
Harry Potter: A New Path

Darkness was all Harry has ever known, first, it was the cupboard, now an underground lab. As Hydra slowly but surely eradicated all his mental barriers a strange blue box became the salvation for the older twin. !AU,!Marvel Crossover,!Twin to BWL,!Alive Potters.

WN_LightNovels · 作品衍生
51 Chs

The Greengrass! Part-2

P.atreon current chapter- 33 (9 chapters ahead of Webnovel), -patreon.com/WN_Translations


Harry watched as Daphne collected herself, the girl was always calm so it was nice seeing her thinking carefully about whatever she wanted to say around him, it shows how much his actions have affected people. Daphne, on the other hand, was nervous, after she collected herself she cast a few privacy wards around the two of them before she looked at Hector straight in his eyes.

"I'll be honest," Daphne started, "you're an enigma, I have tried to figure you out for the last few weeks and nothing I could think could possibly account for anything." She took a deep breath and continued, "I think your past was bad, this is why you are so advanced already, it's not the number of spells you know that is most dangerous, it's everything else," she finished hoping for some reactions.

Harry has stopped using the active form of Gamer's mind so his emotions weren't suppressed, he peered at her curiously, "still doesn't answer my question Daphne, but your theory is interesting, how did you come up with that?"

Daphne paused she scanned Hector's face, all his body language suggested an amused curiosity but the glint in his eyes told her it wasn't a normal question, "It's in the way you walk, the way you breathe, everything is perfectly measured, your Occlumency help you a lot in maintaining that but it takes willpower that an 11 year should not have to commit to a daily routine..." she hesitated before continuing, "It's also how you handle magic, it flows through you seemingly bending to your will, no normal child should have been able to do that, not if he had a sheltered life..."

Harry stared into Daphne's eyes, her piercing blue eyes never wavered but she was still nervous, he hummed as he considered her words, what she made sense, there was a reason most HYDRA field agents go undercover as retired military personnel or SHIELD agents because it was difficult to restrain something you have always done, even if Harry was relaxed or laid back, his core muscles are almost always tight with tension, ready for a quick roll to dodge sideways or start running.

"I guess you can see my walking and breathing irregularities but what about my mana, how do you get to that conclusion?" Harry asked now more interested in the Greengrass heiress.

She hesitated before saying, "It is a family secret, that I cannot divulge under any circumstances, just that everything is not always as it SEEMS..." Daphne tried hoping he would get the hint.

Harry analyzed her words, how she mentioned she knew the ease at which he can manipulate mana, and her latest statement and his eyes widened, "you can see mana?"

Daphne was shocked that he arrive at the conclusion so soon, but she didn't move, she gave no indication to Hector whatsoever and she sighed when he spoke, "So the vows bound you soo much that you can't even confirm, but since you didn't deny..." he paused and then asked, "What do you need Daphne, you wouldn't be so forthcoming if you didn't need anything and you just need something big, so out with it."

Daphne watched Hector closely, she was still debating whether to trust him or not, but she knew the risk was minimum, she took a deep breath and continued, "it's because you are prodigious with magic, there were all but two people who were known for being able to use magic wandlessly while still being Hogwarts students, one of them is rumored to be the Dark Lord and the other who defeated 'that' man, sits there on his throne," she noticed her voice turning cold so she controlled her emotions, and continued, "The Greengrass was a part of the founding families, my ancestors were there when the Wizengamot was established, yet somehow all that is left of us now are two heiresses, that and a small pile of gold."

Harry watched the girl donning a cold mask once more, he was interested in what she was saying, this was the kind of history that can not be found in any book or tome, "During the rise of Grindelwald my family decide to remain neutral and not pledge to their cause, in return the Dark Lord placed a blood-curse on our family," the Greengrass heiress continued, "Since that day no male heirs have been born through in our line, it has been going on for almost 3 generations and as every time there are less and fewer options for my family to maneuver, we have had to give a ridiculous amount of gold to families to let the first-born carry on the title of heiress Greengrass, and somehow avoid being absolved by any other house, but our options are limited now."

She took a deep breath before she continued, "Mother already told me that this is our last chance before our house will be absorbed by some other house out there who are after our votes and family title, I was prepared to research and barter for every piece of knowledge about blood magic even before I came to Hogwarts, Mother taught me all about politics and business to help. That is why I was trying to figure you out, you are powerful, skillful, and most importantly you use magic unlike any other, so that's why I came to you today hoping for an alliance, I'll help you in anything as long as you try and break the curse placed on my family..." Daphne finished her triad and took a deep breath, Harry watched as most of the tension from her shoulders bled out, she took a few deep breaths before turning to Harry with calm eyes her eyes hoping for a positive answer.

Harry watched her as her reasons to tell such an important part of her family secret were quickly dissected by Gamer's mind, 'She's smart, she knows or hopes I would be able to remove the curse and thus approached with an alliance, I also saw her hesitate, at first she wasn't going to tell me the whole story but then she hesitated and did, must be the pressure getting to her.'

Harry closed his eyes and another answer came to him, 'She also knows I am young, and thus have just gotten access to Magical tomes in Hogwarts, my knowledge about this world is limited thus my capacity for what I can ask in return for the favor is also limited, she wants to gain as much of an advantage by getting a favor from me before I can fully explore the magical world.'

Harry opened his eyes and regarded her once again, 'Still, I like her, she has matured due to the pressure placed onto her by her family, she's clearly smart, well connected and one of the founding families, with some help she could thrive...'

He grinned and Daphne was startled by his sudden change in expression, "Alright Daphne, I'll see what I can do for you, but I would need a large amount of knowledge about magic, as you said, my advantage comes from almost total control of my mana. But there are still various holes, in my knowledge that I assume the library of a founding house could fulfill..."

"Of course," Daphne sighed in relief and nodded.

"Now what about this little group of yours, if I am going to get involved in British politics why not cause as much chaos as I can..." Harry grinned and Daphne started to get nervous, even through all of her deductions there were still some things that were missing about Hector Jackson. His motive was her very first priority to figure out.
