
Harry potter reborn in Game of Thrones

Harry James Potter sat in the Headmaster's chair at Hogwarts with a ring on his fingers, a wand in his hand and a cloak wrapped around him, slowly he closed his eyes, and the next thing he knew a blonde bombshell of a woman and a massive black haired, blue eyed man were calling him their son. Worst of all, he had this need to shit, cry and eat at the same time. All the time! (This is not my story is from fanfiction I just didn’t see it on webnovel thought that will make it easier for people to find it it’s really good)

Thelostking_6747 · 电视同人
13 Chs

Chapter 6

Very Good my Prince! Block, Block! Yes! Sidestep, now attack!" Barristan instructed as young Robin sparred against a squire twice his age. It was a jaw-dropping sight, seeing a five namedays boy knocking a ten and twelve namedays squire around like it was nothing. Granted, Robin looked like he was nine with that body size.

Everyone had chalked it up to the blood, after all, wasn't his father the King the Demon of the Trident? It must have been natural born talent.

Barristan's eyes narrowed as he studied the boy closely. The Knight was known to be the most dangerous fighter in the world, uncontested in the art of the sword. He knew, he knew that that was not natural.

The way the Prince kept poking at the defenses, prodding and looking for an opening. The way his eyes seemed to harden before a practice fight. The way he lured in enemies before finishing them off ruthlessly. That could not be learnt in just a month.

"Good! Now shake hands!" Barristan yelled as Robin used quite the unorthodox tactic to beat his opponent. The boy completely ignored the proper way to duel by throwing his tourney sword like a spear, hitting his opponet in the face. Making use of the distraction, Robin leapt like a tiger and rained down a barrage of fists, knocking him down and forcing him to yield.

If that really was Natural talent, then Barristan was sure that this boy was blessed by the gods themselves.