
He Calls Me His Butterfly

Meet Jessica, She is the light that he has been searching for his entire life. And everything that he ever desired but couldn't have. Now, meet Alec He is the Darkness everyone wants. And everything that she is afraid of. Not because he is really dangerous, which he is. But because of how he makes her feel. She is adamant in staying away from him, and he is adamant in keeping her close and when she begins to give in, the fates starts to uncover its plans for them. .. 'Everyone either wants me or wants to be me! I own the fucking world, which means I own you' He grinned evilly, closing the distance between them, hoping to intimidate her, thinking of her as every woman he has ever slept with. Naive. Coward. Stupid. He is very wrong. 'It is only yourself and not me that you own. A woman is like a butterfly. Pretty to watch but hard to catch. And in my case make that impossible.' She said, sure of herself, completely unaffected by his aura. Without another word, she turned on her heels and stalked off. leaving behind the man, feared by all, wanted by all, speechless for the first time in his entire life. .. What happens when the most desired man in the world claims a woman as her own? Will the two ever get to have a happily ever after? Or will fate continue to be cruel to them?

Hazel_Jayant · 现代言情
4 Chs

The Ball

'Miss this would look lovely on you'

'This jewellery is perfectly your match!'

'Blue is totally your colour, miss.'

'Try this miss! Oh, you don't like it? No worries you can try the other one, you will look great either way!'

I know, you must be confused, his is she not being tired up like that man and screaming in agony? I think I will just have to go and probe for my time machine. Again.


'Are you gonna speak up by yourself? Or should I make you talk? Trust me when I say that you won't like my way of persuasion.' He growled at me, expecting me to be scared. But to be honest? When you are facing death standing right infront of you, there is no point wasting your energy being afraid.

'I will, but only if you ask me nicely.' I said, pouting at him. He first looked at me in shock, before bellowing while clenching his fist into bawls.

Better relish my seconds while they last!

'Who. The. Fuck. Are. You.' He spat each word at me through gritted teeth, slowly making his way towards me. I grinned at him and spat the words back.

'Your. Worst. Nightmare.' I cracked up while he just stood there, outraged at my indifference. Who knew playing with death could be so fun?

'Woman, you have no idea whom or what you are dealing with.' He said, slowly closing in the distance between us. I pulled out my tongue at him and withdrew it quickly as I saw him reach for his knife.

'Hehe, you can't scare me.' I giggled as I took a step back. No guys I was not drunk. Even I wasn't sure what had gotten into me. I continued my giggling as Alec looked at me with a strange expression.

'Tell me who you are and what you want, and I will let you live.' He tried threatening me again. Talking slowly as if talking to a child who still can't understand language. I acted like I was considering it.

'No.' I winked at him before bursting into fits of giggles. He raised an eyebrow at me, causing me to turn my giggles into roars of laughter.

'Were you always this crazy?.' He shook his head in disbelief. Well, at least he wasn't threatening me anymore. Progress? I mentally patted myself on the back.

'Not crazier than torturing some man.' I whistled, I was so playing with fire. At least now my aunt can't rant about me not doing anything in my life. Because I won't have a life now when I die.

'Did you make new friends baby? Maybe a rat named ratatouille who made the sandwiches for your little picnic up in the vent?.' He started snickering,xcx completely ignoring my comeback.

Did he think ignoring my come back would help? Aw, just you wait mister, I smirked.

'Yeah, and he happens to make awful sandwiches. That's why I named it Alec special.' I started to laugh, expecting another threat from Mr Oh-I-Am-So-Intimidating, but I was rather taken aback when he started laughing along with me.

I stopped laughing, as I watched him lose up, he whom I thought was a heartless creature, laughing so heartily. He seemed so... Adorable.

'I was sent here to interview you, for the Khaleej Times. The security at the reception looked so right that I sneaked in.' I finally let out, as he was still chuckling lightly. I wasn't planning to admit what I was doing here, it just came out. He looked at me, his expression grew serious.

'I don't do interviews.' His husky voice resonated through my body, oddly comforting me as my spirits fell. I slumped my shoulders in defeat, which was rare for me.

I could've argued with him, made him answer the interview questions manipulatively, I knew how to do that, I could be very "convincing". But I didn't, because I didn't want to make him do something he didn't want to do. I didn't even know why I cared about his do's and don'ts, I am selfish you see, this was highly unlike me.

'But I can co-operate. Only on one condition.' I looked up to see that he was looking at me, observing me closely. I raised an eyebrow at him, not counting on my voice. 'You have to escort me to a ball.' Leaving me flabbergasted, after a moment of consideration. I nodded.

'Very well, what do you wanna know.' He smiled at me, leaving me to be dazzled as well as confused, tieing my tongue altogether right there and then.


'Well? What do you think about this dress miss?' I shook my head in a "no".

'How about I select one for myself?' I suggested, getting bored with each passing minute. She looked shocked and began reciting the same thing like how I was their customer and Mr Lightwood's escort and that I shouldn't have to do the work on my own and blah blah blah, but when I insisted, she was forced to oblige.

I scanned the showroom for the most simple of the dresses, and my attention was caught by a blue dress. It was modest, satisfactory and looked gorgeous enough. 'I want this one.' I told the assistant, pointing to that dress.

'But miss, we have far more glam-'.

'I am sorry my dear but is it you or I who has to wear the dress? No right? So can you please take out that dress for me?' I said, cutting her off. I didn't care that I sounded like a bitch, all this shopping did something to an already bitchy person, making them even bitchier. If that's even a word.

'And no accessories please.' I added, ignoring her give me a horrified look.

'Okay miss. Please follow me to get your makeup and hair done.' She cleared her throat before speaking. Smart move.

'I can do my hair and makeup on my own.' I faked a smile at her before waving her off, I hated when others touched my face and no way was I gonna let anybody touch my precious hair. I've never let anyone touch my hair before and I won't let anyone touch it now.

As the assistant left the room, shaking her head furiously and saying something about girls these days, I started to get ready.

*After 2 hours*

I stared into my reflection as I heard a knock on the door. 'You done?' I heard a deep voice boom from behind the door, making me shiver in eagerness. But eager for what?

'Almost.' I called back, looking myself at my reflection one last time before I headed out.

As I stepped out of the room, I saw Alec gape at me. He leisurely trailed his eyes down my body hungrily, igniting fire wherever he laid his eyes on. He looked like he was about to eat me right there and then. I felt heat rush up my cheeks as I looked away, hiding my flushed face.

'Shall we?' He extended a hand at me, making me lookup. He flashed a glorious smile at me that captivated my entire being.

Well, it's sure gonna be some night.