
Minister + Askaban + Platform 3 3/4

It has been a long time but I'm slowly progression, for example, I am minister for magic and help with preventing people from breaking the laws of magic.

Punishment for breaking the rules is to go to Azkaban but only if you have committed a heinous crime.

Azkaban can not be located on the map but is in the seas it looks like a huge triangle with a dangerous presence emitting from it but mainly madness.

There has been no break out mainly because I have recreated a Dementor it is not perfect but works anyway.

So far nobody dares breaking the rules as Azkaban is a world-famous prison that not even a talented which can break out of if they tried.

Even if somebody breaks out they will get the Dementors kiss that will basically make them hollow or if they are lucky and get away from the Dementors they will face the unforgivable sea.

One of my projects so far is to create the Hogwarts express for easy access for everyone and because it looks cool.

So far I have created the platform and train tracks that lead to Hogwarts but most all I need is the train and it will be finished.

I will be moving out of Hogwarts soon as I want to watch the vampire diaries play out in front of me pretty much like a first-class seat with popcorn sitting up relaxing.

The Witches are doing well at school but not very many use a wand as they want to use their ancestor's techniques.

The werewolves have adapted and can easily transform in the forbidden forest on the full moon but they do like to argue with the vampires.

The vampires like to flirt with witches and fight with werewolves and only stay at Hogwarts to learn about humans and their thirst for blood.

So far nobody has found the Muarders map that shows the location of everyone in the school but some of the hidden rooms have been discovered.

The chamber of secrets hasn't been opened not a surprise really just like the Bennett family are all sorted into Gryffindor.

I have gotten bored from teaching at this school so long I have built myself a piano and at 12 am you can hear me playing at the dead of the night up in Dumbledores Office I can't wait to join the Vampire diaries plot but I can't interrupt that much as I like it playing out as I know it is.

I have gotten a bad idea that I have been planning out for months and I don't know if I should do it as I don't know if I want true immortality.

I also have a hunger inside me for more blood as I ration myself as I could turn into a bloodthirsty monster and go on a rampage as I can't control myself.

I wonder how my family is doing I think that they would be settling down in New Orleans by now and soon driven off by Father I find that funny I wonder what they will think if they see me now?