
Karkaroff’s Betrayal

Harry was on his way to Transfigurations class when he was stopped by a nervous looking second year Ravenclaw that he recognized but could not name. The younger boy seemed reluctant to approach Harry for some reason, perhaps he believed that the person in front of him was a future dark lord like the Daily Prophet was so fond of accusing. Once he had turned the letter he was carrying over to Harry the boy ran off as fast as he could, leaving Harry to laugh at his irrational fear. When he opened the letter he was surprised to see that it was from Professor Dumbledore.


I was wondering if you might like to stop by my office this evening to discuss recent events. I shall be waiting for you at 8 PM.

Professor Dumbledore

PS: You will find that the gargoyle adores 'everlasting gobstoppers'

Harry chuckled when he heard the clue to the password for Professor Dumbledore's office, it seemed that the old man was developing a taste for muggle sweets. Harry was a bit annoyed that the Headmaster had waited until Friday night to schedule their meeting but realized that it had been a long time since Dumbledore was a teenager and maybe he had just forgotten that most of them have better things to do with their Friday evenings than sit in their professor's office, especially when it was an optional meeting and not for detention. Harry knew he would be going anyway, he just didn't have to be happy about the timing.

Most of the students were headed to their last class of the day, although like on any other Hogsmeade weekend the excitement for the older students was not just due to the fact that there would be no classes the next day but because they would finally have the chance to get out of the castle. Even a castle as big as Hogwarts can get boring after someone has been there long enough. Harry was more excited than most because it would mark his second date with Daphne and he wanted nothing more than for her to have a good time. Luckily for him they were fourth year students and had only been allowed to go to Hogsmeade for two years, officially one for Harry. Had they been older Harry would have found that he must do much more to impress a girl than simply lunch and shopping in Hogsmeade.

Hours later dinner had ended and it was time for him to meet Dumbledore. His office was located in a wing of the castle that no one usually went down unless they were looking specifically for the Headmaster. There were no other used classrooms or offices nearby either. Harry walked through the silent hall and eventually found the entrance he was looking for.

"Everlasting gobstoppers." Harry said loudly. A moment after he did the gargoyle slowly moved out of the way revealing a staircase that Harry knew led up to Professor Dumbledore's office. As Harry began to walk up the stairs he noticed that he could hear voices coming from the office itself. He stopped, not wanting to intrude on the Professor's meeting, but could still clearly hear the voices.

"Are you certain, Severus?" Harry heard the Headmaster ask.

"Yes. Igor has fled." the voice of Professor Snape said with certainty. "The Durmstrang students are in an uproar. The assistant Headmaster is trying his best to calm them, but with little luck. I believe the Durmstang delegation will leave Hogwarts within a week."

"I see. Krum must still compete in the tournament of course, although it would be possible for them to arrange an international portkey for him to use. Do you not think that Karkaroff's choice seems premature?"

"Perhaps, but the mark gets clearer with every passing day. The Dark Lord is rising again, but for now all of the other Death Eaters I have questioned have decided to wait and see what happens. I suspect that at the moment he is only receiving help from Peter Pettigrew and Barty Crouch Jr. That makes it the best time to run and hide. Igor may even survive."

"Very good. Continue as you were and we shall discuss this further at a later date. I believe my eight o'clock appointment is here. Come in Harry." Professor Dumbledore called. Harry walked up the last of the stairs to find Professor Snape almost growling at him, apparently very angry that any of their conversation had been overheard. "Good night, Severus."

The Potions professor gave a stiff nod before turning and exiting the room, never once dropping the angry look on his face. Harry looked back at Professor Dumbledore to find him smiling brightly, as if everything were completely normal.

"I'm sorry, Professor. I didn't want to interrupt you." Harry explained.

"Do not trouble yourself about that, Harry. I assume that you heard Headmaster Karkaroff is no longer at Hogwarts?"

"Yes, sir. Why exactly is he running? Is it from Voldemort or Barty Crouch Jr?"

"Perhaps a bit of both." Dumbledore answered. "You will soon see for yourself why Karkaroff has reason to fear each of them. I would like to show you a memory that would explain the situation and for that we shall use my pensieve. Come, I will show you how it works." Dumbledore led Harry over to a large stone bowl which contained a silvery liquid that moved as if it were alive. Harry started to lean forward to get a better look when Dumbledore placed his hand on his shoulder, holding him back.

"Not yet, Harry. Once I call up the memory we want to see we will both lean forward and be transported into the memory itself. We will be observers only there, not able to affect any of what we see. Now, if you're ready, place your head directly over the bowl." Harry nodded and they both moved closer to the pensieve. For a moment nothing happened, but then Harry felt like he was caught in a whirlwind. The feeling was strangely similar to traveling by portkey, but when the journey was over Harry found himself standing in what appeared to be a court room. Professor Dumbledore was standing beside him, nudging him over to a spot in the room where they would have a better view. Harry smiled when he saw a younger version of Professor Dumbledore chatting with Alastor Moody, the real Alastor Moody that is.

"What is this, sir?" Harry asked as he watched the people hurriedly making their way to their seats.

"This is a memory from shortly after Voldemort's fall. Igor Karkaroff was sentenced to Azkaban for his crimes as a Death Eater. This is a hearing he requested so that he might name fellow Death Eaters in order to gain his own freedom. The proceedings are about to begin, watch." And so Harry did. Karkaroff was brought into the room in a cage, the strange look on his face evidence of exposure to Dementors. He began desperately bartering for his release, although none of the names he suggested seemed to matter to Barty Crouch Sr who was running the hearing. Harry was a little surprised when Karkaroff named Severus Snape as a Death Eater, they had seemed somewhat friendly to each other when he had witnessed them talking at the Yule Ball. Maybe Snape didn't know Karkaroff tried to betray him. Either way Karkaroff's attempt failed when the past version of Professor Dumbledore stood up and argued in Snape's favor that he had turned on Voldemort and become a spy for him before the end of the war. It looked like Karkaroff was going to be sent back to Azkaban when he declared that he had one more name.

"Barty Crouch… JUNIOR!" the Death Eater said dramaticly. The court room was suddenly full of excited chatter and Barty Crouch Sr looked as if he had been kicked in the stomach. The crowd in one corner seemed to jump to their feet and a moment later Harry spotted Barty Crouch Jr making his way down the aisle heading for the exit. His escape was thwarted by Mad Eye Moody who knocked him to the ground with a single spell. Crouch Sr was left with no choice but to have his son arrested and sent to Azkaban. It was here that the memory ended and Harry found himself back in Professor Dumbledore's office.

"Well now, what did you think?" Professor Dumbledore asked. Harry still had a thoughtful look on his face, as if he were still considering what he had just seen.

"I guess I see why Crouch was so upset at Karkaroff, and why Karkaroff might want to run." Harry answered. Truthfully, the memory told him very little he didn't already know or suspect but it did confirm some things. "Do you think anyone will find him?"

"Perhaps. Professor Snape was correct: at the moment it is doubtful that anyone who wishes him harm will be looking for him. He should be fine for the foreseeable future." Dumbledore replied calmly as Harry wondered just how long that would be. Unforeseen events had a way of happening pretty consistently. "Now, I would like to see your memory of the fight with Barty Crouch Jr, if that is acceptable. Take your wand and concentrate on pulling the memory out of your head. Then simply place it in the pensieve."

Harry did as the Professor instructed and was surprised to see a silver strand hanging from the end of his wand. Seeing this individual memory Harry realized that Dumbledore's pensieve must contain hundreds of memories. Harry carefully placed the memory into the pensieve and looked up at the Headmaster who smiled and nodded in approval. Soon they were both hunched over the magical device and being sent into Harry's memory.


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