," Amelia promised, pulling her into a comforting embrace. "We'll face the darkness together, and together, we'll find your light."

As they smiled after their heartfelt conversation, Enola felt a small glimmer of hope. Just then, Amelia's phone rang, breaking the moment. She excused herself from the balcony, As Enola nodded. She had come straight from the airport. She was supposed to arrive yesterday, but her flight had been canceled, so she arrived today instead.

Enola stepped to the front of the balcony, inhaling deeply to calm herself. She was about to head back inside when a sudden shadow caught her eye, rooting her feet to the ground. She squinted into the darkness, trying to discern what she was seeing. The figure was indistinct, obscured by the night, but something about it seemed familiar. The silhouette was tall and broad-shouldered, standing motionless in the shadows. The faint glow of a distant streetlamp barely illuminated its outline, but the details remained elusive.

A sudden, sharp pain pierced her head, causing her to wince in surprise. She pressed a hand to her temple, trying to steady herself as hazy visions flashed through her mind. She looked again in the direction of the shadowy figure, and the image of a rainy day suddenly clicked into place. She remembered the masked man standing under the lamppost, his presence almost ghostly in the downpour. Her eyes widened in shock as she realized why she had felt a strange connection to the lamppost earlier.

"So that wasn't my hallucination!" she mumbled, the realization hitting her hard. Her heart raced as she tried to process what this meant. The shadow seemed to move slightly, a subtle shift that sent a chill down her spine. She knew she wasn't imagining it this time; something or someone was there, and it was connected to the unsettling memories that had been plaguing her. 

Without any hesitation, Enola bolted from the balcony, determined to catch the shadow and uncover its identity. Her entire body trembled with an unseen fear, but her resolve was stronger. She had to witness who was lurking in the darkness.