
Harry Potter: A New Path

Darkness was all Harry has ever known, first, it was the cupboard, now an underground lab. As Hydra slowly but surely eradicated all his mental barriers a strange blue box became the salvation for the older twin. !AU,!Marvel Crossover,!Twin to BWL,!Alive Potters.

WN_LightNovels · 作品衍生
51 Chs

A new Term! Part-2

{Hogwarts Library, Hogwarts, Scotland}

{01:13 PM, 11th Jan 1992}

Harry stared at his twin going through another old tome in the Library, he didn't know what their group had been looking for but it has been months of searching through books, they should have found whatever they were looking for by now.

"Spending hours reading through old tomes, people would think your sorting was a scam, Potter." Harry leaned on the bookshelf and watched as Charlus floundered for a bit.

"Ha-" he paused and looked around awkwardly, "Hector, what are you doing here," Harry watched his twin awkwardly trying to hide whatever book he was reading behind his back, he rolled his eyes and said, "Please, you have been searching for someone for almost a month now, I have seen you more in the library than anywhere else, what is it? Why don't you ask some teachers, maybe they'll help you."

Charlus looked around suspiciously for a second before he spoke, "no we can't go to a teacher with this," Harry felt his eyebrow raise in both speculation and a question, 'Don't tell me the golden ducklings are doing something illegal.'

Charlus looked around for a second before he spoke, "Follow me," he started moving towards his group of friends when Harry stopped him, "Don't be daft Potter, do you really think your friends will trust a Slytherin with whatever this secret is?" Harry nodded towards the suspicious looks they were getting from far away, Charlus looked behind him awkwardly to his three friends staring at the two of them with narrowed eyes.

He awkwardly cleared his throat before he put the book down on a table and then walked in another direction, they quickly reached another secluded corner and he watched his twin mutter a spell. As Harry analyzed the magic now surrounding the two, he could hear a faint humming around them, any sound coming from outside was a bit muffled.

"Interesting spell, I haven't seen something like this in the library?" Harry asked curiously.

"Yeah this is a very strong silencing spell that mum and a friend of hers invented back when she was a student, no one can hear anything we say, they would just hear gibberish if they tried." Harry sensed the mana around him, he could see mana covering the two of them, buzzing around.

"The incantation is Muffliato, anyway, do you know what is hidden behind the forbidden corridor on the third floor?" Harry's attention shifted from the spell to what Chalus was talking about, "You went to the forbidden corridor?" he said exasperatedly, Charlus flushed before he defended himself, "It's not that, Dad told me that Filch confiscated a map of Hogwarts that Dad and Uncle Sirius made when they were at Hogwarts, I was just looking for that when Filch's stupid cat found me while trying to escape that blasted animal I unknowingly ran into the forbidden corridor and the locked room."

Harry sat down on the seat next to them and said, "So what is in there?" he was also curious about that place, but in trying to learn everything about magic and other drama, he had kind of forgotten about that.

"A Cerberus," Charlus breathed out the name. Harry stared at him for a second, they both blinked and Harry asked, "A Cerebrus? You mean a three-headed dog that is supposed to guard the doors to the underworld?" Harry felt his excitement leak into his voice, his thoughts bouncing back to the time when he was a little bit obsessed with Percy Jackson, and seeing a Cerebrus sounded like an excellent idea.

'Do they really have three heads? I wonder if Greek mythology is true too, I mean clearly, Merlin and other mythical stuff is a thing too, maybe Lady Hactae is listing to me? A sign perhaps?' Harry stared at everything eagerly waiting for some sign from the Goddes of magic.

"Nooo? what do you mean Underworld? hey, you listening..." Charlus waved his hand in front of Harry who was looking around at the surroundings with an excited look in his eye.

"Hmm, what?" Harry asked before he focused back on his brother, "Right the Cerebrus, do you wanna go see it again?" he was excited about seeing the Cerebrus, he stood up and left with a "Come on!"

Charlus ignored the eyes they drew as their golden and green-robed clashed, he waved to Hermione and others to carry on as he followed his brother out of the Library, as they swiftly went through the Hogwarts corridor, as he stared at the excited expression on his brothers face, he added that memo as another odd thing about Harry Potter.

'Who gets excited to meet a three-headed dog, that could chew you down in a few bites, that too with three different heads.'

They approached the door and Harry waved his hand unlocking the door, Charlus had seen his brother doing wandless magic before but he filed this new information as well, apparently, his brother was more familiar with wandless magic than using his wand. He stepped foot through the door behind him and before he could warn his eyes met with three pairs of eyes snarling at him. Dread filled him as the Cerebrus got ready to pounce, he then remembered the chain that was attached to the dog's collar and was about to call out to Harry to back away and they'll be safe but Harry acted before he could do it.

"Obtes murus~"


Harry cast two spells and a transparent wall made of glass appeared in front of them, before he could dive at them, the Cerebrus plastered onto the wall that took the full charge of the Cerebrus without any issue, while the Cerebrus for ready to pounce once again Charlus asked Harry, "What are those spells?"

Harry on the other hand ignored his brother and stared at the Cerebrus with bright eyes, while Charlus was getting worried for his brother Harry suddenly frowned and started muttering something, he then turned around and started at Charlus.

"Who the hell names a Cerebrus Fluffy?"


AN: It's been a rough week IRL. So I did a little proofread before posting, hopefully there aren't any glaring errors...

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