
Harry Potter : This Wizard Wants To Improve Too Much

Traveling through the world of Harry Potter, on the day he received his admission letter, Ethan awakened the achievement system, and as long as he did the corresponding events, he could get rewards. With three million gold Galleons, he achieved the achievement [Wealthy enough to rival a country]. Obtaining the blood of magical animals, he achieved the achievement [I am no longer a human being]. Killing a hundred wizards with Avada Kedavra, he achieved the achievement [Black Magic Lover]. … On graduation day, when Ethan took over as Minister of Magic seamlessly, the reporter of the Daily Prophet asked: “Mr. Adrian, as the youngest and most outstanding Minister of Magic in history, I heard that you have become famous in Hogwarts in one year of enrollment, won the Order of Merlin in two years, and directly defeated the professor in three years… I wonder what is the reason for your brilliant achievements?” Ethan spread his hands: “I just really want to improve!” ... This is a translation. Want to read more advanced chapters ? Check out my p**reon at - https://www.patreon.com/Bored_reader027 to read 45 advanced chapters for just 5$

Bored_reader027 · 漫画同人
56 Chs

Night Tour

It was past ten o'clock in the evening, and the little wizards in the dormitory had fallen asleep.

Ethan gently tapped his pillow with his wand, changing its appearance to his own. This way, if someone got up in the middle of the night, they wouldn't notice anything unusual.

He then took out his suitcase, which had been cast with the traceless expansion spell. He shrank it with the shrinking spell and placed it in his pocket.


After using spells on himself, Ethan opened the dormitory door and walked directly to the common room.

As expected, the common room was empty.

Tonight's night tour was mostly successful.

The night tour is an old Hogwarts tradition. A wizard's education feels incomplete without it.

The school is somewhat indulgent in this regard. If it truly wanted to ban it, Dumbledore's keen eyes and the moving armor, paintings, and even Peeves and ghosts could make it difficult.

Without this indulgence, who else could go on a night tour?

The rule at Hogwarts is "only if you're caught is it considered a violation."

This explains why many Hogwarts graduates end up in Azkaban for further study.

Breaking the rules at school isn't considered a violation if you don't get caught! After graduation, this habit often continues. If you're not careful and get caught, you might end up in Azkaban.

As Ethan walked up the spiral staircase, his goal was clear: the Room of Requirement.

He remembered it was on the eighth floor of Hogwarts Castle, opposite the tapestry where the troll hit Barnabas the Barmy with a stick.

Normally, it's invisible and won't appear. But if you concentrate on what you need and walk through that wall three times, a smooth door will appear.

The only trouble was that the principal's office was also on the eighth floor. Dumbledore sometimes used the Room of Requirement as a toilet.

Ethan didn't think his magic could escape Dumbledore's notice, even with shadow stealth.

Just as Ethan left the Ravenclaw tower, an achievement prompt appeared:

[Rules] :  Rules, what rules? My rules are the rules!

Achievement goal: Violation of Hogwarts school rules (1/1)

Achievement reward: Improved physical fitness, increased potential

In an instant, Ethan felt electrified. His body was numb and trembling. If he hadn't held onto the wall, he might have fallen.

This feeling passed quickly. Once he recovered, Ethan felt like he could kill a rhino with one punch! His magic power also increased significantly.

This improvement was related to Ethan's talent, "Strong Body," which enhances physical fitness and magic adaptability. Directly improving physical fitness indirectly boosts magic power. He wondered where the upper limit was and if he could match Hagrid in strength.

"Hey, you two again!"

As he stepped onto the stairs to the second floor, Ethan heard a sharp voice.

"George, Fred, where is the Runespoor egg you promised me last semester!"

"No one can deceive Peeves!"


A cat meowed upstairs, followed by hurried footsteps. Filch was rushing over.

"Adrian, don't just stand there, follow us and run."

Ethan stood still as two identical little wizards ran towards him, pointing out his location, with a large, black-skinned man chasing them.

Ethan was confused. Had his Charm failed?

The mischievous Peeves, floating without touching the ground, was not a ghost but a prankster born with Hogwarts.

"Petrificus Totalus!"

With a flick of his wand, Peeves turned gray and fell from midair. Ethan quickly followed the Weasley brothers.

The two brothers opened a secret door and motioned for Ethan to follow.

After removing the Disillusionment Spell, Ethan was sandwiched between them. They entered a narrow, dark passage. The Weasley brother in front used the Illumination Spell. After walking a long distance, they arrived at an abandoned classroom.

"I'm George Weasley, and this is my brother Fred Weasley."

"Adrian, we know you. My brother told me that on the Hogwarts Express, you helped him teach Malfoy a lesson. Your petrification spell was quite impressive."

One Weasley put his arm around Ethan's shoulders, looking enthusiastic.

Despite being related, the Malfoys and Weasleys are hostile. Lucius Malfoy often made things difficult for Arthur Weasley, and Draco mocked their family. They viewed those who helped Ronald with Malfoy as friends.

"Ethan Adrian, nice to meet you."

"But how did you see through my Spell?"

He wondered how a third-year wizard had seen through his spell.

"It is through this. It shows every wizard in Hogwarts. Look at Filch, searching around like a headless fly. We're already on the fifth floor."

Fred pulled out a piece of parchment and showed it to Ethan. The names of the four people were displayed.

This was found in Filch's office last year. It not only revealed many of Hogwarts' secret passages but was also useful for night tours.

The Marauder's Map, featuring the names Prongs, Moony, Wormtail, and Padfoot, was something Ethan hadn't expected them to acquire so early. In the original book, it appeared in the third grade.


Please go check out the new fic I am translating - "BTTH : Treasure Exchange System"

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