
Harry potter meets Percy Jackson Myth meets Magic

作者: Storm22
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In and overdone Crossover Harry potter meets Percy Jackson but before they meet the order must read Percy's adventures adventure to understand who their allies

Chapter 1I Killed my Teacher but it was an accident

Dumbledore stared at the package on his desk with a small frown on his face. He was certain they had not been there when he'd left his office, and no one was allowed into the office without his knowledge. Even an owl would have alerted the wards around his office, he would've felt the package enter the room. And yet there was nothing. What would have been fascinating at any other time was quite daunting with Voldemort on the loose. If the Death Eaters could send things to Dumbledore...have them placed in his office without the headmaster knowing. 

Albus drew his wand, casting spells from the doorway to ensure the object could be approached. Only once it was clear that the package was safe, he walked near enough to read what was written on the label that was facing the ceiling. 

Albus Dumbledore & The Order of the Phoenix 


Headmaster's Office 

Scotland, UK 

For your troubling situation, 


What in the world...?' Albus wondered, casting every spell he knew on the box to test for nefarious purposes, most especially ones that activated upon skin contact. Satisfied with what he found, yet still wary, the headmaster opened the box to find books. He couldn't be sure from the angle he was looking at but there appeared to be ten, maybe twelve if you accounted for different sizes. 

The was an envelope taped to the side of the box, perhaps he should start with that. 

Dearest Albus Dumbledore & the other members of the organization known as The Order of the Phoenix, 

 I have kept a close eye watch on your people ever since they were founded. I am Hecate, your goddess. Although some of your people, just like the non-magical of the worlds, have forgotten me I still look after you all and try to ensure the continuation of your society. 

I leave these books with you so that you may learn more about the new allies I have granted you, should you choose to accept them. They will explain more about the world you all originate from. It is necessary that the Prophecy Child and any who might aid him also be involved in the reading of these books. 

The Prophecy is the entire reason I have decided to intervene after such a long silence, if Harry Potter is not there with you to read, the books will stay glued shut. Do not worry about keeping the attention span of children, I promise these books will be entertaining as they are written from the point of view of one of your allies as if from a fantasy novel. Yet beware, these are all events that have already taken place. 

Once these are done with, you may summon or refuse your allies. If you choose to summon, I expect these warriors to be treated with the utmost respect. Should you refuse, this will be the end of my contact with this world. 

Your Patron, 

Lady Hecate – Goddess of magic 

Well, that was certainly mysterious. Was this really the Lady Hecate, she did claim to be their Queen; Albus didn't see how anyone who wasn't could actually write such a thing. And she did mention the Prophecy, which very few people knew of.... He'd heard legends of Lady Hecate but had assumed she was either not real or long gone from interfering with their world. Now that this did not appear to be the case.... 

Nothing was dangerous in the package, and it could not harm them to read the books so Albus gathered the package and summoned the Order of the Phoenix to 12 Grimmauld Place. 


Harry was still boiling after arriving at the 'Headquarters'. Headquarters for something he wasn't allowed to know about. Headquarters that were involved with fighting Voldemort, the lunatic who went after Harry every year. Why wasn't he allowed to know? He was 'too young' - if only Voldemort thought about it that way! 

Hermione popped her head into his room. "Harry - come downstairs. We're having a meeting!" 

"Oh, are we involved now?" Harry asked sarcastically, pulling himself off the bed and following her. The entire Order of the Phoenix was there, including Snape and Dumbledore, who wouldn't meet Harry's eyes. 

Everyone had taken a seat at the large table, which looked even larger to accommodate everyone. Taking his seat near Sirius, with Ron and Hermione on the other side of him, Harry began to fiddle with his hands as he waited for everything to start. A few more people arrived and Dumbledore cleared his throat to silence everyone. 

"Now that we are all here I would like to announce the good news! We are being sent allies to help us with the defeat of Voldemort!" Dumbledore announced. A few people flinched and shuddered as the Headmaster spoke the name. 

"Allies? Who? And Albus, don't you think it best that the children leave the room if we are discussing You-Know-Who?" Mrs. Weasley asked. 

"All your questions will be answered Molly!" said Dumbledore jovially. "First, it was recommended to me that Harry and his friends be here with us. We will not technically be discussing Voldemort but we will be learning about our new allies and they may interact with the children while they stay here so it is necessary for all of us to stay. I have been given a series of books -" 

"Books? There are books about our allies?" Hermione interrupted, eyes gleaming. She was probably wondering if she'd read them or not. Hermione then blushed a deep red colour, realizing she had interrupted Dumbledore. 

"Yes, Miss. Granger, though you won't find them in Flourish and Blotts, these books were given to me by the creator of magic. She saw it fit to step in with how serious things are getting." 

Then the room exploded into questions. "The creator of magic -" 


"hasn't been seen in hundreds of years!" 

"I still sacrifice food to her at dinner -" 

"She's gone or dead -" 

"The Lady abandoned us!" 

"Countless wars among wizards and she intervenes now?" 

"Silence! Silence everyone." Dumbledore called, loud enough to be heard but soft enough it didn't seem as if he'd raised his voice. "Yes, I know it is a great shock that our Patron is among us once again. But we must rejoice! Because she is sending us allies to help defeat Voldemort. Her only request is to read these books that will teach us about the society they live in and for us to be respectful towards them once they arrive. Please, everyone, sit, and we will start reading." 

There were some grumbled but everyone took their seats as Dumbledore picked up the first book. 

Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief 

"How can you steal lightning?" Ron asked. 


"What? Why would you vaporize a teacher?" Hermione asked scandalized. 

"Maybe they were tired of doing math problems," Harry shrugged. 

"That's no excuse to vaporize someone!" 

"No, but maybe it means something different or the teacher did something bad like Quirrell, or Lockhart, or - " 

"Alright, alright. I get that we've had to defend ourselves against teachers before, it just threw me off a bit that this might happen in the muggle world too." 

"What's pre-algebra?" Ron asked. 

"It's a subject in muggle school, normally taken around age twelve or thirteen. Professor Dumbledore?" 

"Yes. Ms. Granger." 

"If these books are about our allies' lives, then why would they take place in a muggle school?" 

"I'm not entirely sure, I was not allowed to pre-read them. The enchantments Lady Hecate places on the books demanded we all be here to read." 

Harry had a suspicion Dumbledore was not being entirely truthful, but he didn't think accusing the headmaster of that in front of everyone would do them any good, so he stayed silent as the man continued reading again 

Look i didn't want to be a half-blood if you're reading this that means that your one of us or at least connected to our world which means its your world now as well 


There's nothing wrong with being a half-blood said Harry confusedly 

There probably talking about a different half remember. Dumbledore said there from American so maybe they have a different meaning said Hermione 

No majs are what they call them said Ron as if it's common knowledge which reminded Hermione and harry of the fact that Ron grew up in the wizarding world and knew more about it than they did even if he didn't show it most of the times 


you're reading this because you think you might be one, my advice is: close this book right now. Believe whatever lie your mom or dad told you about your birth and try to lead a normal life. 


Being a half-blood is dangerous. It's scary. Most of the time, it gets you killed in painful, nasty ways. 

Surly he's talking about you know who said Mrs Weasley terrified that another child will be in danger like her kids were 

"I don't know, Molly. There have been other blood wars in the past, perhaps this person means that sometimes wizards discriminate against those types of people unfairly," said Remus 

Yeah, for example there was a student in the year 1890 who saved the world from a goblin army said Sirus 

A student saved the world from the goblins who run the bank said Hermione skeptically 

While this is interesting can we leave this until the end please said professor dumbledore calmly 

If you're a normal kid, reading this because you think it's fiction, great. Read on. I envy you for being able to believe that none of this ever happened. 


But if you recognize yourself in these pages—if you feel something stirring inside—stop reading immediately. You might be one of us. And once you know that, it's only a matter of time before they sense it too, and they'll come for you. 

Don't say i didn't warn you 

"You didn't warn me," Fred smirked. George chuckled and Mrs Weasley was about to speak up when Dumbledore carried on speaking on 

My name is Percy Jackson. 

Am I a troubled kid? 


Yeah. You could say that. 

Our allies are children?" Molly gasped, hearing it confirmed. 

"We want to meet this kid!" said the twins. 

"Hold on now Molly," said Arthur soothingly. "Albus has a lot of books about our allies, it's possible that our allies are adults and we're just hearing about a few things they did while they were kids - before it jumps to now. This might be when they get the letter from their school. Or we might even be reading from the point of view of a kid they saved, showing us that our new friends do good things for muggles." 

Molly calmed down slightly, that explanation made more sense than kids fighting in wars. 

At least they will be able to understand Harry more than everyone here especially Mr Jackson Thought Dumbledore 

I could start at any point in my short miserable life to prove it, 

"Short and miserable?" Molly didn't like the sound of that, she hoped their allies made it in time to save this poor child but it wasn't looking good now. 

but things really started going bad last May, when our sixth-grade class took a field trip to Manhattan— twenty-eight mental-case kids and two teachers on a yellow school bus, heading to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to look at ancient Greek and Roman stuff. 

"Booo!!!" said the twins. 

"Shh boys!" Molly scolded. 

I know—it sounds like torture. Most Yancy field trips were. But little did i know how important this one would be . 

Foreshadowing then said Hermione. 

What do you mean Hermione? said Ron 

I mean that this trip is probably going to be really important to Percys life Ronald said Hermione 

Just like Potter! Snape thought angrily 

But Mr. Brunner, our Latin teacher, was leading this trip, so I had hopes. 


Mr. Brunner was this middle-aged guy in a motorized wheelchair. He had thinning hair and a scruffy beard and a frayed tweed jacket, which always smelled like coffee. You wouldn't think he'd be cool, but he told stories and jokes and let us play games in class. He also had this awesome collection of Roman Armor and weapons, so he was the only teacher whose class didn't put me to sleep. 

"He shouldn't be sleeping in class anyways," said Professor McGonagall. 

Just like Potter! Snape thought angrily 

hoped the trip would be okay. At least, I hoped that for once I wouldn't get in trouble. 


Boy, was I wrong. 

See, bad things happen to me on field trips. Like at my fifth-grade school, when we went to the Saratoga battlefield, I had this accident with a Revolutionary War cannon. I wasn't aiming for the school bus, but of course I got expelled anyway. And before that, at my fourth-grade school, when we took a behind-the-scenes tour of the Marine World shark pool, I sort of hit the wrong lever on the catwalk and our class took an unplanned swim. And the time before that... Well, you get the idea. 

This trip, I was determined to be good. 

That never turns out well," Harry snorted. 

"I don't see how you would know Mr. Potter, you never try to be good." Snape sneered. 

Before Harry could even bother to respond, Sirius jumped out of his seat. "You want to repeat that?" 

Snape stood too, his cloak billowing with how fast he'd jumped out of his seat. 

Dumbledore could clearly sense an argument coming, because he spoke up. "Severus, Sirius, please. I understand we are all curious about our new allies and I do not mind the occasional comment, but I will not tolerate fighting amongst ourselves. Severus, your remark was uncalled for. Sirius, there is no need to jump out of your chair at the slightest insult." 

Really your just letting Snape get away with things like he always does no wonder Voldemort is winning if you're like this with snape said Ron angrily 

Ron! said Mrs Weasley warningly. 

Dumbledore ignored him and carried on reading 

All the way into the city, I put up with Nancy Bobofit, the freckly, redheaded kleptomaniac girl, hitting my best friend Grover in the back of the head with chunks of peanut butter-and-ketchup sandwich. 

"Gross," said Ron, wrinkling his nose. 

"I can see why he gets in trouble if he has to deal with people like this," Harry said, thinking of Dudley and Malfoy. 

 Grover was an easy target. He was scrawny. He cried when he got frustrated. He must've been held back several grades, because he was the only sixth grader with acne and the start of a wispy beard on his chin. On top of all that, he was crippled. He had a note excusing him from PE for the rest of his life because he had some kind of muscular disease in his legs. 

"Poor dear, I hope the teachers notice and give that girl detention," said Molly. 

He walked funny, like every step hurt him, but don't let that fool you. You should've seen him run when it was enchilada day in the cafeteria. 

Some laughter filled the room. 

Anyway, Nancy Bobofit was throwing wads of sandwich that stuck in his curly brown hair, and she knew I couldn't do anything back to her because I was already on probation. The headmaster had threatened me with death by in-school suspension if anything bad, embarrassing, or even mildly entertaining happened on this trip. 

"Then what's the point of a field trip?" Harry asked. 

"What are field trips?" Ron asked. 

"They're little trips a class can take to learn stuff, it's really fun! Like going to the zoo to learn about animals or to the museum to learn about history," said Hermione. 

"I'm going to kill her," I mumbled. 


Grover tried to calm me down. "It's okay. I like peanut butter." 

"In your hair?" Ginny asked, she wanted to walk straight through the book and hit this girl. 

He dodged another piece of Nancy's lunch. 


"That's it." I started to get up, but Grover pulled me back to my seat. 


"You're already on probation," he reminded me. "You know who'll get blamed if anything happens." 


Looking back on it, I wish I'd decked Nancy Bobofit right then and there. In-school suspension would've been nothing compared to the mess I was about to get myself into. 

"He shouldn't be threatening to hit a girl!" Mrs Weasley huffed. 

"I think she deserves it; they should be allowed to defend themselves," Ginny said. 

You wouldn't last one minute under Mad eye if you think like that said Tonks 

Mr. Brunner led the museum tour. 


He rode up front in his wheelchair, guiding us through the big echoey galleries, past marble statues and glass cases full of really old black-and-orange pottery. 


It blew my mind that this stuff had survived for two thousand, three thousand years. 


He gathered us around a thirteen-foot-tall stone column with a big sphinx on the top, and started telling us how it was a grave marker, a stele, for a girl about our age. He told us about the carvings on the sides. I was trying to listen to what he had to say, because it was kind of interesting, but everybody around me was talking, and every time I told them to shut up, the other teacher chaperone, Mrs. Dodds, would give me the evil eye. 

"She shouldn't be playing favourites she should belling them off herself since , they're interrupting the other teacher," said Professor McGonagall

Mrs. Dodds was this little math teacher from Georgia who always wore a black leather jacket, even though she was fifty years old. She looked mean enough to ride a Harley right into your locker. She had come to Yancy halfway through the year, when our last math teacher had a nervous breakdown. 


From her first day, Mrs. Dodds loved Nancy Bobofit and figured I was devil spawn. 

"Seems like it's the other way around, but I know some teachers who do that too," said Harry, thinking of Snape and how he favoured Malfoy. 

She would point her crooked finger at me and say, "Now, honey," real sweet, and I knew I was going to get after-school detention for a month. 


One time, after she'd made me erase answers out of old math workbooks until midnight, I told Grover I didn't think Mrs. Dodds was human. He looked at me, real serious, and said, "You're absolutely right." 

"Well, how would Grover know?" asked Remus. "And what's that supposed to mean? That they aren't human?" 

"Death Eaters seem like they're not human, maybe that's what he means," Sirius suggested, glaring at Snape. 

"I hope not, the poor dears are just children." Molly fretted, tensing up. Harry resisted the urge to roll his eyes, he was one years old when Voldemort first tried to kill him. 

"Constant Vigilance". Shouted Mad eye Randomly making everyone jump 

The bad guy doesn't care how old you are if they want you dead you are dad continued Moody ins a soft growling voice 

Mr. Brunner kept talking about Greek funeral art. 


Finally, Nancy Bobofit snickered something about the naked guy on the stele, and I turned around and said, "Will you shut up?" 

It came out louder than I meant it to. 


The whole group laughed. Mr. Brunner stopped his story. 


"Mr. Jackson," he said, "did you have a comment?" 

My face was totally red. I said, "No, sir." 


Mr. Brunner pointed to one of the pictures on the stele. "Perhaps you'll tell us what this picture represents?" 


ASOIAF: King of Winter

A man from our world finds himself as a force sensitive during the New Sith Wars; he lives a full life of combat and adventure, eventually becoming renowned as a powerful Jedi Lord. Dying to defend his fief against an army of Sith, our MC dies a heroic death, sacrificing his life against the forces of evil in an epic duel. Thinking his chances depleted, he finds himself in another world he recognizes from seemingly fictional stories, as none but the beloved Robb Stark the day he receives news of his father’s capture with his force sensitivity intact. Yet once again, the Force has designs upon the Starks, and the bloodline of Winter Kings holds unfathomable mysteries within it. What are the changes coming with this new Robb Stark? And what is the relation of Planetos with the Force? 5 chaps in advance here: patreon.com/NiflheimA _____________________________________________________________________________________ Author's Note: The MC is familiar with the general plot but has forgot some of the details, he’s working with a combination of memories two lives away, the force, and his experience as a Jedi Lord of many years, so expect someone who knows and is capable of much, yet not completely perfect nor emotionally available. PS: This is largely wish fulfillement, so while I'll try to include some deep emotional plots, I suck, so keep at that. PS 2: I won't rewrite things that were already parts of canon, this is focused on stuff that is changed by the MC's actions. So if you don't see it, then it hapenned the same way it did in the original story.

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